Monday, 30 May 2016

31.03.2016 EDD: 31.05.2016 EDD: Kram- 3, Series-3: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd, Mexico 3rd on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 10.03.9116 ke

31.05.2016 EDD: Kram- 3, Series-3: 
Vietnam Tops,
Russia 2nd, Mexico 3rd on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 10.03.9116 ke
among 20 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 69% people live: 
by EDD.  
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Ke paD*elaa EDD: SRA, Bhaarat, Jarmani, PolaenD, Yukren, Rus, AarlaenD, UAE, Fraans, InDonesiaa, Romaaniyaa, Spe~n, 
Vietnaam, Singaapur, Kolombiaa, Cin, Braazil, 
TriniDaad aa Tubago, Mexiko, Norwe, Kostaa Rikaa, LaTaviaa aadi.  
[Who reads EDD: USA, India, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Ireland, UAE, France, Indonesia, Romania, France, Spain, Vietnam, Singapore, Colombia, China, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago, 
Mexico, Norway, Costa Rica etc.]

Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 20 deshan me` khaali 10 desh ke 'rrp', ‘really ruling persons’ janataa se coonaalaa: Cin, SRA, Rus, Maxiko, Filipaains, Vietnaam, Misra, Iraan, DR Kongo aa Fraans (jinkar sankhyaa 
2448 M baa kul 5097 M me` 48%) 
Baaki 10 deshan me` Janatantra naikhe, kaahe ki unkar 'rrp' PM /Canselar aa CMs ke eko aadmi naa cune oh pad pa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan, Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh, Jaapaan, Ethiopiaa, Jarmani aa Turki.
Jaapaan me` ta~ Raajaa baaRan, baaki eh sab deshan me` Chadma Janatantra baa je se BhrasTaacaare baD*elaa. 

Bhaarat ke Musalmaan log 9047 me` Bhaarat ke 3 bhaag karawaa ke, 2 bhaag me` Paakistaan banawale, 
Angarejan se Swatantrataa ke baad.  
Bacal 3sar bhaag 9047 se aaj ke Bhaarat kahaalaa. Baakir aaj 9116 tak eehaa` Janatantra naa aail. Janatantra ke naav pa ego chadma 'Sansadeeya Republik' banal Bhaarat me` 9050 me`, je me` 'rrp', PM aa MM ke eko aadmi cunaabe naa kare oh pad khaatir.
Uu ta Sansad ke Netaa ban jaalan joR-toR ka ke, BhrasT raajneeti ka ke, Mantri aadi banaawe ke laalac de ke, caahe Daraa-dhamakaa ke. Baah re 'Sansadeeya Janatantra'!!!
Eehe holaa 'Sansadeeya Janatantra' me` pooraa Sansaar me`.
Eh se Bhaarat me` 9119 ke MP ke Aam Cunaaw me` kam se kam BJP NDA Bhaarat Sarkaar ke ‘Janamatsangrah’ kare ke caahee`: 
"Bhaarat me` Cunal PM aa CMs chaahee`: 
ha` / naa".
[List of 10 countries, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’ i.e  not ‘Lincolnian Democratic’ among 20 most populated countries,  since the 'rrp', the 'really ruling persons' PM or Chancellor and CMs are not at all elected for the post, even by a single citizen. 
The 10 such countries are: 
India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany and Turkey.
Out of 20, only 10 countries' 'rrp' are elected by the Citizens: 
China, USA, Russia, Maxico, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, 
DR Congo and France (their population is 2448 M 
out of total 5097 M me` 48%),  Not bad.

  For Janatantra: Make 1-Party Rule in India: for which let BJP NDA  GOI have ‘Referendum’ with General Election for MPs in 2019 
"Want elected Prime Minister of India and CMs:
 Yes / No".]

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
Ab Kram-3: 10.03.1 972 949 116 or say 9116 se.
[“Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-3: from 31.05.2016]

*** Ab dekhee` 10.03.9116 se: 
 [Please look at as on: 31.03.2016
 among 20 most populated countries 
 where about 69% people of the World live.]: 
Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 20 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 69% log rahelan:
Series:  S-3:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 20 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 69% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
desh Raenk Sko~r Jd DCU % Tippani
Country Rank Score LDG DCU % Remarks
Vietnaam Vietnam 1, 6.82 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Rus Russia 2, 6.21 A 86.1 BRICS. Ex USSR 
Mexiko Mexico 3, 5.49 B 84.6 Central America
Filipaain Filippines 4, 5.4 B 84.4 East
Bhaarat India 5, 4.7 C 82.3 BRICS
InDonesiaa Indonesia 6, 4.6 C 82.1 East
Braazil Brazil 7, 4.5 C 82 bRICS
Banglaadesh Banglad 8, 4.3 C 81.3 
Naaijeriaa Naigeria 9, 4.1 C 80.5
DR Kongo Congo 10, 3.7 D 78.6
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia 11, 3.0 D 75
Cin China 12, 2.8 E 46.3 BRICS
Misra Egypt 13, 2.4 E 71.1
Iraan Iran 14, 1.1 E 20.4
Jaapaan Japan 15, 0.14 E 3.8 Monarchy
Turki Turkey 16, -1.8 Ajanataantrik (-)43
SRA USA 17, -4.6 Ajanataantrik (-)66
Jarmani Germany 18, -5.7 Ajanataantrik (-)96
Fraans France 19, -5.8 Ajanataantrik (-)119
Paakistaan Pakistan 20, -9.4 Ajanataantrik (-)207

Tippani: Remarks: 
1. Pakistan: Training and sheltering terrorists => Anti-Lincolnian   Democratic.
2. USA: Waging many unauthorised wars. => Anti-Lincolnian Democratic
3. Vietnam: Tops among 20 most Populated Countries WW, with DCU 100%.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
31.03.2016 EDD:


Saturday, 28 May 2016

28.05.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy

28.05.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy Dynamic Democratic Ranking Series-3: 
From 07.03.9116

1st Rank: Rus, Russia DCU: 86%, LDG: A, 
2nd Rank: Bhaarat, India DCU 82.3%, LDG: C,  
3rd Rank: Indonesia DCU 82.1%, LDG: C,  
LDG: Lincolnian Democratic Grade on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 01.03.9116
among 10 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 57% people WW live: 
by EDD: 
Independently Unbiased.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.

Ab Kram-3: 01.03.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-3: from 22.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 22.05.2016]: 01.03.9116 ke: 

Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 10 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 57% log rahelan.
Series: S-3: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 10 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 57% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 10 Most Populated Countries WW:

Score: Grade:  A+ 7-10.0 A:  6-7 B:  5-6 C:  4-5 D: 3-4 E:  0 - 3  

Lincoln Democratic Grade: LDG: Janataantrik darjaa >> 
Democratic Capacity Utilisation, DCU % : Janataantrk Xamataa Upyog.
Grade: LDG Country, desh DCU% Remarks, Tippani

LDG Grade: A+  >> 0 Country
LDG Grade: A  >> 1 Country:
 A Russia 86.2 Descendent of USSR

LDG Grade: B  >> 0 Country
LDG Grade: C  >> 5 Countries:
C India 82.3 BRICS
C Indonesia 82.1 Eastern Muslim Country
C Brazil 82 BRICS
C Bangladesh 81.3 Eastern Muslim Country
C Nigeria 80.5

LDG Grade: D  >> 0 Country.
LDG Grade: E  >> 2 Countries.
E China 46.3 BRICS
E Japan 10 Monarchy + Capitalism

Countries with negative DCU are Ajanataantrik or Anti-Lincolnian Democratic: 2 Countries:
Ajanataantrik USA -66 NATO, Anti-Lincolnian Dem
Ajanataantrik Pakistan -206 Epicenter of Terrorism

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta Jehaadi aa 'IS / ISIL' jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like Jehadi or 'IS / ISIL'.]
28.05.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy

28.05.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy Dynamic Democratic Ranking Series-3: From 07.03.9116

28.05.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy Dynamic Democratic Ranking Series-3: 
From 07.03.9116

1st Rank: Rus, Russia DCU: 86%, LDG: A, 
2nd Rank: Bhaarat, India DCU 82.3%, LDG: C,  
3rd Rank: Indonesia DCU 82.1%, LDG: C,  
LDG: Lincolnian Democratic Grade on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 01.03.9116
among 10 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 57% people WW live: 
by EDD: 
Independently Unbiased.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.

Ab Kram-3: 01.03.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-3: from 22.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 22.05.2016]: 01.03.9116 ke: 

Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 10 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 57% log rahelan.
Series: S-3: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 10 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 57% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 10 Most Populated Countries WW:

Score: Grade: A+ 7-10.0 A:  6-7 B:  5-6 C:  4-5 D: 3-4 E:  0 - 3  

Lincoln Democratic Grade: LDG: Janataantrik darjaa >> 
Democratic Capacity Utilisation, DCU % : Janataantrk Xamataa Upyog.
Grade: LDG Country, desh DCU% Remarks, Tippani

LDG Grade: A+  >> 0 Country
LDG Grade: A  >> 1 Country:
 A Russia 86.2 Descendent of USSR

LDG Grade: B  >> 0 Country
LDG Grade: C  >> 5 Countries:
C India 82.3 BRICS
C Indonesia 82.1 Eastern Muslim Country
C Brazil 82 BRICS
C Bangladesh 81.3 Eastern Muslim Country
C Nigeria 80.5

LDG Grade: D  >> 0 Country.
LDG Grade: E  >> 2 Countries.
E China 46.3 BRICS
E Japan 10 Monarchy + Capitalism

Countries with negative DCU are Ajanataantrik or Anti-Lincolnian Democratic: 2 Countries:
Ajanataantrik USA -66 NATO, Anti-Lincolnian Dem
Ajanataantrik Pakistan -206 Epicenter of Terrorism

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta Jehaadi aa 'IS / ISIL' jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like Jehadi or 'IS / ISIL'.]
28.05.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

25.05.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops DCU: 100%, Russia 2nd DCU 88% and South Africa DCU 87% at 3rd Rank on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking"

25.05.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops DCU: 100%, Russia 2nd DCU 88% and South Africa DCU 87% at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 04.03.9116
among 110 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 96% people WW live: 
by EDD: 
Independently Unbiased.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.

Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from 23.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 07.05.2016]: 15.02.9116 ke: 

Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 110 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 96% log rahelan.
Series:  S-2: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 110 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 96% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 110 Most Populated Countries WW:

Score Grade: A+ 7-10.0 A: 6-7 B: 5-6 C: 4-5 D: 3-4 E: 0 - 3  

Lincoln Democratic Grade: LDG: Janataantrik darjaa >> 
Democratic Capacity Utilisation, DCU % : Janataantrk Xamataa Upyog.
Grade: LDG Country, desh DCU% Remarks, Tippani
LDG Grade: A+  >> 2 Countries:
A+ Vietnam 100 Saamyavaadi
A+ Russia 88 Descendent of USSR

LDG Grade: A  >> 9 Countries:
A South Africa 87 Of Gandhi & Mandela
A Switzerland 94 The only EDD: 20%
A Mexico 87 Not Capitalist
A Philippines 87 East
A Cuba 100 Saamyavaadi, be careful of Western Expansanists.
A Colombia 86 Peaceful people & Govt
A Laos DPR 100 Communist, Saamyavadi.
A S. Korea 86 Toes the line of Expansnts.
A Argentina 94 Peaceful people & Govt.

LDG Grade: B  >> 27 Countries:
B Venezuela 94 Peaceful people & Govt
B Tajikistan 94 CIS
B Bulgaria 94 NATO
B Kazakhstan 93 CIS
B Bolivia 93
B Senegal 93
B Belarus 93 CIS
B Paraguay 93
B Nicaragua 93
B Serbia 93 NATO
B Eretria 93
B Uzbekistan 93 CIS
B Chile 93 Peaceful people & Govt
B North Korea 100 Saamyavaadi 
B Rumania 88 NATO
B Hong Kong 93
B Tanzania 84
B Tunisia 93
B Greece 93 NATO
B Azerbaijan 93 CIS
B Portugal 93 NATO
B Al-Salvador 93
B Sri Lanka 93
B Dom. Rep 93
B Kenya 84
B Uganda 93

LDG Grade: C  >> 34 Countries:
C Benin 93
C Taiwan 93
C Burkina Faso 93
C Honduras 92
C Guina 92
C Nepal 92
C Czec Rep. 92 NATO
C Angola 96 NATO
C Rwanda 92
C Somalia 92
C Peru 92 Peaceful people & Govt
C Cameroon 92
C India 79 BRICS
C Cote d'Ivoire 92
C Haiti 92
C DR Congo 83
C Equador 92
C Jambia 74
C Indonesia 82 East
C Burundi 92
C Malawi 92
C Chad 92
C Brazil 82 BRICS
C Mali 92
C Zimbabwe 92
C Guatemala 92
C Sudan 92
C Poland 92 NATO
C S. Sudan 92
C Myanmar 81 Still military effect.
C Israel 87
C Niger 84
C Mozambique 91

LDG Grade: D  >> 17 Countries:
D Bangladesh 80
D China 54 BRICS
D Nigeria 79
D Ukraine 70 CIS? Gripped by Expasnists.
D Ghana 90
D Syria 90 Destabilized by Expasnists.
D Netherland 90 NATO
D Afghanistan 90 Taliwan by Expasnists
D Egypt 78
D Cambodia 90
D Algeria 90 Recovering the shock.
D Belgium 89 NATO Hqtr
D Austria 89 NATO
D Sweden 89 NATO
D Hungary 89 NATO
D Ethiopia 88
D Papua NG 65

LDG Grade: E >> 10 Countries:
E Malaysia 87 Monarchy
E Iran 32 Progressive 
E Spain 34 NATO
E Thailand 63 Monarchy
E Canada 48 NATO
E Yemen 53
E Morocco 75 Monarchy
E Libya 53 Ruined by Expansionists & Imperialists.
E Japan 10 Monarchy + Capitalism
E Australia 10 Monarchy + Capitalism

Countries with negative DCU are Ajanataantrik or Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, most of them habitual of waging Wars: 9 numbers:
Ajanataantrik UAE -11
Ajanataantrik Iraq -14
Ajanataantrik Turkey -35 NATO
Ajanataantrik USA -45 NATO
Ajanataantrik Saudi Arabia -469
Ajanataantrik Germany -96 NATO
Ajanataantrik France -129 NATO
Ajanataantrik Pakistan -214
Ajanataantrik UK -431 NATO

>>> Majority of the Ajanataantrik (Anti-Lincolnian Democratic) Countries are NATO members including Turkey, USA, France, Germany and UK. Look what their Leader has said for Syria’s ‘Divide & Rule’.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
25.05.2016 EDD:

Sunday, 22 May 2016

22.05.16 EDD: "Janatantra"

22.05.2016 ED22.05.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops DCU: 100%, Russia 2nd DCU 88% and South Africa DCU 87% at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 26.02.9116
among 110 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 96% people WW live: 
by EDD: 
Independently Unbiased.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.

Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from 23.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 07.05.2016]: 15.02.9116 ke: 

Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 110 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 96% log rahelan.
Series:  S-2: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 110 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 96% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 110 Most Populated Countries WW:

Score Grade:  A+ 7-10.0 A: 6-7 B: 5-6 C: 4-5 D: 3-4 E: 0 - 3  

Lincoln Democratic Grade: LDG: Janataantrik darjaa >> 
Democratic Capacity Utilisation, DCU % : Janataantrk Xamataa Upyog.
Grade: LDG Country, desh DCU% Remarks, Tippani
LDG Grade: A+  >> 2 Countries:
A+ Vietnam 100 Saamyavaadi
A+  Russia 88 Descendent of USSR

LDG Grade: A  >> 9 Countries:
A South Africa 87 Of Gandhi & Mandela
A Switzerland 94 The only EDD: 20%
A Mexico 87 Not Capitalist
A Philippines 87 East
A Cuba 100 Saamyavaadi, be careful of Western Expansanists.
A Colombia 86 Peaceful people & Govt
A Laos DPR 100 Communist, Saamyavadi.
A S. Korea 86 Toes the line of Expansnts.
A Argentina 94 Peaceful people & Govt.

LDG Grade: B  >> 27 Countries:
B Venezuela 94 Peaceful people & Govt
B Tajikistan 94 CIS
B Bulgaria 94 NATO
B Kazakhstan 93 CIS
B Bolivia 93
B Senegal 93
B Belarus 93 CIS
B Paraguay 93
B Nicaragua 93
B Serbia 93 NATO
B Eretria 93
B Uzbekistan 93 CIS
B Chile 93 Peaceful people & Govt
B North Korea 100 Saamyavaadi 
B Rumania 88 NATO
B Hong Kong 93
B Tanzania 84
B Tunisia 93
B Greece 93 NATO
B Azerbaijan 93 CIS
B Portugal 93 NATO
B Al-Salvador 93
B Sri Lanka 93
B Dom. Rep 93
B Kenya 84
B Uganda 93

LDG Grade: C  >> 34 Countries:
C Benin 93
C Taiwan 93
C Burkina Faso 93
C Honduras 92
C Guina 92
C Nepal 92
C Czec Rep. 92 NATO
C Angola 96 NATO
C Rwanda 92
C Somalia 92
C Peru 92 Peaceful people & Govt
C Cameroon 92
C India 79 BRICS
C Cote d'Ivoire 92
C Haiti 92
C DR Congo 83
C Equador 92
C Jambia 74
C Indonesia 82 East
C Burundi 92
C Malawi 92
C Chad 92
C Brazil 82 BRICS
C Mali 92
C Zimbabwe 92
C Guatemala 92
C Sudan 92
C Poland 92 NATO
C S. Sudan 92
C Myanmar 81 Still military effect.
C Israel 87
C Niger 84
C Mozambique 91

LDG Grade: D  >> 17 Countries:
D Bangladesh 80
D China 54 BRICS
D Nigeria 79
D Ukraine 70 CIS? Gripped by Expasnists.
D Ghana 90
D Syria 90 Destabilized by Expasnists.
D Netherland 90 NATO
D Afghanistan 90 Taliwan by Expasnists
D Egypt 78
D Cambodia 90
D Algeria 90 Recovering the shock.
D Belgium 89 NATO Hqtr
D Austria 89 NATO
D Sweden 89 NATO
D Hungary 89 NATO
D Ethiopia 88
D Papua NG 65

LDG Grade: E >> 10 Countries:
E Malaysia 87 Monarchy
E Iran 32 Progressive 
E Spain 34 NATO
E Thailand 63 Monarchy
E Canada 48 NATO
E Yemen 53
E Morocco 75 Monarchy
E Libya 53 Ruined by Expansionists & Imperialists.
E Japan 10 Monarchy + Capitalism
E Australia 10 Monarchy + Capitalism

Countries with negative DCU are Ajanataantrik or Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, most of them habitual of waging Wars: 9 numbers:
Ajanataantrik UAE -11
Ajanataantrik Iraq -14
Ajanataantrik Turkey -35 NATO
Ajanataantrik USA -45 NATO
Ajanataantrik Saudi Arabia -469
Ajanataantrik Germany -96 NATO
Ajanataantrik France -129 NATO
Ajanataantrik Pakistan -214
Ajanataantrik UK -431 NATO

>>> Majority of the Ajanataantrik (Anti-Lincolnian Democratic) Countries are NATO members including Turkey, USA, France, Germany and UK. Look what their Leader has said for Syria’s ‘Divide & Rule’.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
22.05.2016 EDD:

22.05.2016 EDD: 'Lincolnian Democracy" or 'Janatantra'

22.05.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops DCU: 100%, Russia 2nd DCU 88% and South Africa DCU 87% at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 26.02.9116
among 110 most populated countries of the Earth
where about 96% people WW live:
by EDD:
Independently Unbiased.
[Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.

Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from 23.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 07.05.2016]: 15.02.9116 ke:

Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 110 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 96% log rahelan.
Series:  S-2: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 110 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 96% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 110 Most Populated Countries WW:

Score Grade: A+ 7-10.0 A: 6-7 B: 5-6 C: 4-5 D: 3-4 E: 0 - 3

Lincoln Democratic Grade: LDG: Janataantrik darjaa >>
Democratic Capacity Utilisation, DCU % : Janataantrk Xamataa Upyog.
Grade: LDG Country, desh DCU% Remarks, Tippani
LDG Grade: A+  >> 2 Countries:
A+ Vietnam 100 Saamyavaadi
A+ Russia 88 Descendent of USSR

LDG Grade: A  >> 9 Countries:
A South Africa 87 Of Gandhi & Mandela
A Switzerland 94 The only EDD: 20%
A Mexico 87 Not Capitalist
A Philippines 87 East
A Cuba 100 Saamyavaadi, be careful of Western Expansanists.
A Colombia 86 Peaceful people & Govt
A Laos DPR 100 Communist, Saamyavadi.
A S. Korea 86 Toes the line of Expansnts.
A Argentina 94 Peaceful people & Govt.

LDG Grade: B  >> 27 Countries:
B Venezuela 94 Peaceful people & Govt
B Tajikistan 94 CIS
B Bulgaria 94 NATO
B Kazakhstan 93 CIS
B Bolivia 93
B Senegal 93
B Belarus 93 CIS
B Paraguay 93
B Nicaragua 93
B Serbia 93 NATO
B Eretria 93
B Uzbekistan 93 CIS
B Chile 93 Peaceful people & Govt
B North Korea 100 Saamyavaadi
B Rumania 88 NATO
B Hong Kong 93
B Tanzania 84
B Tunisia 93
B Greece 93 NATO
B Azerbaijan 93 CIS
B Portugal 93 NATO
B Al-Salvador 93
B Sri Lanka 93
B Dom. Rep 93
B Kenya 84
B Uganda 93

LDG Grade: C  >> 34 Countries:
C Benin 93
C Taiwan 93
C Burkina Faso 93
C Honduras 92
C Guina 92
C Nepal 92
C Czec Rep. 92 NATO
C Angola 96 NATO
C Rwanda 92
C Somalia 92
C Peru 92 Peaceful people & Govt
C Cameroon 92
C India 79 BRICS
C Cote d'Ivoire 92
C Haiti 92
C DR Congo 83
C Equador 92
C Jambia 74
C Indonesia 82 East
C Burundi 92
C Malawi 92
C Chad 92
C Brazil 82 BRICS
C Mali 92
C Zimbabwe 92
C Guatemala 92
C Sudan 92
C Poland 92 NATO
C S. Sudan 92
C Myanmar 81 Still military effect.
C Israel 87
C Niger 84
C Mozambique 91

LDG Grade: D  >> 17 Countries:
D Bangladesh 80
D China 54 BRICS
D Nigeria 79
D Ukraine 70 CIS? Gripped by Expasnists.
D Ghana 90
D Syria 90 Destabilized by Expasnists.
D Netherland 90 NATO
D Afghanistan 90 Taliwan by Expasnists
D Egypt 78
D Cambodia 90
D Algeria 90 Recovering the shock.
D Belgium 89 NATO Hqtr
D Austria 89 NATO
D Sweden 89 NATO
D Hungary 89 NATO
D Ethiopia 88
D Papua NG 65

LDG Grade: E >> 10 Countries:
E Malaysia 87 Monarchy
E Iran 32 Progressive
E Spain 34 NATO
E Thailand 63 Monarchy
E Canada 48 NATO
E Yemen 53
E Morocco 75 Monarchy
E Libya 53 Ruined by Expansionists & Imperialists.
E Japan 10 Monarchy + Capitalism
E Australia 10 Monarchy + Capitalism

Countries with negative DCU are Ajanataantrik or Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, most of them habitual of waging Wars: 9 numbers:
Ajanataantrik UAE -11
Ajanataantrik Iraq -14
Ajanataantrik Turkey -35 NATO
Ajanataantrik USA -45 NATO
Ajanataantrik Saudi Arabia -469
Ajanataantrik Germany -96 NATO
Ajanataantrik France -129 NATO
Ajanataantrik Pakistan -214
Ajanataantrik UK -431 NATO

>>> Majority of the Ajanataantrik (Anti-Lincolnian Democratic) Countries are NATO members including Turkey, USA, France, Germany and UK. Look what their Leader has said for Syria’s ‘Divide & Rule’.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
22.05.2016 EDD:
