Friday, 25 December 2015

25.12.2015 EDD: Only one country among 60 has (-) Basic Democratic Score.

25.12.2015 EDD: Only one country among 60 has (-) Basic Democratic Score.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Janataantrik desh: 02.7.9115 se: 
Ego So`~c. EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: from 30.9.2015: 
A Study By EDD.]
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri  
सृ. 30.09.9115  शुक   [Date: 25.12.2015 AD Frisday]
स्वागत बा सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन के, औरू सब प्रेमी लोगन के.
[Welcome! All Bhojpuri people, and lovers of Bhojpuri, and all lovers. 
English is in [...]. Iternational Bhojpuri Language]      
अंक Ank: 293.09.9115.

***   कुछ ख़ास समाचार Kuch Khaas Samaacaar: [Some Special News]:
** Aaj 25.12.2015 ke Krishtmas  din 4.2 G Sanaatanaarya Sansaar ke sab log ke Vadhaai detaaran aa Nayaa Baris ke Shubhkaamanaa karataare. 
Sansaar ke sab log Utaw manaawataare.   
[Today on 25th day of dec. 2015 all 4.2 G Sanataryas are celebrating happy Chrismas and congratulating the people; wishing a very happy 2016.]

>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 3.333 Bindu kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke sahaayataa kailaa pa 0.667 Bindu kam.

[For 20 most Populated Countries of the World, the Ranking ‘Scores of Democracy out of 10 Points’ are as follows, considering the fact that: 
>>> Principle-1:
“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”, 
losing 3.333 Points each attack, and 0.667 Points for directly helping an attacker.]

>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara" naa le jaay 
Janatantra ke o~r. 
>>> Principle-2:
"Divide and Rule Policy" do not lead to Democracy.
Losing 1.333 Points / attach out of 10. 

>>>> Ab dekhee` Sansaar ke 40 adhiktam Janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke nayakaa: 
"Janataantrik Raenk"

["Democratic Ranking" 
of most Populated countries of the World]: 

*** Ab dekhee`: [Have a look please]:
[As on : 15.12.2015]: 20.09.9115 ke: [Among 60 most populated countries where over 89% people of the World live: 
"Democratic Ranking" follows]: 
"Janataantrik Raenk" 60 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa deshan ke, neece dekhee` je me` Sansaar ke 89% se jaadaa log rahelan: 
desh Raenk Ank Raenk Xamataa   Xamataank Tippani
Country Rank [Score] Rank-Potntial [Score] Remarks 
d. Afrikaa S. Africa 1 [6.87] 1 [7.26] khoob niman
Vietnaam Vietnam 2 [6.59] 8 [6.59] Very good
Rus     Russia 3 [6.47] 2 [6.97] khoob niman
ArjenTinaa Argentina 4 [6.37] 3 [6.87] khoob niman
Kolombiaa Colombia 5 [6.31] 5 [6.81] khoob niman
Maexiko Maxico 6 [6.25] 6 [6.75] Very good
Filippaains Philippines 7 [6.12] 7 [6.62] Very good
Venezuelaa Venezuela 8 [6.03] 14 [6.03] Very good
Indonesiaa Indonesia 9 [5.97] 9 [6.47] Niman
PolaenD Poland 10 [5.84] 10 [6.34] Good
Uzbekistaan Uzbekistan 11 [5.72[  20 [5.72] Good
Peru Peru 12 [5.68] 21 [5.68] Good
Sri Lanka 13 [5.49] 15 [5.99] Good
Ivori taT Cote d'Ivoire 14 [5.47] 25 [5.47] Good
Romaaniaa Romania 15 [5.43] 26 [5.43] Good
d. Koriaa S. Korea 16 [5.37] 16 [5.87] Niman
Bhaarat India 17 [5.31] 18 [5.81] Niman
UgaanDaa Uganda 17 [5.31] 18 [5.81] Good
Angolaa Angola 19 [5.16] 31 [5.16] Good
Tanzaaniaa Tanzania 19 [5.16] 22 [5.66] Niman
Taiwan ...... 21 [5.12] 32 [5.12] Good
Braazil Brazil 22 [5.06] 22 [5.66] Good
Kaemeroon Cameroon 23 [5.03] 35 [5.03] Good
Ma'gaaskar Madagaskr 24 [5.03] 35 [5.03] Good
BarkinaaFaaso Berkina Faso 25 [5] 27 [5.5] Niman
Nijeriaa Nigeria 25 [5] 27 [5.5] Good
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia 27 [4.75] 30 [5.25] BaD*ataa
Nepaal Nepal 28 [4.72] 40 [4.72] BaD*ataa
Ko`go JG DR Congo 29 [4.5] 37 [5] Improving
Mojaambik Mozambiqe 29 [4.5] 44 [4.5] Improving
Shyaam Thailand 31 [4.38] 38 [4.87] BaD*ataa
Siryaa Syria 32 [4.34] 45 [4.34] BaD*ataa
Banglaad. Bangaladesh 33 [4.31] 39 [4.81] Improving
U. Koriaa N. Korea 34 [4.28] 50 [4.28] Improving
Ghanaa Ghana 35 [4.06] 44 [4.5] BaD*ataa
Afgaanistaan Afghanistan 36 [4] 44 [4.5] BaD*ataa
Keniaa Keniya 37 [3.91] 48 [4.41] Improving
Morokko Morocco 38 [3.56] 51 [4.06] Improving
Malaysiaa Malaysia 39 [3.37] 55 [3.37] Improving
Misr Egypt 40 [3] 54 [3.5] BaD*ataa
KanaaDaa Canada 41 [2.69] 41 [4.69]
Yukren Ukraine 42 [2.59] 43 [4.59]
SuDaan Sudan 43 [2.41] 57 [2.91] BaD*ataa
Barmaa Myanmar 44 [2.22] 59 [2.72] Improving
Aljeriaa Algeria 45 [1.47] 57 [1.97] Improving
Jaapaan Japan 46 [1.34] 49 [4.34] Improving
Yaman Yemen 47 [1.31] 59 [1.31] Improving
Spe~n Spain 48 [1.12] 41 [4.62]
Cin China 49 [0.94] 34 [5.06]
Iraan Iran 50 [0.87] 29 [5.38]
ITali Italy 51 [0.87] 12 [6.19]
AsTreliaa Austrelia 52 [0.38] 53 [3.78]
Turki Turkey 53 [0.06] 24 [5.56]
Iraak Iraq 54 [-1.12] 59 [2.37] Anti-Democratic as war
Saudi Arabiaa Arabia 55 [-4.44]        60 [-0.44] Basic Anti-Democratic
SRA USA 56 [-6.62] 3 [6.87] Anti-Democratic as war
Jarmani Germany 57 [-7.37] 13 [6.12] Anti-Democratic as war
Bartaaniyaa UK 58 [-8.5] 52 [4] Anti-Democratic as war
Fraans France 59 [-11.06]17 [5.94] Anti-Democratic as war
Paakisaan Pakistan 60 [-12] 56 [3] Anti-Democratic as war, 
training terroris
1. Eke desh, Saudi Arabiaa ke xamataa Janatantra-Virodhi baa, jahaa` Auratan ke kawano adhikaare naikhe, naa hi oh logan ke kawano swatantrataa baa. [Only one country's basic potencial out of above 60, namely Saudi Arabia  is Anti-democratic where ladies are deprived of many rights and freedom, who are Jehadi too.] 
2. Khaali 6 deshan ke Praaptaa`k rinaatmak baa baD*at kram se: Iraak, Saudi Arabiaa, SRA, Jarmani, Bartaaniaa, Fraans aa Paakistaan ke; je se inkar Janatantra Virodhi kaam pataa calataa. [Only 6 countries have nigative Scores: namely Iraq, Saudi Arabia, USA, Germany, UK, France and Pakistan; showing their Anti-Democratic deeds.]
2. SRA ke Janataantrik xamataa ta 3-sar Raenk ke baa. Baakir kam se kam 3-4 deshan pa hamalaa ke calate uu 53 Raenk neece khisak ke 56 Raenk pa aail. 
Pahile Saamyavaadi Vietnaam pa hamalaa, fer Samaajvaadi Iraak pa hamalaa (Bartaaniyaa ke tab ke PM Toni Blear ab kahataaran ki uu hamalaa galati se bhail. Ta kaa?), feru Gaandhian Samaajvaadi Libiyaa pa aa ab Siriyaa pa hamalaa. Kam se kam 1 desh ke laRaai me` sahaayato kailas. 
[USA has “Basically 3rd Highest Democratic Potential” to be at 3rd Rank. 
However, its “Actual rank is 56th, due to attacks on at least 4 countries including Communist Vietnam,  Socialist Iraq (Then UK PM Blair now deplores the attack, so what!!), Gandhian-Socialist Libya and Socialist Syria and helping  at least1attacker directly.]
3. Fraans ta laagelaa ki ego acchaa desh ha, baakir ekar Raenk baa 59; Vietnaam, Algeriaa pa Aakraman, aa Dher deshan pa Hamalaa kailaa ke calate, NATO ke aguo rahe pahile. 
4.   "Paakistaan Sab se kam Janataantrik" desh ha: dusar desh pa Dher ber Aakraman kare ke calate aa aatankian ke Trening debe ke kaaran; jabki ekar Raenk caahee` 42m Xamataa ke anusar. ["Pakistan is the Least Democratic Country" at 60th Rank among 60 Most Populated Countries WW, although according to its capability, it could have 42nd Rank.]

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]: 
"Dusar desha pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa ego Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. [An "Attacker Country imposing their own Views on others": can't be Democratic.]

25.12.2015 EDD: 

Thursday, 24 December 2015

24.12.2015 EDD: South Africa, Vietnam and Russia at 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ranks resp. among "Democratic Ranking"

24.12.2015 EDD: South Africa, Vietnam and Russia at 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ranks resp. among "Democr
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Janataantrik desh: 02.7.9115 se: 
Ego So`~c. EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: from 30.9.2015: 
A Study By EDD.]
** Khaali 5 deshan ke Sko~r rinaatmak baa, Sansaar ke 30 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa deshan me`, je se laagataa inkar Janatantra Virodhi kaam: SRA, Jarmani, UK, Fraans aa Paakistaan. 
[Only 5 countries among 30 most populated countries of the World, have negative Skores, showing their Anti-Democratic Deeds; namely USA, Germany, UK, France and Pakistan.]

>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 3.333 Bindu kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke sahaayataa kailaa pa 0.667 Bindu kam.

[For 20 most Populated Countries of the World, the Ranking ‘Scores of Democracy out of 10 Points’ are as follows, considering the fact that: 
>>> Principle-1:
“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”, 
losing 3.333 Points each attack, and 0.667 Points for directly helping an attacker.]

>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara" naa le jaay 
Janatantra ke o~r. 
>>> Principle-2:
"Divide and Rule Policy" do not lead to Democracy.
Losing 1.333 Points / attach out of 10. 

>>>> Ab dekhee` Sansaar ke 40 adhiktam Janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke nayakaa: 
"Janataantrik Raenk"

["Democratic Ranking" 
of most Populated countries of the World]: 

*** Ab dekhee`: [Have a look please]:
[As on : 15.12.2015]: 20.09.9115 ke: [Among 60 most populated countries where over 89% people of the World live: 
"Democratic Ranking" follows]: 
"Janataantrik Raenk" 60 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa deshan ke, neece dekhee` je me` Sansaar ke 89% se jaadaa log rahelan: 
desh Raenk Ank Raenk Xamataa   Xamataank Tippani
Country Rank [Score] Rank-Potntial [Score] Remarks 
d. Afrikaa S. Africa 1 [6.87] 1 [7.26] khoob niman
Vietnaam Vietnam 2 [6.59] 8 [6.59] Very good
Rus     Russia 3 [6.47] 2 [6.97] khoob niman
ArjenTinaa Argentina 4 [6.37] 3 [6.87] khoob niman
Kolombiaa Colombia 5 [6.31] 5 [6.81] khoob niman
Maexiko Maxico 6 [6.25] 6 [6.75] Very good
Filippaains Philippines 7 [6.12] 7 [6.62] Very good
Venezuelaa Venezuela 8 [6.03] 14 [6.03] Very good
Indonesiaa Indonesia 9 [5.97] 9 [6.47] Niman
PolaenD Poland 10 [5.84] 10 [6.34] Good
Uzbekistaan Uzbekistan 11 [5.72[  20 [5.72] Good
Peru Peru 12 [5.68] 21 [5.68] Good
Sri Lanka 13 [5.49] 15 [5.99] Good
Ivori taT Cote d'Ivoire 14 [5.47] 25 [5.47] Good
Romaaniaa Romania 15 [5.43] 26 [5.43] Good
d. Koriaa S. Korea 16 [5.37] 16 [5.87] Niman
Bhaarat India 17 [5.31] 18 [5.81] Niman
UgaanDaa Uganda 17 [5.31] 18 [5.81] Good
Angolaa Angola 19 [5.16] 31 [5.16] Good
Tanzaaniaa Tanzania 19 [5.16] 22 [5.66] Niman
Taiwan ...... 21 [5.12] 32 [5.12] Good
Braazil Brazil 22 [5.06] 22 [5.66] Good
Kaemeroon Cameroon 23 [5.03] 35 [5.03] Good
Ma'gaaskar Madagaskr 24 [5.03] 35 [5.03] Good
BarkinaaFaaso Berkina Faso 25 [5] 27 [5.5] Niman
Nijeriaa Nigeria 25 [5] 27 [5.5] Good
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia 27 [4.75] 30 [5.25] BaD*ataa
Nepaal Nepal 28 [4.72] 40 [4.72] BaD*ataa
Ko`go JG DR Congo 29 [4.5] 37 [5] Improving
Mojaambik Mozambiqe 29 [4.5] 44 [4.5] Improving
Shyaam Thailand 31 [4.38] 38 [4.87] BaD*ataa
Siryaa Syria 32 [4.34] 45 [4.34] BaD*ataa
Banglaad. Bangaladesh 33 [4.31] 39 [4.81] Improving
U. Koriaa N. Korea 34 [4.28] 50 [4.28] Improving
Ghanaa Ghana 35 [4.06] 44 [4.5] BaD*ataa
Afgaanistaan Afghanistan 36 [4] 44 [4.5] BaD*ataa
Keniaa Keniya 37 [3.91] 48 [4.41] Improving
Morokko Morocco 38 [3.56] 51 [4.06] Improving
Malaysiaa Malaysia 39 [3.37] 55 [3.37] Improving
Misr Egypt 40 [3] 54 [3.5] BaD*ataa
KanaaDaa Canada 41 [2.69] 41 [4.69]
Yukren Ukraine 42 [2.59] 43 [4.59]
SuDaan Sudan 43 [2.41] 57 [2.91] BaD*ataa
Barmaa Myanmar 44 [2.22] 59 [2.72] Improving
Aljeriaa Algeria 45 [1.47] 57 [1.97] Improving
Jaapaan Japan 46 [1.34] 49 [4.34] Improving
Yaman Yemen 47 [1.31] 59 [1.31] Improving
Spe~n Spain 48 [1.12] 41 [4.62]
Cin China 49 [0.94] 34 [5.06]
Iraan Iran 50 [0.87] 29 [5.38]
ITali Italy 51 [0.87] 12 [6.19]
AsTreliaa Austrelia 52 [0.38] 53 [3.78]
Turki Turkey 53 [0.06] 24 [5.56]
Iraak Iraq 54 [-1.12] 59 [2.37] Anti-Democratic as war
Saudi Arabiaa Arabia 55 [-4.44] 60 [-0.44] Basic Anti-Democratic
SRA USA 56 [-6.62] 3 [6.87] Anti-Democratic as war
Jarmani Germany 57 [-7.37] 13 [6.12] Anti-Democratic as war
Bartaaniyaa UK 58 [-8.5] 52 [4] Anti-Democratic as war
Fraans France 59 [-11.06]17 [5.94] Anti-Democratic as war
Paakisaan Pakistan 60 [-12] 56 [3] Anti-Democratic as war, 
training terroris
1. Eke desh, Saudi Arabiaa ke xamataa Janatantra-Virodhi baa, jahaa` Auratan ke kawano adhikaare naikhe, naa hi oh logan ke kawano swatantrataa baa. [Only one country's basic potencial out of above 60, namely Saudi Arabia  is Anti-democratic where ladies are deprived of many rights and freedom, who are Jehadi too.] 
2. Khaali 6 deshan ke Praaptaa`k rinaatmak baa baD*at kram se: Iraak, Saudi Arabiaa, SRA, Jarmani, Bartaaniaa, Fraans aa Paakistaan ke; je se inkar Janatantra Virodhi kaam pataa calataa. [Only 6 countries have nigative Scores: namely Iraq, Saudi Arabia, USA, Germany, UK, France and Pakistan; showing their Anti-Democratic deeds.]
2. SRA ke Janataantrik xamataa ta 3-sar Raenk ke baa. Baakir kam se kam 3-4 deshan pa hamalaa ke calate uu 53 Raenk neece khisak ke 56 Raenk pa aail. 
Pahile Saamyavaadi Vietnaam pa hamalaa, fer Samaajvaadi Iraak pa hamalaa (Bartaaniyaa ke tab ke PM Toni Blear ab kahataaran ki uu hamalaa galati se bhail. Ta kaa?), feru Gaandhian Samaajvaadi Libiyaa pa aa ab Siriyaa pa hamalaa. Kam se kam 1 desh ke laRaai me` sahaayato kailas. 
[USA has “Basically 3rd Highest Democratic Potential” to be at 3rd Rank. 
However, its “Actual rank is 56th, due to attacks on at least 4 countries including Communist Vietnam,  Socialist Iraq (Then UK PM Blair now deplores the attack, so what!!), Gandhian-Socialist Libya and Socialist Syria and helping  at least1attacker directly.]
3. Fraans ta laagelaa ki ego acchaa desh ha, baakir ekar Raenk baa 59; Vietnaam, Algeriaa pa Aakraman, aa Dher deshan pa Hamalaa kailaa ke calate, NATO ke aguo rahe pahile. 
4.   "Paakistaan Sab se kam Janataantrik" desh ha: dusar desh pa Dher ber Aakraman kare ke calate aa aatankian ke Trening debe ke kaaran; jabki ekar Raenk caahee` 42m Xamataa ke anusar. ["Pakistan is the Least Democratic Country" at 60th Rank among 60 Most Populated Countries WW, although according to its capability, it could have 42nd Rank.]

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]: 
"Dusar desha pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa ego Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. [An "Attacker Country imposing their own Views on others": can't be Democratic.]

24.12.2015 EDD: 

Monday, 21 December 2015

21.12.2015 EDD: France slid down from 17th to 59rd Rank, aa Jarmani 13 se 57 pa

21.12.2015 EDD: France slid down from 17th to 59rd Rank, 
aa Jarmani 13 se 57 pa in
 "Democratic Ranking" of 60 Countries.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Janataantrik desh: 02.7.9115 se: 
Ego So`~c. EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: from 30.9.2015: 
A Study By EDD.]
** Khaali 5 deshan ke Sko~r rinaatmak baa, Sansaar ke 30 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa deshan me`, je se laagataa inkar Janatantra Virodhi kaam: SRA, Jarmani, UK, Fraans aa Paakistaan. 
[Only 5 countries among 30 most populated countries of the World, have negative Skores, showing their Anti-Democratic Deeds; namely USA, Germany, UK, France and Pakistan.]

>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 3.333 Bindu kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke sahaayataa kailaa pa 0.667 Bindu kam.

[For 20 most Populated Countries of the World, the Ranking ‘Scores of Democracy out of 10 Points’ are as follows, considering the fact that: 
>>> Principle-1:
“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”, 
losing 3.333 Points each attack, and 0.667 Points for directly helping an attacker.]

>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara" naa le jaay 
Janatantra ke o~r. 
>>> Principle-2:
"Divide and Rule Policy" do not lead to Democracy.
Losing 1.333 Points / attach out of 10. 

>>>> Ab dekhee` Sansaar ke 40 adhiktam Janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke nayakaa: 
"Janataantrik Raenk"

["Democratic Ranking" 
of 50 most Populated countries of the World]: 

*** Ab dekhee`: [Have a look please]:
[As on : 15.12.2015]: 20.09.9115 ke: [Among 60 most populated countries where over 89% people of the World live: 
"Democratic Ranking" follows]: 
"Janataantrik Raenk" 60 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa deshan ke, neece dekhee` je me` Sansaar ke 89% se jaadaa log rahelan: 
desh Raenk Ank Raenk Xamataa   Xamataank Tippani
Country Rank [Score] Rank-Potntial [Score] Remarks 
d. Afrikaa S. Africa 1 [6.87] 1 [7.26] khoob niman
Vietnaam Vietnam 2 [6.59] 8 [6.59] Very good
Rus     Russia 3 [6.47] 2 [6.97] khoob niman
ArjenTinaa Argentina 4 [6.37] 3 [6.87] khoob niman
Kolombiaa Colombia 5 [6.31] 5 [6.81] khoob niman
Maexiko Maxico 6 [6.25] 6 [6.75] Very good
Filippaains Philippines 7 [6.12] 7 [6.62] Very good
Venezuelaa Venezuela 8 [6.03] 14 [6.03] Very good
Indonesiaa Indonesia 9 [5.97] 9 [6.47] Niman
PolaenD Poland 10 [5.84] 10 [6.34] Good
Uzbekistaan Uzbekistan 11 [5.72[ 20 [5.72] Good
Peru Peru 12 [5.68] 21 [5.68] Good
Sri Lanka 13 [5.49] 15 [5.99] Good
Ivori taT Cote d'Ivoire 14 [5.47] 25 [5.47] Good
Romaaniaa Romania 15 [5.43] 26 [5.43] Good
d. Koriaa S. Korea 16 [5.37] 16 [5.87] Niman
Bhaarat India 17 [5.31] 18 [5.81] Niman
UgaanDaa Uganda 17 [5.31] 18 [5.81] Good
Angolaa Angola 19 [5.16] 31 [5.16] Good
Tanzaaniaa Tanzania 19 [5.16] 22 [5.66] Niman
Taiwan ...... 21 [5.12] 32 [5.12] Good
Braazil Brazil 22 [5.06] 22 [5.66] Good
Kaemeroon Cameroon 23 [5.03] 35 [5.03] Good
Ma'gaaskar Madagaskr 24 [5.03] 35 [5.03] Good
Barkinaa Faaso Berkina Faso 25 [5] 27 [5.5] Niman
Nijeriaa Nigeria 25 [5] 27 [5.5] Good
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia 27 [4.75] 30 [5.25] BaD*ataa
Nepaal Nepal 28 [4.72] 40 [4.72] BaD*ataa
Ko`go JG DR Congo 29 [4.5] 37 [5] Improving
Mojaambik Mozambiq 29 [4.5] 44 [4.5] Improving
Shyaam Thailand 31 [4.38] 38 [4.87] BaD*ataa
Siryaa Syria 32 [4.34] 45 [4.34] BaD*ataa
Banglaad. Bangaladesh 33 [4.31] 39 [4.81] Improving
U. Koriaa N. Korea 34 [4.28] 50 [4.28] Improving
Ghanaa Ghana 35 [4.06] 44 [4.5] BaD*ataa
Afgaanistaan Afghanistan 36 [4] 44 [4.5] BaD*ataa
Keniaa Keniya 37 [3.91] 48 [4.41] Improving
Morokko Morocco 38 [3.56] 51 [4.06] Improving
Malaysiaa Malaysia 39 [3.37] 55 [3.37] Improving
Misr Egypt 40 [3] 54 [3.5] BaD*ataa
KanaaDaa Canada 41 [2.69] 41 [4.69]
Yukren Ukraine 42 [2.59] 43 [4.59]
SuDaan Sudan 43 [2.41] 57 [2.91] BaD*ataa
Barmaa Myanmar 44 [2.22] 59 [2.72] Improving
Aljeriaa Algeria 45 [1.47] 57 [1.97] Improving
Jaapaan Japan 46 [1.34] 49 [4.34] Improving
Yaman Yemen 47 [1.31] 59 [1.31] Improving
Spe~n Spain 48 [1.12] 41 [4.62]
Cin China 49 [0.94] 34 [5.06]
Iraan Iran 50 [0.87] 29 [5.38]
ITali Italy 51 [0.87] 12 [6.19]
AsTreliaa Austrelia 52 [0.38] 53 [3.78]
Turki Turkey 53 [0.06] 24 [5.56]
Iraak Iraq 54 [-1.12] 59 [2.37] Anti-Democratic as war
Saudi Arabiaa Arabia 55 [-4.44] 60 [-0.44] Basic Anti-Democratic
SRA USA 56 [-6.62] 3 [6.87] Anti-Democratic as war
Jarmani Germany 57 [-7.37] 13 [6.12] Anti-Democratic as war
Bartaaniyaa UK 58 [-8.5] 52 [4] Anti-Democratic as war
Fraans France 59 [-11.06]17 [5.94] Anti-Democratic as war
Paakisaan Pakistan 60 [-12] 56 [3] Anti-Democratic as war, 
training terroris
1. Eke desh, Saudi Arabiaa ke xamataa Janatantra-Virodhi baa, jahaa` Auratan ke kawano adhikaare naikhe, naa hi oh logan ke kawano swatantrataa baa. [Only one country's basic potencial out of above 60, namely Saudi Arabia  is Anti-democratic where ladies are deprived of many rights and freedom, who are Jehadi too.] 
2. SRA ke Janataantrik xamataa ta 3-sar Raenk ke baa.
Baakir kam se kam 3-4 deshan pa hamalaa ke calate uu 53 Raenk neece khisak ke 56 Raenk pa aail. 
Pahile Saamyavaadi Vietnaam pa hamalaa, fer Samaajvaadi Iraak pa hamalaa (Bartaaniyaa ke tab ke PM Toni Blear ab kahataaran ki uu hamalaa galati se bhail. Ta kaa?), feru Gaandhian Samaajvaadi Libiyaa pa aa ab Siriyaa pa hamalaa. Kam se kam 1 desh ke laRaai me` sahaayato kailas. 
[USA has “Basically 3rd Highest Democratic Potential” to be at 3rd Rank. 
However, its “Actual rank is 56th, due to attacks on at least 4 countries including Communist Vietnam,  Socialist Iraq (Then UK PM Blair now deplores the attack, so what!!), Gandhian-Socialist Libya and Socialist Syria and helping  at least1attacker directly.]
3. Fraans ta laagelaa ki ego acchaa desh ha, baakir Ekar Raenk baa 59; Vietnaam, Algeriaa pa Aakraman, aa Dher deshan pa Hamalaa kailaa ke calate, NATO ke aguo rahe pahile. 
4.   "Paakistaan Sab se kam Janataantrik", dusar desh pa Dher ber Aakraman kare ke calate aa aatankian ke Trening debe ke kaaran, jabki ekar Raenk caahee` 42m Xamataa ke anusar. ["Pakistan is the Least Democratic Country" at 50th Rank among 50 Most Populated Countries WW, although according to its capability, it could have 42nd Rank.]

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]: 
"Dusar desha pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa ego Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. [An "Attacker Country imposing their own Views on others": can't be Democratic.]

21.12.2015 EDD: 

21.12.2015 InBho: South Africa at 1st Rank and France 69th among Democratic Countries

26.9.9115 InBho: 21.12.2015: South Africa at 1st Rank and 
France 69th among 
Most Democratic 70 most populated Countries. 

InBho = "International Bhojpuri",
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी, 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri",

[Mr Lincoln never thought: 
Democracy means 'Capitalism', 
Democracy means 'Divide and Rule' 
as now many Westerns think including many US people.
Probably that made him to redefine it as:
"Democracy is the Government by the people, for the people and of the people". 

Democracy may be Communistic, Socialistic, Gaandhian but rarely Capitalistic 
and in Monarchy.]

d.Afrikaa, Vietnaam aa Rus Prithvi ke 70 sab se jaadaa janasankhya deshan me` kram se 
1m, 2-sar aa 3-sar Raenk pa baa, 
Jarmani, Fraans aa Pakistaan kram se
68, 69 aa 70 Raenk pa baa.

[South Africa, Vietnam and Russia stood at the 
1st, 2nd and 3rd Ranks 
respectly among 70 Most Populated 
Top Democratic Countries of the Earth.
Germany, France and Pakistan stood at the
68th, 69th and 70th ranks.] 

 [Now past Pres. of Pakistan, Parvez Musarraf says: Osama and Jawahari are their Heros; and they trained terrorists and Talibans to drive out Soviets from Afghanistan.]

Baakir, Pichlaa 4 Baris se SRA, Siriaa me` naahak logan ke muaawataa, aa 1.5 baris se uupar se aag barsaawataa, je se laakho log Siriaa choR ke Yurop me` bhaagataaran. Khaali Turkie me` 22 laakh log sharanaarthi ban ke Siriaa se bhagal baaRan. 
[But, since last 4 years USA is bombarding Syria from air unauthorized and killing people, due to which millions of people are leaving Syria] 

Ee Yuddh SRA suru kailas rasaayanik aayudh ke naav le ke; laagataa Theek osahee` jaise Saddaam ke Iraak ke sarbanaas kare khaatir WMD ke naav pa pooraa Iraake ke tabaah kailas, je se 
ISIL / IS ke janam bhail. 
[This war was started by USA against the use of Chemical weapons by Syrian Forces, the same as WMD presence said in Iraq, ruining Iraq and giving the birth of IS / ISIL.]

 Baakir ab ee maalum hokhe ke caahee` sabhani ke ki ab 
"Ekadhrubeey Sansaar" khatam!!!
[But all should know that now  
"Unipolar World" gone.!!! ]

SRA ke ego aagaami Adhyax ke Pratyaasi kahlan ki uu kawano Muslim Navagantukan ke SRA me` naa ghuse deehe`. kaa eehe SRA ke Janatantra ke laxan ha; 
Jabki, Bhaarat ke Muslim 1947 me` deshe ke kaaT ke aapan hissaa le ke Paakistaan banawale,
tabahuo aaj Bhaarat me` sab Musalmaan ke sab ke jaisan 
baraabar adhikaar milal baa. 
[One of the expecting candidate of US President said, he would not allow any Migrant Muslim into USA;
Is it the type of Democracy of USA; 
Whereas, India was divided by some Muslims into 3 parts who took away 2 parts forming Pakistan, most remaining in India 
enjoying equal right.]  

Aaj 2 tarah ke Musalmaan baaRe Sansaar me`:
Purabi Musalman aa Pacchimi Musalmaan.

Aaj hamani ke 2 tarah ke Musalmaan baaRan Sansaar me`: 
Now a days we find 2 kinds of Muslims WW:
Purabi Musalmaan <> Pacchimi Musalmaan 
Eastern Muslims <> Western Muslims.
Purub <> Pacchim
Sunrise <> Sunset
Surjodaya <> Surajast

Pacchimi Musalmaan ke leelaa aparampaar baa! Aaj kaa hotaa Pacchim me`: Suru Pakistaan se, feru Afghaanistaan, Taaliwaan, Arabiaa aa ..... 
Sab ek dusar ke relijan ke naav pa  muaawataa!!! 

Aa Purabi Musalmaan: Whereas Eastern Muslims:
mix with the rest like sugar in water sticking to their religion  in 
Indonesia, India, Malysia, Bangladesh, Ujbekistan, 
Russia, Tajikistan etc!!! 
dusaro logan ke saath aisn ghul mil jaalan jaise paani me` cini > Feru dekhee` duno ke miThaas: InDinesiaa, Bhaarat, Malaysiaa, Banglaadesh, Ujbekistaan, Rus, Taajikistaan aadi me`!!!
Eehe sab dekh ke shaaid Saddaam Hussain, Gaddaafi USSR se mil ke Pacchim me` Surujo ke ugaawe ke cahlan; jaisan ki aajo 
Al-Assad kare ke caahtaaran. Baakir Pacchimi logan ke ee sab kaise acchaa laage.] 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 190 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris puraan "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa":  jekaraa ke Kongres Sarkaar Aajaadieke samay se har tarah se  dabawale baa, PM Narendra Modi se jaldi se jaldi  Maanyataa debe ke anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 190 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1800 year old: suppressed by the previous Congress Government since Independence of India, requests earliest recognition by PM Narendra Modi lead Govt of India by including it in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution of India. ] _________________________________________
Aaj 9115 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke darjano deshan ke 190 M log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

[Today in 2015 over 190 M people of dozens of countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".] 

21.12.2015 InBho.


