Thursday, 3 December 2015

EDD 3.12.2015

3.12.2015 EDD: 30 Most Populated Countries: "Democratic Ranking"
                       [Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Janataantrik desh: 1.9.9115:
Khaas Vicaar.
EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: As on 26.11.2015:
Special Thought.

 19.11.2015, 20.11.2015, 21.11.2015, 22.11.2015, aa 1.12.2015 ke Post ke aadhaar pa, ab dekhee` deshan ke Janataantrik:
Dharati ke 30 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa desh: Janataantrik Raenk: 1.9.9115:
Jaha`waa Sansaar ke 77% se jaadaa log rahelan.
[30 Most Populated Countries of the Earth:
Democratic Ranking: 26.11.2015
Where over 77% population of the World live:
" Rank"  

desh    Country         Raenk Rank [Praaptaank Score]   Rank Imprvmnt Unnati
[Democracy as felt by Abraham Lincoln and the East]    Tippani / Remarks
d. Afrikaa South Africa      1 [6.88]     2 [7.26]  1           Khoob niman Very good
Vietnaam Vietnam              2 [6.59]           7 [6.59]    5     Khoob niman Very good
Rus     Russia                        3 [6.47]           3 [6.97]    0     Khoob niman Very good
Turki Turkey                         4 [6.44]           1 [7.94]    -3    Khoob niman Very good
Kolambiaa Colombia           5 [6.31]           5 [6.81]     0    Khoob niman Very good
Maexiko Maxico                   6 [5.25]           6 [6.75]     0    Khoob niman Very good
Filippaains Philippines        7 [6.12]           7 [6.62]     0    Khoob niman Very good
InDonesiaa Indonesia          8 [5.97]           8 [6.47]     0    Niman Good
d.Koriaa S. Korea                 9 [5.37]           12 [5.87]   3    Niman Good
Bhaarat India                        10 [5.31]         13 [5.81]   3    Niman Good
Tanzaaniaa Tanzania           11 [5.16]         14 [5.66]    3   Niman Good
Braazil Brazil                       12 [5.06]         15 [5.56]    3   Niman Good
Naijeriaa Nigeria                  13 [5]              16[5.5]      3    Niman Good
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia                 14 [4.75]         18 [5.25]    4
JG Kongo DR Congo 15 [4.5]           20 [5]         5
Shyaam Thailand                   16 [4.38]         21 [4.88]    5
Banglaadesh Bangladesh      17 [4.31]         24 [4.81]    7
Misr Egypt                             18 [3]              26 [3.5]      8
SuDaan Sudan                        19 [2.09]         29 [2.59]    10
Varmaa Mayanmar               20 [1.91]         30 [2.41]    10
Jaapaan Japan                        21 [1.34]         23 [4.34]     2
Spe~n Spain                           22 [1.12]         22 [4.62]     0
Iraan Iran                              23 [0.87]         17 [5.38]     -6
ITali Italy                              23 [0.87]         9 [6.18]    -14
Cin China                               25 [0.56]         19 [5.06] -6
SRA USA                               26 [-6.62]        4 [6.87]   -22   Anti-democratic work as war
Jarmani Germany                27 [-7.37]        10 [6.32]  -17 Anti-democratic work as war
UK                                          28 [-8]             25 [4]       -3    Anti-democratic work as war
Fraans France                       29 [-11.06]      11 [5.94]  -18  Anti-democratic work as war
Paakistaan Pakistan             30 [-12]           27 [3]      -3    Anti-democratic work as war,                                                                                                                                     traing terrorists
Tippani: [Remarks]:
1.      At the Top Most Democratic Countries among 30 Most Populated Countries of the World Stands: The Land of     Ganghian Nelson Mandela: South Africa.
2.      2nd Rank is occupied by: Vietnam, once ruined by the the same people who has ruined Iraq, Libiya and presently ruining Syria.
3.      At the 3rd Rank stands: the Land of 21st Century Krishna,       Vladimir Putin: Russia.
4.      The last 5 Rankers have all (-) Negative Scores showing           their Anti-Democratic deeds; although their Potential is not negatives, namely from Bottom:
          Pakistan, France, UK, Germany and USA.

EDD: 3.12.2015

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