Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Multi Party government > Self Defeating 27.09.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy

Multi Party government > Self Defeating 
27.09.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy
Kram- 3, Series-3: 
Vietnam Tops, Cuba 2nd, Russia 3rd 
on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" by EDD as on 20.05.9116
among 160 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 99.8% people of the World live: by EDD.  
'Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra'.
'Multy Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
< Weakens Nations >
<  Each Group or Party works against the Other >
< There is no Sense of Togetherness >
< One Party is always busy in creating situation to harm others >
** This is not Janatantra or 
 "People's Government" or
 "Lincolnian Democracy"
This is:
'Multy Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
 The Greatest Impediment to the Development of the people of a Country.
"Sangacchadhvam Sambadadhvam, Sannomana: Shivasankalpa:mastu."
i.e. "Let us go together bound-together,
Together from heart to heart, 
determined to achieve the good Targets." 
In a 'Multy Party Government', the opposition always tries to remove the Ruler, even if s/he is elected by the citizens. 
'Divide & Rule' party-politics of the Middle-men prevail whose main aim is to some how acquire power, even by a Coup. 
This is what has happened in Brazil to degrade a President Elected by the people.

Neece khaali LDG-A Raenk ke desan ke Suci del jaataa unkar LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") ke saath; 
aa Niclaa 15 deshan ke ohee sab vistaar ke saath.
[We reproduce below a list of "LDG - A" Ranking and some "LDG-B Ranking countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") and 
Bottom 15 countries with the same info.]

Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 160 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 99.8% log rahelan:
Series:  S-3:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 160 most Populated Countries WW in which about 99.8% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
desh Raenk Sko~r Jd DCU % Tippani
Country Rank     Score   LDG DCU % Remarks
Vietnaam Vietnam 1, 6.825 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Kyubaa Cuba 2, 6.270 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Rus Russia 3, 6.211 A 86.1 BRICS. CIS
Kazakhstaan Kazakh 4, 6.125 A 93.87 CIS
Taajkistaan Tajkistan 4, 6.125 A 93.87 CIS
Boliviaa Bolivia 6, 6.105 A 93.85
SwiTzarlaenD Switz. 7, 6.090 A 93.84 > ~ EDD
Velaarus Velarus 8, 6.085 A 93.83 CIS
Kirgijistaan Kirgyjstan 9, 6.060 A 93.88 CIS
Venezuelaa Venezue. 10, 6.055 A 93.80 
Panaamaa Panama 10, 6.055 A 93.80
Turkmenistaan Turk. 12, 6.035 A 94.22 CIS 

PuerTo Rico Porto Ri. 12, 6.035 A 93.78

Paaraague Paraguay    12,    6.035          A        93.78
Omaan          Oman       15,    6.025          A        93.77
Nicaraaguaa Nicarag. 16. 6.020         A 93.99
Bulgaariaa Bulgaria 16, 6.020 A 93.77 
Sri Lankaa Sri Lanka 16, 6.005 A 93.75 East
Sarbiyaa Serbia 19, 6.005 A 93.77
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** **
Bahraain Bahrain 145, 1.04 E 100 
AsTreliyaa Austrelia 146, 1.02 E 26.8 Monarchy
Lesotho Lesotho 147, 0.8 E 20.9
SwaazilaenD Swazilnd 148, 0.46 E 100
Kuwait Kuwait 149, 0.30 E 8.0 Monarchy
Jaapaan Japan 150, 0.14 E 3.8 East Monarchy
UAE UAE 151, -0.04 Ajanataantrik (-) 11 Kingdom
Iraak Iraq 152, -0.35 Ajanataantrik (-) 14 under NATO
Qataar Qatar 153 -0.38 Ajanataantrik (-) 9.0
Turki Turkey 154, -1.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 43 NATO
SRA USA 155, -4.57 Ajanataantrik (-) 66 NATO
Saudi Arabiaa Saudi 156, -4.75 Ajanataantrik (-) 469 Kingdom
Jarmani Germany 157, -5.7 Ajanataantrik (-) 96 NATO
Fraans France 158, -5.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 119 NATO
Paakistaan Pakistan 159, -9.4 Ajanataantrik (-) 207
Bartaaniyaa UK 160, -9.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 302 NATO. Monarchy

About the Bottom 8 Rankers, please note:
*1 Except 1 country which breeds and shelters terrorists, all the rest are either a Monarchy / Kingdom or a NATO member who keeps on attacking countries..
**2 Most of these countries think > They are the custodians of 'Democracy' which is far from reality as shown by their (-) ive DCU: which means most of their deeds are Anti-Democratic i.e. 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' = Ajanatantrik, since they think:
> 'Capitalism' means 'Democracy'
>>   "Dividing people and Socities into Parties and making them keep on fighting among themselves" is 'Democracy'
>>> "Permission to do demonstrations against a government" is 'Democracy' as in England. 
>>> They have right to impose their above views, as they do often with NATO, attacking other countries who do not agree to them.

***3 On the other hand one must know:
'Democracy' means 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' as defined by the Great son of the Earth, Abraham Lincoln: "Democracy is the Government by the people, for the people and of the people"; where'people' => 'Human' not only citizen.
> Which can be: 
Socialistic (eg. Saddam's Iraq, Gaddafi's Libya, Assad's Syria), 
Communistic (Vietnam, Cuba, China, N. Korea), 
Capitalistic (Sri lanka, South Afrika), 
Gandhian (Gaddafi was inspired by Gandhiism), 
Or ... as desired by the people of a country.

*4. EDD, "Earth Direct Democracy" hopes: 
All the people of the World may be able to have 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' in their countries, in case they wish so; being the 1st step of EDD.

Tippani: Remarks: 
DCU 100% shows: They utilise all their 'Democratic Capabilities' for the good of the people.
1. Vietnam: Topmost Janatantric nation with DCU 100%. among 140 most populated countries WW. . 
2. Pakistan: Training and sheltering terrorists => Anti-Lincolnian   Democratic. Ajanataantrik with DCU -207 % => they use double their capabilities for Anti-Democratic activities, getting billions from USA.
3. USA: Waging many unauthorized wars. Helping and donating billions of $ to Pakistan, the Epicenter of Terrorism => with DCU -66% => They use 66% of their capabilities for Anti-'Lincolnian democratic' or Ajanatantrik activities.

4. Six NATO Countries: have Negative DCU: showing their ‘Anti-Lincolnian Democratic nature’. They should avoid attacking other countries.

5. UK: is at the bottom, being a Monarchy as well as in NATO.  

Mainly 9 "Anti-LDC countries" do not allow others to live in peace. These countries indulge waging unauthorized wars on some flimsy grounds like religions, ‘social divide’, WMD, 'Human rights' etc for their petty gains, often following: “Divide & Rule” policy, creating “Dirty Party Politics” and dirty "Govts. full of Party Politics".

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
  "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
  [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others called Jihad.]

Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' Deeds of the Wests: 
>>> By ruining Libya, the Wests not only ruined Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged: 

“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.  

“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. For more: EDD at 
27.09.2016 EDD:

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Germany most Sportive among 20 most populated countries WW AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool

Germany most Sportive among 20 most populated countries WW
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool 
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी  सोमार Somaar Sri: 10.07.9116. 
> 4th Baris, Suruaat: 9113
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, inBho, 26.09.2016 CE
> Since: 3.12.2012 AD, 4th Year of Establishment]

खास बात Khaas Baat: [Special Talk]:
पाठ PaaTh - 95.07.9116:  [Lesson- 95.07.9116]: 
*** Ab hamani ke KhelaaRee deshan ke Rank dekhab jaa: 
BE / M Population  ke aadhaar pa. 
[Let us see which country is more Sportive  
based on ‘Bronze Equivalent’ BE / Million Population]:
1G = 4 B, 1 S = 2 B, 1B = 1B > 1G+1S+1B = 4B+2B +1B = 7 BE  

** Sabse jaadaa Janasankhyaa waalaa Sansaar ke 20 deshan ke "LanDan Garami 9112 aa Rio Garami 9116" ke BE/M ke aadhaar pa Raenk:
1m Raenk: Jarmani BE/M: 4.2 => 1G prati M Janasankhya.
2-sar Raenk:Rus BE/M: 3.03 => 1S, 1B  prati M Janasankhya.
3-sar Raenk: USA BE/M 2.51 => 1S prati M Janasakhyaa.

** Among 20 most populated countries of the World: Ranking based on BE/M population considering only "London Summer 2012 and Rio Summer 2016:
1st Rank: Germany BE/M: 4.20 => 1G per Million Population
2nd Rank: Russsia BE/M: 3.03 => 1S + 1B per M
3rd Rank: USA BE/M: 2.51 => 1S per Million Population

>> BE value provides a single value to get exact comparison of the performance of a country with the other. 

Caaloo baa: Continued.
 “AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool” ke Uddes:
Suruaat Sri:30.07.9113 [Since: 17.10.2013 AD]
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aa Sanskriti se prem karelan, aa eh sabhan ke auru jaadaa seekhe aa baD*aawe ke caahelan. 
Bhojpuri bhaasaa ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti, Vyaapaar aa dusar dhandhaa me` “Sansaar me` leek se haT ke Gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan binaa kawano jaati, relijan ke bhed bhaav ke, sab ke Kalyaan khaatir”.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is a school for those persons who love Bhojpuri language, literature and culture and wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture, Biusiness and other Professions also aiming for 
“Enhancing the knowledge without sticking to the conventional methodologies for the good of all: irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of origin".]
Hamni ke Bhojpuri, InBho ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakile.  
[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing Bhojpuri, InBho.]                                                                     
 Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome.]
"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke 'Uddes' khaatir Sri: 16.09.9115 ke PosT-o dekhee`.  
 Praacaarya: devadoot S. 
[For the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' go also to the post dated: 30.07.2014, 16.12.2015 AD. 
 devadoot S. 
 Principal, 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' Email:]
  ओरा गइल  Oraa gail. [The End]
 10.07.9116 Bhojpuri eSkool 26.09.2016

>> ग्लोबल भोजपुरी में Global Bhojpuri me`:

>> dinan ke naav: एतवार  सोमार  मंगर  बुध  बियफे  शुक  शनीचर
>> Maheenan ke naav:  चैत  बैशाख  जेठ  आसाढ़  सावन
भादो  आशिन  कातिक  अगहन  पुष  माघ   फागुन.



Thursday, 22 September 2016

Multi Party government > Self Defeating 22.09.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy

Multi Party government > Self Defeating 
22.09.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy
Kram- 3, Series-3: 
Vietnam Tops, Cuba 2nd, Russia 3rd 
on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" by EDD as on 20.05.9116
among 160 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 99.8% people of the World live: by EDD.  
'Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra'.
'Multy Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
< Weakens Nations >
<  Each Group or Party works against the Other >
< There is no Sense of Togetherness >
< One Party is always busy in creating situation to harm others >
** This is not 'Janatantra' or 
 "People's Government" or
 "Lincolnian Democracy"
This is:
'Multy Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
 The Greatest Impediment to the Development of the people of a Country.
"Sangacchadhvam Sambadadhvam, Sannomana: Shivasankalpa:mastu."
i.e. "Let us go together bound-together,
Together from heart to heart, 
determined to achieve the good Targets." 
In a 'Multy Party Government', the opposition always tries to remove the Ruler, even if s/he is elected by the citizens. 
'Divide & Rule' party-politics of the Middle-men prevail whose main aim is to some how acquire power, even by a Coup, even with the help of some Foreign countries. 
This is what has happening in Syria to degrade a President Elected by the people, to establish a Multy Party Government. 
USA is helping some Syrian opposition, which they can do in any country and destabilize any country.

Neece khaali LDG-A Raenk ke desan ke Suci del jaataa unkar LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") ke saath; 
aa Niclaa 15 deshan ke ohee sab vistaar ke saath.
[We reproduce below a list of "LDG - A Ranking"  countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") and 
Bottom 15 countries with the same info.]

Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 150 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 99.6% log rahelan:
Series:  S-3:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 150 most Populated Countries WW in which about 99.6% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
desh Raenk Sko~r Jd DCU % Tippani
Country Rank     Score   LDG DCU % Remarks
Vietnaam Vietnam 1, 6.825 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Kyubaa Cuba 2, 6.270 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Rus Russia 3, 6.211 A 86.1 BRICS. CIS
Kazakhstaan Kazakh 4, 6.125 A 93.87 CIS
Taajkistaan Tajkistan 4, 6.125 A 93.87 CIS
Boliviaa Bolivia 6, 6.105 A 93.85
Saipras Cyprus 6, 6.105 A 93.85
SwiTzarlaenD Switz. 8, 6.090 A 93.84 > ~ EDD
Velaarus Velarus 9, 6.085 A 93.83 CIS
Kirgijistaan Kirgyjstan 10, 6.060 A 93.88 CIS
Venezuelaa Venezue. 11, 6.055 A 93.80 
Panaamaa Panama 12, 6.055 A 93.80
Turkmenistaan Turk. 13, 6.035 A 94.22 CIS 

PuerTo Rico Porto Ri. 14, 6.035 A 93.78

Paaraague Paraguay    15,    6.035          A        93.78
Omaan          Oman       16,    6.025          A        93.77
Nicaraaguaa Nicarag. 17. 6.020         A 93.99
Bulgaariaa Bulgaria 18, 6.020 A 93.77 
Sri Lankaa Sri Lanka 19, 6.005 A 93.75 East
Sarbiyaa Serbia 20, 6.005 A 93.77
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
Spe~n Spain 145, 1.19 E 26.0 Monarchy
Iraan Iran 146, 1.1 E 20.37
JorDaan Jordan 147, 1.05 E 72.5 Kingdom
AsTreliyaa Austrelia 148, 1.02 E 26.8 Monarchy
Swaazilaend Swaziland 148, 0.46, E 100 Monarchy
Kuwait Kuwait 149, 0.30 E 7.97 Monarchy
Jaapaan Japan 150, 0.14 E 3.8 East Monarchy
UAE UAE 151, -0.04 Ajanataantrik (-) 11 Kingdom
Iraak Iraq 152, -0.35 Ajanataantrik (-) 14 under NATO
Qataar Qatar 153 -0.38 Ajanataantrik (-) 9.0
Turki Turkey 154, -1.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 43 NATO
SRA USA 155, -4.57 Ajanataantrik (-) 66 NATO
Saudi Arabiaa Saudi 156, -4.75 Ajanataantrik (-) 469 Kingdom
Jarmani Germany 157, -5.7 Ajanataantrik (-) 96 NATO
Fraans France 158, -5.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 119 NATO
Paakistaan Pakistan 159, -9.4 Ajanataantrik (-) 207
Bartaaniyaa UK 160, -9.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 302 NATO. Monarchy

EDD feels pity for most of the bottom 15 Rankers: Either they are illusioned that they are the 'Democratic countries' or in the name of 'Democracy', they fulfil their vested interests:

About the Bottom 8 Rankers, please note:
*1 Except 1 country which breeds and shelters terrorists, all the rest are either a Monarchy / Kingdom or a NATO member who keeps on attacking countries..
**2 Most of these countries think 
> They are the custodians of 'Democracy' which is far from reality as shown by their (-) ive DCU: which means most of their deeds are Anti-Democratic i.e. 
'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' = Ajanatantrik, since they think:
> 'Capitalism' means 'Democracy'
>>   "Dividing people and Socities into Parties and making them keep on fighting among themselves" is 'Democracy'
>>> "Permission to do demonstrations against a government" is 'Democracy' as in England. 
>>> They have right to impose their above views, as they do often with NATO, attacking other countries who do not agree to them.

***3 On the other hand one must know:
'Democracy' means 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' as defined by the Great son of the Earth, Abraham Lincoln: "Democracy is the Government by the people, for the people and of the people"; where'people' => 'Human' not only citizen.
> Which can be: 
Socialistic (eg. Saddam's Iraq, Gaddafi's Libya, Assad's Syria), 
Communistic (Vietnam, Cuba, China, N. Korea), 
Capitalistic (Sri lanka, South Afrika), 
Gandhian (Libyan Leader Gaddafi was inspired by Gandhiism), 
Or (any other system good for humanity)... as desired by the people of a country.

*4. EDD, "Earth Direct Democracy" hopes: 
All the people of the World may be able to have 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' in their countries, in case they wish so; being the 1st step of EDD.

Tippani: Remarks: 
DCU 100% shows: The country utilise all their 'Democratic Capabilities' for the good of the people.
1. Vietnam: Topmost Janatantric nation with DCU 100%. among 160 most populated countries WW. . 
2. Pakistan: Training and sheltering terrorists => Anti-Lincolnian   Democratic. Ajanataantrik with DCU -207 % => they use double their capabilities for Anti-Democratic activities, getting billions from USA.
3. USA: Waging many unauthorized wars. Helping and donating billions of $ to Pakistan, the Epicenter of Terrorism => with DCU -66% => They use 66% of their capabilities for Anti-'Lincolnian democratic' or Ajanatantrik activities.

4. Six NATO Countries: have Negative DCU: showing their ‘Anti-Lincolnian Democratic nature’. They should avoid attacking other countries.

5. UK: is at the bottom, being a Monarchy as well as in NATO.  

Mainly 9 "Anti-LDC countries" do not allow others to live in peace. These countries indulge waging unauthorized wars on some flimsy grounds like religions, ‘social divide’, WMD, 'Human rights' etc for their petty gains, often following: “Divide & Rule” policy, creating “Dirty Party Politics” and dirty "Govts. full of Party Politics".

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
  "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
  [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others called Jihad.]

Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' Deeds of the Wests: 
>>> By ruining Libya, the Wests not only ruined Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged: 

“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.  

“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. For more: EDD at 
22.09.2016 EDD:

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Multi Party government > Self Defeating 17.09.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy

Multi Party government > Self Defeating 
17.09.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy
Kram- 3, Series-3: 
Vietnam Tops, Cuba 2nd, Russia 3rd 
on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" by EDD as on 20.05.9116
among 150 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 99.6% people of the World live: by EDD.  
'Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra'.
'Multy Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
< Weakens Nations >
<  Each Group or Party works against the Other >
< There is no Sense of Togetherness >
< One Party is always busy in creating situation to harm others >
** This is not Janatantra or 
 "People's Government" or
 "Lincolnian Democracy"
This is:
'Multy Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
 The Greatest Impediment to the Development of the people of a Country.
"Sangacchadhvam Sambadadhvam, Sannomana: Shivasankalpa:mastu."
i.e. "Let us go together bound-together,
Together from heart to heart, 
determined to achieve the good Targets." 
In a 'Multy Party Government', the opposition always tries to remove the Ruler, even if s/he is elected by the citizens. 
'Divide & Rule' party-politics of the Middle-men prevail whose main aim is to some how acquire power, even by a Coup. 
This is what has happened in Brazil to degrade a President Elected by the people.

Neece khaali LDG-A Raenk ke desan ke Suci del jaataa unkar LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") ke saath; 
aa Niclaa 15 deshan ke ohee sab vistaar ke saath.
[We reproduce below a list of "LDG - A" Ranking and some "LDG-B Ranking countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") and 
Bottom 15 countries with the same info.]

Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 150 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 99.6% log rahelan:
Series:  S-3:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 150 most Populated Countries WW in which about 99.6% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
desh Raenk Sko~r Jd DCU % Tippani
Country Rank     Score   LDG DCU % Remarks
Vietnaam Vietnam 1, 6.825 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Kyubaa Cuba 2, 6.270 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Rus Russia 3, 6.211 A 86.1 BRICS. CIS
Kazakhstaan Kazakh 4, 6.125 A 93.87 CIS
Taajkistaan Tajkistan 4, 6.125 A 93.87 CIS
Boliviaa Bolivia 6, 6.105 A 93.85
SwiTzarlaenD Switz. 7, 6.090 A 93.84 > ~ EDD
Velaarus Velarus 8, 6.085 A 93.83 CIS
Kirgijistaan Kirgyjstan 9, 6.060 A 93.88 CIS
Venezuelaa Venezue. 10, 6.055 A 93.80 
Panaamaa Panama 10, 6.055 A 93.80
Turkmenistaan Turk. 12, 6.035 A 94.22 CIS 

PuerTo Rico Porto Ri. 12, 6.035 A 93.78

Paaraague Paraguay    12,    6.035          A        93.78
Omaan          Oman       15,    6.025          A        93.77
Nicaraaguaa Nicarag. 16. 6.020         A 93.99
Bulgaariaa Bulgaria 16, 6.020 A 93.77 
Sri Lankaa Sri Lanka 16, 6.005 A 93.75 East
Sarbiyaa Serbia 19, 6.005 A 93.77
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
Spe~n Spain 135, 1.19 E 26.0 Monarchy
Iraan Iran 136, 1.1 E 20.37
JorDaan Jordan 137, 1.05 E 72.5 Kingdom
AsTreliyaa Austrelia 138, 1.02 E 26.8 Monarchy
Kuwait Kuwait 139, 0.30 E 7.97 Monarchy
Jaapaan Japan 140, 0.14 E 3.8 East Monarchy
UAE UAE 141, -0.04 Ajanataantrik (-) 11 Kingdom
Iraak Iraq 142, -0.35 Ajanataantrik (-) 14 under NATO
Qataar Qatar 143 -0.38 Ajanataantrik (-) 9.0
Turki Turkey 144, -1.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 43 NATO
SRA USA 145, -4.57 Ajanataantrik (-) 66 NATO
Saudi Arabiaa Saudi 146, -4.75 Ajanataantrik (-) 469 Kingdom
Jarmani Germany 147, -5.7 Ajanataantrik (-) 96 NATO
Fraans France 148, -5.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 119 NATO
Paakistaan Pakistan 149, -9.4 Ajanataantrik (-) 207
Bartaaniyaa UK 150, -9.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 302 NATO. Monarchy

EDD feels pity for most of the bottom 15 Rankers: Either they are illusioned that they are the 'Democratic countries' or in the name of 'Democracy', they fulfil their vested interests:

About the Bottom 8 Rankers, please note:
*1 Except 1 country which breeds and shelters terrorists, all the rest are either a Monarchy / Kingdom or a NATO member who keeps on attacking countries..
**2 Most of these countries think > They are the custodians of 'Democracy' which is far from reality as shown by their (-) ive DCU: which means most of their deeds are Anti-Democratic i.e. 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' = Ajanatantrik, since they think:
> 'Capitalism' means 'Democracy'
>>   "Dividing people and Socities into Parties and making them keep on fighting among themselves" is 'Democracy'
>>> "Permission to do demonstrations against a government" is 'Democracy' as in England. 
>>> They have right to impose their above views, as they do often with NATO, attacking other countries who do not agree to them.

***3 On the other hand one must know:
'Democracy' means 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' as defined by the Great son of the Earth, Abraham Lincoln: "Democracy is the Government by the people, for the people and of the people"; where'people' => 'Human' not only citizen.
> Which can be: 
Socialistic (eg. Saddam's Iraq, Gaddafi's Libya, Assad's Syria), 
Communistic (Vietnam, Cuba, China, N. Korea), 
Capitalistic (Sri lanka, South Afrika), 
Gandhian (Gaddafi was inspired by Gandhiism), 
Or ... as desired by the people of a country.

*4. EDD, "Earth Direct Democracy" hopes: 
All the people of the World may be able to have 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' in their countries, in case they wish so; being the 1st step of EDD.

Tippani: Remarks: 
DCU 100% shows: They utilise all their 'Democratic Capabilities' for the good of the people.
1. Vietnam: Topmost Janatantric nation with DCU 100%. among 140 most populated countries WW. . 
2. Pakistan: Training and sheltering terrorists => Anti-Lincolnian   Democratic. Ajanataantrik with DCU -207 % => they use double their capabilities for Anti-Democratic activities, getting billions from USA.
3. USA: Waging many unauthorized wars. Helping and donating billions of $ to Pakistan, the Epicenter of Terrorism => with DCU -66% => They use 66% of their capabilities for Anti-'Lincolnian democratic' or Ajanatantrik activities.

4. Six NATO Countries: have Negative DCU: showing their ‘Anti-Lincolnian Democratic nature’. They should avoid attacking other countries.

5. UK: is at the bottom, being a Monarchy as well as in NATO.  

Mainly 9 "Anti-LDC countries" do not allow others to live in peace. These countries indulge waging unauthorized wars on some flimsy grounds like religions, ‘social divide’, WMD, 'Human rights' etc for their petty gains, often following: “Divide & Rule” policy, creating “Dirty Party Politics” and dirty "Govts. full of Party Politics".

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
  "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
  [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others called Jihad.]

Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' Deeds of the Wests: 
>>> By ruining Libya, the Wests not only ruined Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged: 

“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.  

“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. For more: EDD at 
17.09.2016 EDD:

Thursday, 15 September 2016

15.09.2016 EDD: Multi Party government > Self Defeating 15.09.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy

Multi Party government > Self Defeating 
15.09.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy
Kram- 3, Series-3: 
Vietnam Tops, Cuba 2nd, Russia 3rd 
on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" by EDD as on 20.05.9116
among 150 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 99.6% people of the World live: by EDD.  
'Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra'.
'Multy Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
< Weakens Nations >
<  Each Group or Party works against the Other >
< There is no Sense of Togetherness >
< One Party is always busy in creating situation to harm others >
** This is not Janatantra or 
 "People's Government" or
 "Lincolnian Democracy"
This is:
'Multy Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
>>> The Greatest Impediment to the "Development of Humen Being".

"Sangacchadhvam Sambadadhvam, Sannomana: Shivasankalpa:mastu."
i.e. "Let us go together bound-together,
Together from heart: determined to achieve the good Targets." 
In a 'Multy Party Government', the opposition always tries to remove the Ruler, even if s/he is elected by the citizens. 
'Divide & Rule' party-politics of the Middle-men prevail whose main aim is to some how acquire power, even by a Coup. 
This is what has happened in Brazil to degrade it.

Neece khaali LDG-A Raenk ke desan ke Suci del jaataa unkar LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") ke saath; 
aa Niclaa 15 deshan ke ohee sab vistaar ke saath.
[We reproduce below a list of "LDG - A" Ranking and some "LDG-B Ranking countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") and 
Bottom 15 countries with the same info.]

Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 150 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 99.6% log rahelan:
Series:  S-3:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 150 most Populated Countries WW in which about 99.6% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
desh Raenk Sko~r Jd DCU % Tippani
Country Rank     Score   LDG DCU % Remarks
Vietnaam Vietnam 1, 6.82 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Kyubaa Cuba 2, 6.27 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Rus Russia 3, 6.21 A 86.1 BRICS. CIS
Kazakhstaan Kazakh 4, 6.12 A 93.87 CIS
Taajkistaan Tajkistan 4, 6.12 A 93.87 CIS
Boliviaa Bolivia 6, 6.10 A 93.85
SwiTzarlaenD Switzer. 7, 6.09 A 93.84 > ~ EDD
Velaarus Velarus 8, 6.08 A 93.83 CIS
Kirgijistaan Kirgyjstan 9, 6.06 A 93.88 CIS
Venezuelaa Venezue. 10, 6.05 A 93.80 
Panaamaa Panama 10, 6.05 A 93.80
Turkmenistaan Turk. 12, 6.03 A 94.22 CIS 

PuerTo Rico Porto Ri. 12, 6.03 A 93.78

Paaraague Paraguay    12,    6.03           A        93.78
Omaan          Oman       15,    6.02          A        93.77
Nicaraaguaa Nicarag. 16. 6.02         A 93.99
Bulgaariaa Bulgaria 16, 6.02 A 93.77 
Sri Lankaa Sri Lanka 16, 6.01 A 93.75 East
Sarbiyaa Serbia 19, 6.01 A 93.77
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
Spe~n Spain 135, 1.19 E 26.0 Monarchy
Iraan Iran 136, 1.1 E 20.37
JorDaan Jordan 137, 1.05 E 72.5 Kingdom
AsTreliyaa Austrelia 138, 1.02 E 26.8 Monarchy
Kuwait Kuwait 139, 0.30 E 7.97 Monarchy
Jaapaan Japan 140, 0.14 E 3.8 East Monarchy
UAE UAE 141, -0.04 Ajanataantrik (-) 11 Kingdom
Iraak Iraq 142, -0.35 Ajanataantrik (-) 14 under NATO
Qataar Qatar 143 -0.38 Ajanataantrik (-) 9.0
Turki Turkey 144, -1.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 43 NATO
SRA USA 145, -4.57 Ajanataantrik (-) 66 NATO
Saudi Arabiaa Saudi 146, -4.75 Ajanataantrik (-) 469 Kingdom
Jarmani Germany 147, -5.7 Ajanataantrik (-) 96 NATO
Fraans France 148, -5.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 119 NATO
Paakistaan Pakistan 149, -9.4 Ajanataantrik (-) 207
Bartaaniyaa UK 150, -9.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 302 NATO. Monarchy

EDD feels pity for most of the Bottom 15 Rankers: Either they are illusioned that they are the 'Democratic' or in the name of 'Democracy', they fulfil their vested interests:

About the Bottom 8 Rankers, please note:
*1 Except 1 country which breeds and shelters terrorists, all the rest are either a Monarchy / Kingdom or a NATO member who keeps on attacking countries..
**2 Most of these countries think > They are the custodians of 'Democracy' which is far from reality as shown by their (-) ive DCU: which means most of their deeds are Anti-Democratic i.e. 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' = Ajanatantrik, since they think:
> 'Capitalism' means 'Democracy'
>>   "Dividing people and Socities into Parties and making them keep on fighting among themselves" is 'Democracy'
>>> "Permission to do demonstrations against a government" is 'Democracy' as in England. 
>>> They have right to impose their above views, as they do often with NATO, attacking other countries who do not agree to them.

***3 On the other hand one must know:
'Democracy' means 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' as defined by the Great son of the Earth, Abraham Lincoln: "Democracy is the Government by the people, for the people and of the people"; where'people' => 'Human' not only citizen.
> Which can be: 
Socialistic (eg. Saddam's Iraq, Gaddafi's Libya), 
Communistic (Vietnam, Cuba, China, N. Korea), 
Capitalistic (Sri lanka, South Afrika), 
Gandhian (Gaddafi was inspired by Gandhiism), or ... as desired by the people of a country.

*4. EDD, "Earth Direct Democracy" hopes: all the people of the World may be able to have 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' in their countries, in case they wish so; being the 1st step of EDD.

Tippani: Remarks: 
DCU 100% shows: They utilise all their 'Democratic Capabilities' for the good of the people.
1. Vietnam: Topmost Janatantric nation with DCU 100%. among 140 most populated countries WW. . 
2. Pakistan: Training and sheltering terrorists => Anti-Lincolnian   Democratic. Ajanataantrik with DCU -207 % => they use double their capabilities for Anti-Democratic activities, getting billions from USA.
3. USA: Waging many unauthorized wars. Helping and donating billions of $ to Pakistan, the Epicenter of Terrorism => with DCU -66% => They use 66% of their capabilities for Anti-'Lincolnian democratic' or Ajanatantrik activities.

4. Six NATO Countries: have Negative DCU: showing their ‘Anti-Lincolnian Democratic nature’. They should avoid attacking other countries.

5. UK: is at the Bottom, being a Monarchy as well as in NATO.  

Mainly 9 "Anti-LDC countries" do not allow others to live in peace. These countries indulge waging unauthorized wars on some flimsy grounds like religions, ‘social divide’, WMD, 'Human rights' etc for their petty gains, often following: “Divide & Rule” policy, creating “Dirty Party Politics” and dirty "Govts. full of Party Politics".

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
  "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
  [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others called Jihad.]

Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' Deeds of the Wests: 
>>> By ruining Libya, the Wests not only ruined Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged: 

“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.  

“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. For more: EDD at 

15.09.2016 EDD: