Tuesday, 14 June 2016

14.06.2016 EDD: >> Why UK at the Bottom among 40 Democratic Countries?

14.06.2016 EDD: Kram- 3, Series-3: 
Vietnam Tops,
Russia 2nd, Mexico 3rd on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" as on 24.03.9116
among 40 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 81% people live: 
by EDD.  
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 40 deshan me` khaali 24 deshan ke 'rrp' janataa se coonaalaa: Cin, SRA, Rus, Maxiko, Filipaains, Vietnaam, Misra, Iraan, DR Kongo, Fraans, Argentina, Ukraine, Algeria, Sudan, Uganda, Peru (jinkar sankhyaa 
3183 M baa kul 5983 M me` 53.2%) >> Niman.
Baaki 16 deshan me` Janatantra naikhe, kaahe ki unkar 'rrp' PM, Canselar aa CM ke eko aadmi naa cune oh pad pa: 
Ee desh havan sa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan, Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh, Jaapaan, Ethiopiaa, Jarmani aa Turki.
Jaapaan me` ta~ Raajatantra baa, baaki eh sab deshan me` ‘Chadma Janatantra’ baa. je se BhrasTaacaare baD*elaa. 
[List of 16 countries, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’ i.e  not ‘Lincolnian Democratic’ among 40 most populated countries,  since even their  'rrp', the 'really ruling persons' PM or Chancellor and CMs are not at all elected for the post even by a single citizen. 
The 16 such countries are: 
India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany, Turkey, Thailand, UK, Poland, Iraq, Canada, Morocco.

Out of 40, 24 countries' 'rrp' are elected by the Citizens: 
China, USA, Russia, Maxico, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, 
DR Congo, France, Italy, S. Africa, Maynmar, S.Korea, Colombia, Tanzania, Spain, Kenya (their population is 3183 M 
out of total 5983 M me` 53.2%),  
 >> Majority of population is enjoying 
'Lincoln Democracy' or 'Janatantra'.

  [For Janatantra:  Let the Goverment of India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Brazil have ‘Referendum’ with next General Election for MPs:  
"Want elected 'rrp': President, Prime Minister and Chief Ministers:
 Yes / No".]

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
Ab Kram-3: 10.03.9116 se.
[“Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-3: from 31.05.2016]

*** Ab dekhee` 10.03.9116 se: 

 [From: 10.06.2016among 40 most populated countries 
 where about 81% people of the World live.]: 

Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 40 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 81% log rahelan:
Series:  S-3:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 40 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 81% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
desh Raenk Sko~r Jd DCU % Tippani
Country Rank Score LDG   DCU % Remarks
Vietnaam Vietnam 1, 6.82 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Rus Russia 2, 6.21 A 86.1 BRICS. Ex USSR 
d.Afrikaa S. Africa 3, 5.90 B 85.5 BRICS
Kolambiaa Colombia 4, 5.67 B 85.0
d.Koriaa S. Korea 5, 5.57 B 84.8
Mexiko Mexico 6, 5.49 B 84.6 Central America
Filipaain Filippines 7, 5.4 B 84.4 East
ArjenTinaa Argentina 8, 5.38 B 93.08 2nd DCU
Peru Peru 9, 5.25 B 82.92
Tanzaaniaa Tanzania 10, 4.83 C 82.8
Bhaarat India 11, 4.65 C 82.3 BRICS
Keniyaa Kenya 12, 4.64 C 82.3
InDonesiaa Indonesia 13, 4.6 C 82.1 East
Braazil Brazil 14, 4.55 C 82 BRICS
PolaenD Poland 15, 4.42 C 91.7 NATO
Banglaadesh Banglad 16, 4.34 C 81.3 
Naaijeriaa Nigeria 17, 4.14 C 80.5
UgaanDaa Uganda 18, 4.03 C 91.97
Brahmdesh Maynmar 19, 3.85 D 79.4
DR Kongo Congo 20, 3.67 D 78.6
ITali Italy 21, 3.63 D 52.8
SuDaan Sudan 22, 3.52 D 89.81
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia 23, 3.0 D 75
Cin China 24, 2.84 E 46.3 BRICS, East
Yukren Ukraine 25, 2.77 E 63.43
Misra Egypt 26, 2.45 E 71.1
Aljeriaa Algeria 27, 2.42 E 85.75
Shyaam Thailand 28, 1.65 E 62.2 East Monarchy
KanaaDaa Canada 29, 1.55 E 49.21 Monarchy
Morokko Morocco 30, 1.44 E 78.32 Monarchy
Spe~n Spain 31, 1.19 E 26.0 Monarchy
Iraan Iran 32, 1.1 E 20.4 East
Jaapaan Japan 33, 0.14 E 3.8 East Monarchy
Iraak Iraq 34, -0.5 Ajanataantrik (-)22 Under NATO
Turki Turkey 35, -1.8 Ajanataantrik (-)43 NATO
SRA USA 36, -4.6 Ajanataantrik (-)66 NATO
Jarmani Germany 37, -5.7 Ajanataantrik (-)96 NATO
Fraans France 38, -5.8 Ajanataantrik (-)119 NATO
Paakistaan Pakistan 39, -9.4 Ajanataantrik (-)207
Bartaaniyaa UK 40, -9.8 Ajanataantrik (-)302 NATO. Monarchy

Tippani: Remarks: 
1. Vietnam: Topmost Janatantric nation with DCU 100%. among 30 most populated countries WW, 
2. Pakistan: Training and sheltering terrorists => Anti-Lincolnian   Democratic. Ajanataantrik.
3. USA: Waging many unauthorized wars. Helping and donating billions $ to Pakistan, the Epicenter of Terrorism => Anti- Lincolnian Democratic.
4. Five NATO countries: have Negative DCU: showing they are Anti-Lincolnian Democratic. 
5. UK: is at the Bottom being a Monarchy and in NATO.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
14.06.2016 EDD:

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