1.12.2015 EDD: 30 Most Populated Countries: "Democratic Ranking"
[Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
Janataantrik desh: 1.9.9115:
Khaas Vicaar.
EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: As on 26.11.2015:
Special Thought.
Ego mahaan Prithvi Putra,
Abraaham Linkan ji ke anusaar "Janatantra uu Sarkaar ha jekaraa ke janataa banaawe, je janataa khaatir kaam kare, aa je janate ke hokhe".
Laagataa ee 'Janatantra' ke sab se niman paribhaasaa baa.
Uu ee kabahuu` naa kahlan ki Janatantra maane ‘Poo`jivaad’ aa "Baa`Ta aa raaj kara".
Eh se "Baa`Ta aa raaj kara" ke neeti se Janataa me` jhagaRaa holaa, mel-milaap naa.
Pahile baataa-baati, aa feru maaraa-maari.
[One of the great sons, the Earth ever produced:
Abraham Lincoln
had said:
"Democracy is the Government by the people,
for the people and of the people."
Perhaps this is the simplest and the best definition of 'Democracy'.
Lincoln never said: Democracy is ‘Capitalism’ and
'Divide and Rule',
which Divide People in various Parties: create differences, and enmity resulting into
fights between people:
This is called 'Multi-Party Government System' based on "Party Politics" which is hated everywhere, but due to vested interest Wests like it.
Even Abraham Lincoln was compelled to use the prevalent system, but he expressed himself by
re-defining Democracy as:
"Democracy is the Government by the people,
for the people and of the people."
Baakir kaa Linkan putra, putri democratic kaam karataare?
Kaahe uu 1-laa WMD ke prayog kailan Jaapaan pa?
During 1966-75:
Kaahe uu log naahak Vietnaam pa Aakraman kaile, jab 2 bhaai laRat rahan uuhaa`, je se karib 3M logan ke muaa ke uhaa` se bhagalan?
Saamil Amerikan Adhyax: LB Johnson, RM Nixon.
[Why did they become the 1st user of WMD?
Why did they attack Vietnam unauthorized when 2 brothers were fighting together?
Involved American Presidents: LB Johnson, RM Nixon]
Dharati ke 30 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa desh: Janataantrik Raenk: 1.09.9115:
[30 Most Populated Countries of the Earth:
Democratic Ranking: 26.08.2015]:
EDD ke Uddes: "Janataantrik Raenk ke":
[EDD's Aim of "Democratic Ranking"]:
"Janataantrik Raenk ke" khaas Uddes nirlipta bhaav se kawano desh ke aadhaarbhoot swabhaav aa
'desh ke Janataantrik Xamataa'
Asal "Janataantrik Sthiti"
'Praaptaank' aa "Raenk" ke roop me`
adhyayan aa cintan ke din pa.
[The main Aim of "Democratic Ranking" is to show the unbiased basic nature or
'Democratic Potential of a Country'
as well as
Actual "Democratic Status" of a country shown as the
'Point Scored' and "Rank"
based on their deeds as on the Date of assessment.]
EDD ke aashaa baa ki eh se, deshan ke "Janataantrik Raenk"-e naa sudhari, baluk sab aapas me` mil ke jaai:
EDD, Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra ke o~r.
[EDD hopes that due to this, the countries will not only improve their "Democratic Ranking", but will ultimately move together towards:
Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 10 me` se 3 Bindu kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke seedhaa saath delaa pa 1 Bindu kam.
>>> Principle-1:
“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”,
losing 3 Points each attack out of 10, and losing 1 Point for directly helping an attacker.]
>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara" naa le jaay
Janatantra ke o~r.
Eh se 10 me` se har pa 0.5 Bindu kam.
>>> Principle-2:
"Divide and Rule Policy" do not lead to Democracy.
Such country losing 0.5 Point out of 10.
Dusar Aadhaar: Sab Bindu 1600. [Other Basis: Total Points: 1600.]:
Jaadaa khaatir 20, 21,11.2015 ke PosT dekhee`. for more.
Janatantra ke 4 Mukhya roop: [4 Main Types of Democracy]:
1. Adhyaxeey Janatantra:
[Presidential Democracy]:
> Adhyax ke Manguptaa Cunaaw holaa Seedhaa, caahe Apratyax pranaali se. je desh ke 'rrp' 'Asal Saasak' banihe` pahile se Tay Kaal khaatir..
> [President is elected by the Citizen Directly or Indirectly by Secret Voting System who becomes the 'rrp' "really ruling person” for a specific time Period.]
>>> "Baa`Ta aa raaj kar" ke Siddhaant pa aadhaarit.
[Based on the Principle of "Divide and Rule".]
> Ud: SRA, Rus….. [eg. USA, Russia...]
2. Sansadeey Janatantra: [Parliamentary Democracy]
Ee asal me` Janatantre naa ha, kaahe ki 'rrp' ke ta Cunaawe naa hokhe, uu PM ke Pad pa tikRam ka ke baiTh jaalan.
[In fact, this is not at all 'Democracy', since the 'rrp' PM or Chancellor acquires the post by Hook and by Crook, unelected by any Citizen or any MP for the post.
This can be considered as “Primitive democracy” in which the Govt. need not bother for the “good of the people or country” so long as the ‘rrp’, 'really ruling person' keep MPs under his/her control, often adopting various corrupt practices.]
> Ud: Bhaarat, Jarmani, UK….e.g. India, Germany, UK….
3. Asal Janatantra: [Real Democracy]:
Kehoo ke Baa`Ta-uTa Naa, naa hee` ParTi-PoliTiks > Sab ke joRat jaa >>
Gaa`v se Blok >> Blok se Jilaa, >>> Jillaa se Praant >>>> Praant se Desh tak JoRat jaa Manguptaa Cunaaw se.
>>>>> Feru desh se SRS tak
[No 'Dividing people', no Party-Politics, go on adding people from > Villages >> to Blocks >>> to Districts >>>> Province >>>>> Country.
>>>>> to UNO.]
> Ud: Cin, Kyubaa, Vietnaam … e.g. China, Cuba, Vietnam….
4. Seedhaa Janatantra: EDD
[Earth, eDirect Democracy]
>> Ee ha DD: "Direct Democracy", "Seedhaa Janatantra" janataa ke 'Gupta Matdaan' se je me`:
4.1 Sab baRhan muddaa pa 'Janmat Sangrah' holaa.
4.2 Cunal Pratinidhi aa Padaadhikaarian ke samay se pahile 'LawaTaawal ego khaas baat ha DD me`.
4.3 Sab 'rrp', 'really ruling persons' jaise Adhyax, Pradhaan Mantri Cunaawe se, khaas samay khaatir.
4.4 Kawano dalabandi naa, naa hee` "Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara~" neeti.
4.5 Mukhya Nyaayaadhees aa Nyaayaadheeso Cunaaw se.
4.6 Kawano Xetra ke 'Padaadhikaari' ke oh Xetra ke samakax Cayanit JanaPratinidhi ke adheen kaam kare ke holaa.
4.7 Sambidhaan ke Racanaa aa sudhaar ke maanyataa JanamataSangrah se.
>> [This is DD: "Direct Democracy" by the Citizen in which:
4.1 'All Major Issues' are settled by Referendum. Moreover,
4.2 'Power of Recall' of an Elected Representative even before expiry of the term is a basic need of DD.
4.3 All 'rrp', 'really ruling persons' like President, Prime Minister etc are elected by the People directly by secret votes of all Citizens, for specified period.
4.4 No Party Politics, no Divide and Rule.
4.5 CJ and Justices are elected by the citizens.
4.6 All the appointed Officers to report to the Elected Representative of the same area.
4.7 The approval of the Constitution or its revision of a Country or area by the Citizens only.]
> Ud: SwiTjarlaend, Turki? e.g. Switzerland, Turkey?
*** [Capitalism is not Democracy: There is no human aspect in Capitalism.] KapiTalijm me` dhan jamaa kare ke Hawas holaa; kasahu`o hokhe.
>>> [Capitalism Breeds corruption.] BrasTaacaar ke janam delaa Poo`jivaad.
>>> Rinaatmak Praaptaank se pataacalelaa: "Amaanveeya Ajanataantik kartoot".
[Negative Score reveals:
"Anti-Human Undemocratic Deeds".]
Uupar ke 19.11.2015, 20.11.2015, 21.11.2015, 22.11.2015 ke aadhaar pa, ab dekhee` deshan ke Janataantrik:
Dharati ke 30 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa desh: Janataantrik Raenk: 1.9.9115:
Jaha`waa Sansaar ke 77% se jaadaa log rahelan.
[30 Most Populated Countries of the Earth:
Democratic Ranking: 26.11.2015
Where over 77% population of the World live:
" Rank"
desh Country Raenk Rank [Praaptaank Score] Rank Imprvmnt Unnati
[Democracy as felt by Abraham Lincoln and the East] Tippani / Remarks
d. Afrikaa South Africa 1 [6.88] 2 [7.26] 1 Khoob niman Very good
Vietnaam Vietnam 2 [6.59] 7 [6.59] 5 Khoob niman Very good
Rus Russia 3 [6.47] 3 [6.97] 0 Khoob niman Very good
Turki Turkey 4 [6.44] 1 [7.94] -3 Khoob niman Very good
Kolambiaa Colombia 5 [6.31] 5 [6.81] 0 Khoob niman Very good
Maexiko Maxico 6 [5.25] 6 [6.75] 0 Khoob niman Very good
Filippaains Philippines 7 [6.12] 7 [6.62] 0 Khoob niman Very good
InDonesiaa Indonesia 8 [5.97] 8 [6.47] 0 Niman Good
d.Koriaa S. Korea 9 [5.37] 12 [5.87] 3 Niman Good
Bhaarat India 10 [5.31] 13 [5.81] 3 Niman Good
Tanzaaniaa Tanzania 11 [5.16] 14 [5.66] 3 Niman Good
Braazil Brazil 12 [5.06] 15 [5.56] 3 Niman Good
Naijeriaa Nigeria 13 [5] 16[5.5] 3 Niman Good
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia 14 [4.75] 18 [5.25] 4
JG Kongo DR Congo 15 [4.5] 20 [5] 5
Shyaam Thailand 16 [4.38] 21 [4.88] 5
Banglaadesh Bangladesh 17 [4.31] 24 [4.81] 7
Misr Egypt 18 [3] 26 [3.5] 8
SuDaan Sudan 19 [2.09] 29 [2.59] 10
Varmaa Mayanmar 20 [1.91] 30 [2.41] 10
Jaapaan Japan 21 [1.34] 23 [4.34] 2
Spe~n Spain 22 [1.12] 22 [4.62] 0
Iraan Iran 23 [0.87] 17 [5.38] -6
ITali Italy 23 [0.87] 9 [6.18] -14
Cin China 25 [0.56] 19 [5.06] -6
SRA USA 26 [-6.62] 4 [6.87] -22 Anti-democratic work as war
Jarmani Germany 27 [-7.37] 10 [6.32] -17 Anti-democratic work as war
UK 28 [-8] 25 [4] -3 Anti-democratic work as war
Fraans France 29 [-11.06] 11 [5.94] -18 Anti-democratic work as war
Paakistaan Pakistan 30 [-12] 27 [3] -3 Anti-democratic work as war, traing terrorists
Tippani: [Remarks]:
1. At the Top Most Democratic Countries among 30 Most Populated Countries of the World Stands: The Land of Ganghian Nelson Mandela: South Africa.
2. 2nd Rank is occupied by: Vietnam, once ruined by the the same people who has ruined Iraq, Libiya and presently ruining Syria.
3. At the 3rd Rank stands: the Land of 21st Century Krishna, Vladimir Putin: Russia.
4. The last 5 Rankers have all (-) Negative Scores showing their Anti-Democratic deeds; although their Potential is not negatives, namely from Bottom:
Pakistan, France, UK, Germany and USA.
EDD: 1.12.2015
[Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
Janataantrik desh: 1.9.9115:
Khaas Vicaar.
EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: As on 26.11.2015:
Special Thought.
Ego mahaan Prithvi Putra,
Abraaham Linkan ji ke anusaar "Janatantra uu Sarkaar ha jekaraa ke janataa banaawe, je janataa khaatir kaam kare, aa je janate ke hokhe".
Laagataa ee 'Janatantra' ke sab se niman paribhaasaa baa.
Uu ee kabahuu` naa kahlan ki Janatantra maane ‘Poo`jivaad’ aa "Baa`Ta aa raaj kara".
Eh se "Baa`Ta aa raaj kara" ke neeti se Janataa me` jhagaRaa holaa, mel-milaap naa.
Pahile baataa-baati, aa feru maaraa-maari.
[One of the great sons, the Earth ever produced:
Abraham Lincoln
had said:
"Democracy is the Government by the people,
for the people and of the people."
Perhaps this is the simplest and the best definition of 'Democracy'.
Lincoln never said: Democracy is ‘Capitalism’ and
'Divide and Rule',
which Divide People in various Parties: create differences, and enmity resulting into
fights between people:
This is called 'Multi-Party Government System' based on "Party Politics" which is hated everywhere, but due to vested interest Wests like it.
Even Abraham Lincoln was compelled to use the prevalent system, but he expressed himself by
re-defining Democracy as:
"Democracy is the Government by the people,
for the people and of the people."
Baakir kaa Linkan putra, putri democratic kaam karataare?
Kaahe uu 1-laa WMD ke prayog kailan Jaapaan pa?
During 1966-75:
Kaahe uu log naahak Vietnaam pa Aakraman kaile, jab 2 bhaai laRat rahan uuhaa`, je se karib 3M logan ke muaa ke uhaa` se bhagalan?
Saamil Amerikan Adhyax: LB Johnson, RM Nixon.
[Why did they become the 1st user of WMD?
Why did they attack Vietnam unauthorized when 2 brothers were fighting together?
Involved American Presidents: LB Johnson, RM Nixon]
Dharati ke 30 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa desh: Janataantrik Raenk: 1.09.9115:
[30 Most Populated Countries of the Earth:
Democratic Ranking: 26.08.2015]:
EDD ke Uddes: "Janataantrik Raenk ke":
[EDD's Aim of "Democratic Ranking"]:
"Janataantrik Raenk ke" khaas Uddes nirlipta bhaav se kawano desh ke aadhaarbhoot swabhaav aa
'desh ke Janataantrik Xamataa'
Asal "Janataantrik Sthiti"
'Praaptaank' aa "Raenk" ke roop me`
adhyayan aa cintan ke din pa.
[The main Aim of "Democratic Ranking" is to show the unbiased basic nature or
'Democratic Potential of a Country'
as well as
Actual "Democratic Status" of a country shown as the
'Point Scored' and "Rank"
based on their deeds as on the Date of assessment.]
EDD ke aashaa baa ki eh se, deshan ke "Janataantrik Raenk"-e naa sudhari, baluk sab aapas me` mil ke jaai:
EDD, Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra ke o~r.
[EDD hopes that due to this, the countries will not only improve their "Democratic Ranking", but will ultimately move together towards:
Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 10 me` se 3 Bindu kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke seedhaa saath delaa pa 1 Bindu kam.
>>> Principle-1:
“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”,
losing 3 Points each attack out of 10, and losing 1 Point for directly helping an attacker.]
>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara" naa le jaay
Janatantra ke o~r.
Eh se 10 me` se har pa 0.5 Bindu kam.
>>> Principle-2:
"Divide and Rule Policy" do not lead to Democracy.
Such country losing 0.5 Point out of 10.
Dusar Aadhaar: Sab Bindu 1600. [Other Basis: Total Points: 1600.]:
Jaadaa khaatir 20, 21,11.2015 ke PosT dekhee`. for more.
Janatantra ke 4 Mukhya roop: [4 Main Types of Democracy]:
1. Adhyaxeey Janatantra:
[Presidential Democracy]:
> Adhyax ke Manguptaa Cunaaw holaa Seedhaa, caahe Apratyax pranaali se. je desh ke 'rrp' 'Asal Saasak' banihe` pahile se Tay Kaal khaatir..
> [President is elected by the Citizen Directly or Indirectly by Secret Voting System who becomes the 'rrp' "really ruling person” for a specific time Period.]
>>> "Baa`Ta aa raaj kar" ke Siddhaant pa aadhaarit.
[Based on the Principle of "Divide and Rule".]
> Ud: SRA, Rus….. [eg. USA, Russia...]
2. Sansadeey Janatantra: [Parliamentary Democracy]
Ee asal me` Janatantre naa ha, kaahe ki 'rrp' ke ta Cunaawe naa hokhe, uu PM ke Pad pa tikRam ka ke baiTh jaalan.
[In fact, this is not at all 'Democracy', since the 'rrp' PM or Chancellor acquires the post by Hook and by Crook, unelected by any Citizen or any MP for the post.
This can be considered as “Primitive democracy” in which the Govt. need not bother for the “good of the people or country” so long as the ‘rrp’, 'really ruling person' keep MPs under his/her control, often adopting various corrupt practices.]
> Ud: Bhaarat, Jarmani, UK….e.g. India, Germany, UK….
3. Asal Janatantra: [Real Democracy]:
Kehoo ke Baa`Ta-uTa Naa, naa hee` ParTi-PoliTiks > Sab ke joRat jaa >>
Gaa`v se Blok >> Blok se Jilaa, >>> Jillaa se Praant >>>> Praant se Desh tak JoRat jaa Manguptaa Cunaaw se.
>>>>> Feru desh se SRS tak
[No 'Dividing people', no Party-Politics, go on adding people from > Villages >> to Blocks >>> to Districts >>>> Province >>>>> Country.
>>>>> to UNO.]
> Ud: Cin, Kyubaa, Vietnaam … e.g. China, Cuba, Vietnam….
4. Seedhaa Janatantra: EDD
[Earth, eDirect Democracy]
>> Ee ha DD: "Direct Democracy", "Seedhaa Janatantra" janataa ke 'Gupta Matdaan' se je me`:
4.1 Sab baRhan muddaa pa 'Janmat Sangrah' holaa.
4.2 Cunal Pratinidhi aa Padaadhikaarian ke samay se pahile 'LawaTaawal ego khaas baat ha DD me`.
4.3 Sab 'rrp', 'really ruling persons' jaise Adhyax, Pradhaan Mantri Cunaawe se, khaas samay khaatir.
4.4 Kawano dalabandi naa, naa hee` "Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara~" neeti.
4.5 Mukhya Nyaayaadhees aa Nyaayaadheeso Cunaaw se.
4.6 Kawano Xetra ke 'Padaadhikaari' ke oh Xetra ke samakax Cayanit JanaPratinidhi ke adheen kaam kare ke holaa.
4.7 Sambidhaan ke Racanaa aa sudhaar ke maanyataa JanamataSangrah se.
>> [This is DD: "Direct Democracy" by the Citizen in which:
4.1 'All Major Issues' are settled by Referendum. Moreover,
4.2 'Power of Recall' of an Elected Representative even before expiry of the term is a basic need of DD.
4.3 All 'rrp', 'really ruling persons' like President, Prime Minister etc are elected by the People directly by secret votes of all Citizens, for specified period.
4.4 No Party Politics, no Divide and Rule.
4.5 CJ and Justices are elected by the citizens.
4.6 All the appointed Officers to report to the Elected Representative of the same area.
4.7 The approval of the Constitution or its revision of a Country or area by the Citizens only.]
> Ud: SwiTjarlaend, Turki? e.g. Switzerland, Turkey?
*** [Capitalism is not Democracy: There is no human aspect in Capitalism.] KapiTalijm me` dhan jamaa kare ke Hawas holaa; kasahu`o hokhe.
>>> [Capitalism Breeds corruption.] BrasTaacaar ke janam delaa Poo`jivaad.
>>> Rinaatmak Praaptaank se pataacalelaa: "Amaanveeya Ajanataantik kartoot".
[Negative Score reveals:
"Anti-Human Undemocratic Deeds".]
Uupar ke 19.11.2015, 20.11.2015, 21.11.2015, 22.11.2015 ke aadhaar pa, ab dekhee` deshan ke Janataantrik:
Dharati ke 30 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa desh: Janataantrik Raenk: 1.9.9115:
Jaha`waa Sansaar ke 77% se jaadaa log rahelan.
[30 Most Populated Countries of the Earth:
Democratic Ranking: 26.11.2015
Where over 77% population of the World live:
" Rank"
desh Country Raenk Rank [Praaptaank Score] Rank Imprvmnt Unnati
[Democracy as felt by Abraham Lincoln and the East] Tippani / Remarks
d. Afrikaa South Africa 1 [6.88] 2 [7.26] 1 Khoob niman Very good
Vietnaam Vietnam 2 [6.59] 7 [6.59] 5 Khoob niman Very good
Rus Russia 3 [6.47] 3 [6.97] 0 Khoob niman Very good
Turki Turkey 4 [6.44] 1 [7.94] -3 Khoob niman Very good
Kolambiaa Colombia 5 [6.31] 5 [6.81] 0 Khoob niman Very good
Maexiko Maxico 6 [5.25] 6 [6.75] 0 Khoob niman Very good
Filippaains Philippines 7 [6.12] 7 [6.62] 0 Khoob niman Very good
InDonesiaa Indonesia 8 [5.97] 8 [6.47] 0 Niman Good
d.Koriaa S. Korea 9 [5.37] 12 [5.87] 3 Niman Good
Bhaarat India 10 [5.31] 13 [5.81] 3 Niman Good
Tanzaaniaa Tanzania 11 [5.16] 14 [5.66] 3 Niman Good
Braazil Brazil 12 [5.06] 15 [5.56] 3 Niman Good
Naijeriaa Nigeria 13 [5] 16[5.5] 3 Niman Good
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia 14 [4.75] 18 [5.25] 4
JG Kongo DR Congo 15 [4.5] 20 [5] 5
Shyaam Thailand 16 [4.38] 21 [4.88] 5
Banglaadesh Bangladesh 17 [4.31] 24 [4.81] 7
Misr Egypt 18 [3] 26 [3.5] 8
SuDaan Sudan 19 [2.09] 29 [2.59] 10
Varmaa Mayanmar 20 [1.91] 30 [2.41] 10
Jaapaan Japan 21 [1.34] 23 [4.34] 2
Spe~n Spain 22 [1.12] 22 [4.62] 0
Iraan Iran 23 [0.87] 17 [5.38] -6
ITali Italy 23 [0.87] 9 [6.18] -14
Cin China 25 [0.56] 19 [5.06] -6
SRA USA 26 [-6.62] 4 [6.87] -22 Anti-democratic work as war
Jarmani Germany 27 [-7.37] 10 [6.32] -17 Anti-democratic work as war
UK 28 [-8] 25 [4] -3 Anti-democratic work as war
Fraans France 29 [-11.06] 11 [5.94] -18 Anti-democratic work as war
Paakistaan Pakistan 30 [-12] 27 [3] -3 Anti-democratic work as war, traing terrorists
Tippani: [Remarks]:
1. At the Top Most Democratic Countries among 30 Most Populated Countries of the World Stands: The Land of Ganghian Nelson Mandela: South Africa.
2. 2nd Rank is occupied by: Vietnam, once ruined by the the same people who has ruined Iraq, Libiya and presently ruining Syria.
3. At the 3rd Rank stands: the Land of 21st Century Krishna, Vladimir Putin: Russia.
4. The last 5 Rankers have all (-) Negative Scores showing their Anti-Democratic deeds; although their Potential is not negatives, namely from Bottom:
Pakistan, France, UK, Germany and USA.
EDD: 1.12.2015
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