15.07.2016 EDD: Kram- 3, Series-3:
Vietnam Tops,
Cuba 2nd, Russia 3rd on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" as on 25.04.9116
among 80 most populated countries of the Earth
where about 92.5% people of the World live:
by EDD.
[Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
Neece khaali Upari 10 Raenk ke desan ke Suci del jaayaa unkar LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization" ) ke saath; aa Niclaa 10 deshan ke ohee sab vistaaran ke saath.
[We reproduce below a list of only Top 10 Ranking countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization" ) and Bottom 10 countries with same info.
Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 80 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 91% log rahelan:
Series: S-3: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 80 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 91% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
desh Raenk Sko~r Jd DCU % Tippani
Country Rank Score LDG DCU % Remarks
Vietnaam Vietnam 1, 6.82 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Kyubaa Cuba 2, 6.27 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Rus Russia 3, 6.21 A 86.1 BRICS. Ex USSR
Kazakhastaan Kazakh 4, 6.12 A 93.87 CIS, 2nd DCU
Boliviaa Bolivia 5, 6.10 A 93.85
Velaarus Velarus 6, 6.08 A 93.83
Vnzuelaa Venezuela 7, 6.05 A 93.80
Sri Lankaa Lanka 8, 6.01 A 93.75 East
Ujbekistaan Ujbek 9, 5.93 B 93.68 CIS
d.Afrikaa S. Africa 10, 5.90 B 85.5 BRICS
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
AsTreliyaa Austrelia 71, 1.02 E 26.8 Monarchy
Jaapaan Japan 72 0.14 E 3.8 East Monarchy
Iraak Iraq 73, -0.5 Ajanataantrik (-) 22 Under-NATO
Turki Turkey 74, -1.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 43 NATO
SRA USA 75, -4.57 Ajanataantrik (-) 66 NATO
Saudi Arabiaa Saudi 76 -4.75 Ajanataantrik (-) 469 Kingdom
Jarmani Germany 77, -5.7 Ajanataantrik (-) 96 NATO
Fraans France 78, -5.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 119 NATO
Paakistaan Pakistan 79, -9.4 Ajanataantrik (-) 207
Bartaaniyaa UK 80, -9.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 302 NATO. Monarchy
EDD feels pity for the Bottom 10 Rankers: Either they are illusioned that they are the 'Democrats' or in the name of 'Democracy', they fulfil their vested interests:
About the Bottom 10 Rankers please note:
*1 Except 1 country which breeds terrorists, all the rest are either a Monarchy / Kingdom or a NATO member.
**2 Most of these countries think > They are the custodians of 'Democracy' which is far from reality as shown by their (-)ive DCU: which means most of their deeds are Anti-Democratic i.e. Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, since they think:
> 'Capitalism' means 'Democracy'
>> "Dividing people and Socities into Parties and making them keep on fighting among themselves" is 'Democracy'
>>> "Permission to do demonstrations against a government" is 'Democracy'.
>>> They have right to impose their above views, as the do often with NATO.
***3 On the other hand one must know:
'Democracy' means 'Janatantra' or 'Lincolnian Democracy' as defined by the Great son of the Earth, Abraham Lincoln: "Democracy is a Government by the people, for the people and of the people"
> Which can be Socialistic. Communistic, Capitalistic, Gandhian, or ... as desired by the people of a country.
*4. EDD: "Earth Direct Democracy" hopes all the people of the World may be allowed to have 'Janatantra' in their countries.
Tippani: Remarks:
1. Vietnam: Topmost Janatantric nation with DCU 100%. among 90 most populated countries WW,
2. Pakistan: Training and sheltering terrorists => Anti-Lincolnian Democratic. Ajanataantrik.
3. USA: Waging many unauthorized wars. Helping and donating billions of $ to Pakistan, the Epicenter of Terrorism => Anti-Lincolnian Democratic.
4. Six NATO Countries: have Negative DCU: showing their ‘Anti-Lincolnian Democratic nature’. They should avoid attacking other countries.
5. UK: is at the Bottom, being a Monarchy and in NATO.
6. “Lincolnian Democratic Grade” LDG:Number of Countries
LDC-Grade Nu of Counyries % of Total
A 8 9
B 31 34
C 22 24
D 8 9
Anti-LDC: 8 9
Total: 90 100
Mainly 9 "Anti-LDC countries" do not allow other countries to live in peace. These countries indulge waging unauthorized wars on some flimsy grounds like religions, ‘social divide’, WMD etc for their petty gains, often following: “Divide & Rule” policy, creating “ Dirty Party Politics”.
> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
[An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
Qaddafism:: Gaddafism:
Lest one forgets Gaddafism, let us keepb the records straight: on “EDD: Earth Direct Democracy”
On 01.09.1969 in a bloodless coup King Idris, while in Turkey, was overthrown by a group of progressive young Army Personnel under the Leadership of 27 yr Captain Muammar Gaddafi. The Monarchy was abolished.
Time Line:
1942: Gaddafi was born in a tent in the desert of Libya, son of a Bedouin Farmer.
1963: Qaddafi graduated from the University of Libya.
1965: Libyan Military Academy, Banghazi
1.9.1969: Qaddafi became the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council of Libya.
Blending Islamic orthodoxy, Revolutionary socialism, Arab nationalism and Gandhian ‘swasaasan’ selfrule, Qaddafi asked the congregation of people:
He felt: Why should anyone rule over the others, from top or from the bottom as in communism? Why shouldn’t we follow Gandhi and have Swasaasan or self-rule. In case you all agree we can decide for self-rule henceforth in Libya. Everybody nodded ‘yes’, we should.
Gaddafi said ‘The Gandhian self-rules may take time to evolve gradually, but we are all Muslims, thus hence forth we would follow Islamic rules imposed on one-self. All agreed. (Perhaps this was the 1st ‘Direct Democracy’ in any country.) Thus came into effect: prohibition of alcoholic drinks, gambling (how about Mahabharat!), but liberated women, and launched social programs to improve the standard of living of Libyans.
He established closer relation to Arab nations like Egypt.
He added: When there is ‘no government’, why should we have Ambassadors? He said: Libya will be represented in each country with a group of representatives of Libya; i.e. ’A group of 11 labor representatives’ were sent to UK, ’A group of 11 student representatives’ were sent to India, ... :This was heard by people all over the world on Radios.
The First country to recognize Libyan Govt was UK, followed by USSR who said Libya was one step ahead (than communism), India and others...
1970: US and British military bases in Libya were removed.
1969-70: Starting with Egypt, Iraq, UK, USSR, India... most countries recognized the “Libyan Arab Jamhuriya” by 1970, barring a few like USA.
1973: Libya took control of foreign based oil fields.
Gaddafi developed a political philosophy in his Green Book which is something as dreamt by Plato, and Marx. His theory solved the contradiction between Capitalism and Communism in order to put the World on a path of political, economic and social revolutionto set oppressed people free everywhere. He got established people’s Committees at the rim of a wheel, who sent truly democratic peoples general secretariate to the center thro’ spokes. The System was called Jamahiriyya i.e. RRule by the Masses” or Janatantra.
Gaddafi used to take anti Imperialistic campaigns around the World, funding and supporting militants groupsand resistance movements.
1975? A few German Universities stared teaching ‘Gaddafism’, now no trace.
1980s: The Wests blamed Libya for terrorist attacks.
April 1986: Under the order of Pres Reagan, US airplanes bombed Tripoli, Libya in retaliation of allaged bombing a West German dance hall killing 2 US soldiers; although there was no conclusive proof of involvement of libya. Qaddafi got injured and his daughter was killed.
The domestication of the earst while “mad dog” was held up as US pres. George W Bush’s military invasion of Iraq in 2003.
May 2006: USA accorded full recognition to the Government of Libya lead by Gaddafi after about 37 years of its formation; possibly just to enter into it, to break it from within using “Divide & Rule” policy, putting fuel to the spark to ignite it well developing into Civil wars, still continuing in 2016. USA has Mastery of creating Civil Wars using ‘Divide & Rule’ policy thrusting multi-party-governments in the name of ‘Democracy’, destabilizing countries after countries. Presently it is in progress vigorously in Syria.
A Past President of USA and a Great Son of the Earth Sanatanarya Abraham Lincoln struggled for lived and died defining “Democracy as the Government by the people, for the people and of the people.”
A question is asked by the USA Authority and the people whether they wished to make Libya what it is today after 2011 when they and associates attacked it? Surely Sanatanarya Abraham Lincoln must have been in extreme grief to see the plights of the Libyan ladies in 2016.
>>> By doing this, USA + Allies not only ruined Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged “The 1st Self-Ruled Country” Swasaasan dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi and “The 1st Direct Democracy in a Country” of the World. [more: EDD at www.earthdirectdemocracy.blogspot.com
2009: UN General Assembly: Gaddafi gave a rambling speech over 1h 15 m longer than 10 m allotted time.
Dec.2010 Tunisia: Foreigners and oppositions moved thro Tunisia into Libya.
2011: Unrest spread through many of the Arab World, massive political pressure against Gaddafi Govt. started sparking a civil war led by mullahs instigated by the Wests in the name of protecting Islam, as ladies had lot of liberties.
15.07.2016 EDD:
Vietnam Tops,
Cuba 2nd, Russia 3rd on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" as on 25.04.9116
among 80 most populated countries of the Earth
where about 92.5% people of the World live:
by EDD.
[Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
Neece khaali Upari 10 Raenk ke desan ke Suci del jaayaa unkar LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization" ) ke saath; aa Niclaa 10 deshan ke ohee sab vistaaran ke saath.
[We reproduce below a list of only Top 10 Ranking countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization" ) and Bottom 10 countries with same info.
Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 80 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 91% log rahelan:
Series: S-3: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 80 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 91% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
desh Raenk Sko~r Jd DCU % Tippani
Country Rank Score LDG DCU % Remarks
Vietnaam Vietnam 1, 6.82 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Kyubaa Cuba 2, 6.27 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Rus Russia 3, 6.21 A 86.1 BRICS. Ex USSR
Kazakhastaan Kazakh 4, 6.12 A 93.87 CIS, 2nd DCU
Boliviaa Bolivia 5, 6.10 A 93.85
Velaarus Velarus 6, 6.08 A 93.83
Vnzuelaa Venezuela 7, 6.05 A 93.80
Sri Lankaa Lanka 8, 6.01 A 93.75 East
Ujbekistaan Ujbek 9, 5.93 B 93.68 CIS
d.Afrikaa S. Africa 10, 5.90 B 85.5 BRICS
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
AsTreliyaa Austrelia 71, 1.02 E 26.8 Monarchy
Jaapaan Japan 72 0.14 E 3.8 East Monarchy
Iraak Iraq 73, -0.5 Ajanataantrik (-) 22 Under-NATO
Turki Turkey 74, -1.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 43 NATO
SRA USA 75, -4.57 Ajanataantrik (-) 66 NATO
Saudi Arabiaa Saudi 76 -4.75 Ajanataantrik (-) 469 Kingdom
Jarmani Germany 77, -5.7 Ajanataantrik (-) 96 NATO
Fraans France 78, -5.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 119 NATO
Paakistaan Pakistan 79, -9.4 Ajanataantrik (-) 207
Bartaaniyaa UK 80, -9.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 302 NATO. Monarchy
EDD feels pity for the Bottom 10 Rankers: Either they are illusioned that they are the 'Democrats' or in the name of 'Democracy', they fulfil their vested interests:
About the Bottom 10 Rankers please note:
*1 Except 1 country which breeds terrorists, all the rest are either a Monarchy / Kingdom or a NATO member.
**2 Most of these countries think > They are the custodians of 'Democracy' which is far from reality as shown by their (-)ive DCU: which means most of their deeds are Anti-Democratic i.e. Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, since they think:
> 'Capitalism' means 'Democracy'
>> "Dividing people and Socities into Parties and making them keep on fighting among themselves" is 'Democracy'
>>> "Permission to do demonstrations against a government" is 'Democracy'.
>>> They have right to impose their above views, as the do often with NATO.
***3 On the other hand one must know:
'Democracy' means 'Janatantra' or 'Lincolnian Democracy' as defined by the Great son of the Earth, Abraham Lincoln: "Democracy is a Government by the people, for the people and of the people"
> Which can be Socialistic. Communistic, Capitalistic, Gandhian, or ... as desired by the people of a country.
*4. EDD: "Earth Direct Democracy" hopes all the people of the World may be allowed to have 'Janatantra' in their countries.
Tippani: Remarks:
1. Vietnam: Topmost Janatantric nation with DCU 100%. among 90 most populated countries WW,
2. Pakistan: Training and sheltering terrorists => Anti-Lincolnian Democratic. Ajanataantrik.
3. USA: Waging many unauthorized wars. Helping and donating billions of $ to Pakistan, the Epicenter of Terrorism => Anti-Lincolnian Democratic.
4. Six NATO Countries: have Negative DCU: showing their ‘Anti-Lincolnian Democratic nature’. They should avoid attacking other countries.
5. UK: is at the Bottom, being a Monarchy and in NATO.
6. “Lincolnian Democratic Grade” LDG:Number of Countries
LDC-Grade Nu of Counyries % of Total
A 8 9
B 31 34
C 22 24
D 8 9
Anti-LDC: 8 9
Total: 90 100
Mainly 9 "Anti-LDC countries" do not allow other countries to live in peace. These countries indulge waging unauthorized wars on some flimsy grounds like religions, ‘social divide’, WMD etc for their petty gains, often following: “Divide & Rule” policy, creating “ Dirty Party Politics”.
> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
[An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
Qaddafism:: Gaddafism:
Lest one forgets Gaddafism, let us keepb the records straight: on “EDD: Earth Direct Democracy”
On 01.09.1969 in a bloodless coup King Idris, while in Turkey, was overthrown by a group of progressive young Army Personnel under the Leadership of 27 yr Captain Muammar Gaddafi. The Monarchy was abolished.
Time Line:
1942: Gaddafi was born in a tent in the desert of Libya, son of a Bedouin Farmer.
1963: Qaddafi graduated from the University of Libya.
1965: Libyan Military Academy, Banghazi
1.9.1969: Qaddafi became the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council of Libya.
Blending Islamic orthodoxy, Revolutionary socialism, Arab nationalism and Gandhian ‘swasaasan’ selfrule, Qaddafi asked the congregation of people:
He felt: Why should anyone rule over the others, from top or from the bottom as in communism? Why shouldn’t we follow Gandhi and have Swasaasan or self-rule. In case you all agree we can decide for self-rule henceforth in Libya. Everybody nodded ‘yes’, we should.
Gaddafi said ‘The Gandhian self-rules may take time to evolve gradually, but we are all Muslims, thus hence forth we would follow Islamic rules imposed on one-self. All agreed. (Perhaps this was the 1st ‘Direct Democracy’ in any country.) Thus came into effect: prohibition of alcoholic drinks, gambling (how about Mahabharat!), but liberated women, and launched social programs to improve the standard of living of Libyans.
He established closer relation to Arab nations like Egypt.
He added: When there is ‘no government’, why should we have Ambassadors? He said: Libya will be represented in each country with a group of representatives of Libya; i.e. ’A group of 11 labor representatives’ were sent to UK, ’A group of 11 student representatives’ were sent to India, ... :This was heard by people all over the world on Radios.
The First country to recognize Libyan Govt was UK, followed by USSR who said Libya was one step ahead (than communism), India and others...
1970: US and British military bases in Libya were removed.
1969-70: Starting with Egypt, Iraq, UK, USSR, India... most countries recognized the “Libyan Arab Jamhuriya” by 1970, barring a few like USA.
1973: Libya took control of foreign based oil fields.
Gaddafi developed a political philosophy in his Green Book which is something as dreamt by Plato, and Marx. His theory solved the contradiction between Capitalism and Communism in order to put the World on a path of political, economic and social revolutionto set oppressed people free everywhere. He got established people’s Committees at the rim of a wheel, who sent truly democratic peoples general secretariate to the center thro’ spokes. The System was called Jamahiriyya i.e. RRule by the Masses” or Janatantra.
Gaddafi used to take anti Imperialistic campaigns around the World, funding and supporting militants groupsand resistance movements.
1975? A few German Universities stared teaching ‘Gaddafism’, now no trace.
1980s: The Wests blamed Libya for terrorist attacks.
April 1986: Under the order of Pres Reagan, US airplanes bombed Tripoli, Libya in retaliation of allaged bombing a West German dance hall killing 2 US soldiers; although there was no conclusive proof of involvement of libya. Qaddafi got injured and his daughter was killed.
The domestication of the earst while “mad dog” was held up as US pres. George W Bush’s military invasion of Iraq in 2003.
May 2006: USA accorded full recognition to the Government of Libya lead by Gaddafi after about 37 years of its formation; possibly just to enter into it, to break it from within using “Divide & Rule” policy, putting fuel to the spark to ignite it well developing into Civil wars, still continuing in 2016. USA has Mastery of creating Civil Wars using ‘Divide & Rule’ policy thrusting multi-party-governments in the name of ‘Democracy’, destabilizing countries after countries. Presently it is in progress vigorously in Syria.
A Past President of USA and a Great Son of the Earth Sanatanarya Abraham Lincoln struggled for lived and died defining “Democracy as the Government by the people, for the people and of the people.”
A question is asked by the USA Authority and the people whether they wished to make Libya what it is today after 2011 when they and associates attacked it? Surely Sanatanarya Abraham Lincoln must have been in extreme grief to see the plights of the Libyan ladies in 2016.
>>> By doing this, USA + Allies not only ruined Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged “The 1st Self-Ruled Country” Swasaasan dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi and “The 1st Direct Democracy in a Country” of the World. [more: EDD at www.earthdirectdemocracy.blogspot.com
2009: UN General Assembly: Gaddafi gave a rambling speech over 1h 15 m longer than 10 m allotted time.
Dec.2010 Tunisia: Foreigners and oppositions moved thro Tunisia into Libya.
2011: Unrest spread through many of the Arab World, massive political pressure against Gaddafi Govt. started sparking a civil war led by mullahs instigated by the Wests in the name of protecting Islam, as ladies had lot of liberties.
15.07.2016 EDD:
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