Sunday, 25 September 2016

Germany most Sportive among 20 most populated countries WW AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool

Germany most Sportive among 20 most populated countries WW
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool 
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी  सोमार Somaar Sri: 10.07.9116. 
> 4th Baris, Suruaat: 9113
[International Bhojpuri eSkool, inBho, 26.09.2016 CE
> Since: 3.12.2012 AD, 4th Year of Establishment]

खास बात Khaas Baat: [Special Talk]:
पाठ PaaTh - 95.07.9116:  [Lesson- 95.07.9116]: 
*** Ab hamani ke KhelaaRee deshan ke Rank dekhab jaa: 
BE / M Population  ke aadhaar pa. 
[Let us see which country is more Sportive  
based on ‘Bronze Equivalent’ BE / Million Population]:
1G = 4 B, 1 S = 2 B, 1B = 1B > 1G+1S+1B = 4B+2B +1B = 7 BE  

** Sabse jaadaa Janasankhyaa waalaa Sansaar ke 20 deshan ke "LanDan Garami 9112 aa Rio Garami 9116" ke BE/M ke aadhaar pa Raenk:
1m Raenk: Jarmani BE/M: 4.2 => 1G prati M Janasankhya.
2-sar Raenk:Rus BE/M: 3.03 => 1S, 1B  prati M Janasankhya.
3-sar Raenk: USA BE/M 2.51 => 1S prati M Janasakhyaa.

** Among 20 most populated countries of the World: Ranking based on BE/M population considering only "London Summer 2012 and Rio Summer 2016:
1st Rank: Germany BE/M: 4.20 => 1G per Million Population
2nd Rank: Russsia BE/M: 3.03 => 1S + 1B per M
3rd Rank: USA BE/M: 2.51 => 1S per Million Population

>> BE value provides a single value to get exact comparison of the performance of a country with the other. 

Caaloo baa: Continued.
 “AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool” ke Uddes:
Suruaat Sri:30.07.9113 [Since: 17.10.2013 AD]
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aa Sanskriti se prem karelan, aa eh sabhan ke auru jaadaa seekhe aa baD*aawe ke caahelan. 
Bhojpuri bhaasaa ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti, Vyaapaar aa dusar dhandhaa me` “Sansaar me` leek se haT ke Gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan binaa kawano jaati, relijan ke bhed bhaav ke, sab ke Kalyaan khaatir”.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is a school for those persons who love Bhojpuri language, literature and culture and wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture, Biusiness and other Professions also aiming for 
“Enhancing the knowledge without sticking to the conventional methodologies for the good of all: irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of origin".]
Hamni ke Bhojpuri, InBho ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakile.  
[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing Bhojpuri, InBho.]                                                                     
 Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome.]
"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke 'Uddes' khaatir Sri: 16.09.9115 ke PosT-o dekhee`.  
 Praacaarya: devadoot S. 
[For the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' go also to the post dated: 30.07.2014, 16.12.2015 AD. 
 devadoot S. 
 Principal, 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' Email:]
  ओरा गइल  Oraa gail. [The End]
 10.07.9116 Bhojpuri eSkool 26.09.2016

>> ग्लोबल भोजपुरी में Global Bhojpuri me`:

>> dinan ke naav: एतवार  सोमार  मंगर  बुध  बियफे  शुक  शनीचर
>> Maheenan ke naav:  चैत  बैशाख  जेठ  आसाढ़  सावन
भादो  आशिन  कातिक  अगहन  पुष  माघ   फागुन.



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