Maximum "Lincolnian Democratic Rank Upgradation" : North Korea + 27, Cuba + 19, => doing max. good for Humanity. USA -7, UK -12.
EDD: Earth Direct Democracy 03.12.2016
3rd Yr of Publication of EDD.
The Original Post of EDD:
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Earth Direct Democracy: Real Democracy, Suraaj: EDD >> Pahile "Janatantra" caahee`.
Earth Direct Democracy: Real Democracy, Suraaj: EDD
By DDDS: Dr Deo Dutta Sharma
From: मुजफ्फरपुर, India
Earth Direct Democracy: EDD
Asian Direct Democracy: ADD, and many more like:
SAARC Direct Democracy: SDD
Bangladesh Direct Democracy: BDD,
Bhutan Direct democracy: BhDD,
India Direct Democracy: IDD,
Maldives Direct Democracy: MaDD,
Nepal Direct Democracy: NDD,
Pakistan Direct Democracy: PDD,
Sri Lanka Direct Democracy: SlDD,
Afghanistan Direct Democracy: AgDD.
Similarly there can be Direct Democracy for each country of Asia, Europe, North and South America, Africa and Australia; as well as for each of these Continents and
AsDD: Asian Direct Democracy.
EuDD: Europian Direct Democracy.
AmDD: American Direct Democracy.
AfDD: Africa Direct Democracy.
AuDD: Australia Direct Democracy.
:These are just some examples for DD.
Who can be the Voters in a DD, Direct Democracy?
>> In early 21st Century of Khrishtyabda, hardly anywhere ‘Real Democracy’ i.e. ‘government of the people’ is found on the Earth.
The simplest and the real meaning of Democracy is presented by the great son of the Earth: Mr. Abraham Lincoln as:
“Democracy is the Government by the people, for the people and of the people.”
In a Democracy everybody must have equal opportunities and equal rights apart from expressing one’s views.
For large countries where it was not possible to opine collectively at a place to decide any issue, ‘middlemen’ working as the representatives of people mostly called MP, parliamentarians collectively decide on the issues, giving birth of ‘Parliamentary Democracy’. These ‘middlemen’ generally work for making money, work for their Party or for their Leaders instead of the people or the country. Thus, the very purpose of Democracy is lost in so called ‘Parliamentary Democracy’.
‘Parliamentary Democracy’ was quite suitable for primitive type of Imperialistic democracies ormonarchy where some sort of democratization was made keeping the interest of the monarch. Now it is high time to get rid of such so called democratic system where a group of people, the Monarch and his / her descendents have very many privileges compared to other people.
Internet or www was not originally formulated by the government of any country, but by the people themselves. Internet is a great tool which has made communication very fast, simple and widespread.
Similarly, with the development of electronic communication system and internet in the 21st Century, the day of
“Earth Direct Democracy” or EDD is not far off. In fact just a start of “Direct Democracy” or DD in some country is to be made in which the role of the ‘middlemen’ or MPs is nullified completely. For any major issue the Citizens can vote directly through internet, be it the Election or Recall of the President or the Prime Minister, or the Chief or members of the Local Body.
The referendum on any issue in a ‘Direct Democracy’, DD would be so simple.
For Call-Back of any person elected by the citizen and holding a post including the President and the PM, the citizen themselves decide and vote for the Call-Back as required. For Call-back, instead of simple majority, 60% or 80% vote as decided earlier in a referendum may be needed.
What is Direct Democracy? DD or EDD?
Simplistically: Direct Democracy means “Government by the people, for the people and of the people” in which:
(a) The ‘really ruling persons’ including the members and office bearers of Legislative, Executive, Judiciary, the members and the Chief of the Election Commission, Investigating Agencies etc are directly elected by the people or citizen of the concerned Area by casting their Votes electronically through Internet or web, or as already decided.
(b) With the power of Call-back of the elected persons by the people, when required.
(c) All major issues like approval of the Constitution, the revision of the Constitution are decided by the referendum involving all the citizen of the Area; irrespective of their cast, creed, religion, tribe, language spoken etc.
Here Area means The Earth for ‘Earth Direct Democracy’, Asia for ‘Asia Direct Democracy’, a country, a corporation area and so on.
Who can be the Voters in a Direct Democracy?
All the citizens of a particular Area shall Vote for referendum or Election on any issue irrespective of distinguishing between them on any account whatsoever, except those who are minor, mad, judged culprit, etc.
This is quite Simplex or simplistic, not with the innumerable types and complexities of ‘Initiatives, referendum etc’ described in Western type DD, Direct democracy.
** The whole idea is >
"In a Janatantra (Lincolnian Democracy), and Suraaj the people or the citizens should be ‘The Rulers’ themselves, not anybody else as Mahatma Gandhi thought; istead of any king, queen, Monarch, Ameer, governor, President, Rashtrapati or any such other terms which smells ‘Daasataa’ i.e. ‘slavery’; neither for name shake nor in deeds.
In fact, the word ‘government’ or ‘Saasan’ and the like should be abolished and recast as shown below as some examples:
Present word Suggested Words
Government Administration, Management
Governor Chief Administrator, Manager, Sewak
Minister, ‘Mantri’ Consultant, Salaahkar, ‘Sevak’
President President, Adhyax
‘Rashtrapati’ ‘Rashtradhyax’, President, Deshaadhyax
‘Mantri’ as rrp* ‘Sevak’, [*rrp = really ruling person]
Chief Minister as rrp Chief Server
‘Mukhya Mantri’ as rrp Mukhya Sevak
Prime Minister as rrp Pramukh Sevak
Rajyapal Prantpal
Words as shown above should be used in Democracy, instead of conventional words indicating: the presence of King, queen, kingdom, imperialism, emperor, minister (when no king, why Minister?)
Experiment: on DD in Delhi in Dec. 2013,
In Sri: Puz 9113.
An Experiment DD as DDD = Delhi Direct Democracy is in progress to form the new Administration of Delhi by AAP, Aam Aadmi Party ‘Sevaks’ of Delhi.
Posted by Deodutta Sharma at 21:13 No comments:
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Wednesday, 25 December 2013
EDD: Earth Direct Democracy
DDD: Delhi Direct Democracy
DDDS: Dr Deo Dutta Sharma
25.12.2013: Merry Christmas to all.
Neece Sansaar ke 100 adhikatam janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik Star") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization %") del jaataa:
[We reproduce below a list of 100 most populated countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik Star") and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization %")]
Kram: S-4: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk": 100 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan ke jahaa` Sansaar ke 97% log rahelan:
Series: S-4: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 100 most Populated Countries WW in which about 97% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
Country Rank Score DC-Grade Rank Pot. Pot. Score DCU % Remarks Rank Imprmt
Vietnam 1 6.825 A 5 6.825 100 Communist 4
Cuba 2 6.27 A 21 6.27 100 Communist 19
Russia 3 6.21 A 1 7.21 86.13037 BRICS, CIS -2
S. Africa 4 5.905 B 3 6.905 85.51774 BRICS -1
N. Korea 5 5.865 B 32 5.865 100 Communist 27
Colombia 6 5.675 B 6 6.675 85.01873 0
S.Korea 7 5.575 B 7 6.575 84.79087 0
Brazil 8 5.55 B 8 6.55 84.73282 BRICS 0
Mexico 9 5.495 B 13 6.495 84.60354 4
Kazakhstan 10 5.525 B 9 6.525 84.67433 CIS -1
Tajikistan 10 5.525 B 9 6.525 84.67433 CIS -1
Switzarland 12 5.515 B 11 6.515 84.65081 -1
Belarus 13 5.485 B 14 6.485 84.5798 CIS 1
Venezuela 13 5.485 B 14 6.485 84.5798 1
Romania 15 5.45 B 16 6.45 84.49612 1
Bulgaria 16 5.42 B 17 6.42 84.42368 1
Sri Lanka 17 5.405 B 18 6.405 84.3872 East 1
Philippines 18 5.4 B 19 6.4 84.375 East 1
Uzbekistan 19 5.33 B 20 6.33 84.20221 CIS 1
Chile 20 5.265 B 22 6.265 84.03831 2
Azarbaijan 21 5.12 B 25 6.12 83.66013 4
Portugal 22 5.06 B 26 6.065 83.42951 4
Bolivia 23 5.05 B 12 6.505 77.63259 -11
Hong Kong 24 4.935 C 29 5.935 83.1508 East 5
Greece 25 4.91 C 30 5.91 83.07953 5
Benin 26 4.89 B 31 5.89 83.02207 5
Taiwan 27 4.835 C 33 5.835 82.86204 6
Honduras 28 4.825 C 33 5.835 82.69066 5
Tanzania 29 4.82 C 35 5.82 82.81787 6
Guina 30 4.795 C 36 5.795 82.74374 6
Angola 31 4.715 C 37 5.715 82.50219 6
Rwanda 32 4.695 C 38 5.695 82.44074 6
Somalia 33 4.685 C 39 5.685 82.40985 6
India 34 4.655 C 40 5.655 82.31653 BRICS 6
Peru 35 4.65 C 41 5.65 82.30088 6
Cameroon 36 4.645 C 42 5.645 82.28521 6
Kenya 36 4.645 C 42 5.645 82.28521 6
Cote d'Ivoire 38 4.61 C 43 5.61 82.17469 5
Haiti 39 4.605 C 44 5.605 82.15879 5
Indonesia 40 4.6 C 45 5.6 82.14286 East 5
Equador 41 4.56 C 46 5.56 82.01439 5
Zambia 42 4.53 C 47 5.53 81.91682 5
Nepal 43 4.485 C 48 5.485 81.76846 East 5
Argentina 44 4.48 C 49 5.48 81.75182 5
Burundi 45 4.475 C 50 5.475 81.73516 East 5
Czec Rep 46 4.465 C 51 5.465 81.70174 5
Malawi 47 4.45 C 52 5.45 81.65138 5
Chad 48 4.44 C 53 5.44 81.61765 5
Mali 49 4.425 C 54 5.425 81.56682 5
Senegal 50 4.38 C 56 5.38 81.41264 6
Madagaskar 51 4.36 C 57 5.36 81.34328 6
Bangladesh 52 4.34 C 58 5.34 81.27341 East 6
Barkina Faso 53 4.245 C 60 5.245 80.93422 7
Tunisia 54 4.17 C 23 6.17 67.58509 -31
Nigeria 55 4.14 C 61 5.14 80.54475 6
Zimbabwe 56 4.1 C 62 5.1 80.39216 6
Gautemala 57 4.09 C 63 5.09 80.35363 6
Niger 57 4.09 C 63 5.09 80.35363 6
Dom. Rep 60 3.98 D 64 4.98 79.91968 4
Netherland 61 3.955 D 65 4.955 79.81837 NATO Monarchy 4
Mozambique 59 3.995 D 65 4.955 80.62563 6
China 62 3.945 D 24 6.145 64.19854 BRICS, Communist -38
Iran 63 3.9 D 58 5.4 72.22222 -5
Poland 64 3.87 D 71 4.82 80.29046 NATO 7
Myanmar 65 3.855 D 70 4.855 79.40268 East 5
Ghana 66 3.69 D 72 4.69 78.67804 6
DR Congo 67 3.675 D 73 4.675 78.60963 6
Syria 68 3.56 D 78 4.56 78.07018 Turmoil 10
Afghanistan 69 3.505 D 73 4.675 74.97326 4
Uganda 70 3.43 D 79 4.43 77.42664 9
Cambodia 71 3.41 D 80 4.41 77.32426 East Monarchy 9
Ethiopia 72 3 D 84 4 75 12
Austria 73 2.92 E 86 3.92 74.4898 13
Sweden 74 2.835 E 87 3.835 73.92438 East Monarchy 13
Hungary 75 2.825 E 88 3.825 73.85621 13
Sudan 75 2.825 E 88 3.825 73.85621 13
Japan 77 2.64 E 91 3.64 72.52747 East Monarchy 14
Egypt 78 2.455 E 92 3.455 71.05644 14
Ukraine 79 2.375 E 81 4.375 54.28571 2
Malysia 80 2.235 E 95 2.825 79.11504 East Monarchy 15
Yemen 81 2.075 E 94 3.075 67.47967 13
Algeria 82 1.825 E 95 2.825 64.60177 13
S. Sudan 83 1.765 E 58 5.265 33.52327 East Monarcy -25
Thailand 84 1.65 E 97 2.65 62.26415 East Monarcy 13
Spain 85 1.595 E 75 4.595 34.71164 NATO -10
Israel 86 1.49 E 66 4.99 29.85972 NATO -20
Belgium 87 1.45 E 85 3.95 36.70886 NATO -2
Iraq 87 1.45 E 98 2.45 59.18367 undr NATO 11
Italy 89 1.385 E 4 6.885 20.11619 NATO Degraded Rnk -85
Morocco 90 0.92 E 75 4.595 20.02176 -15
Australia 91 0.825 E 90 3.825 21.56863 NATO -1
Turkey 92 0.2 E 82 4.2 4.761905 NATO -10
UAE 93 -0.64 aJanatantrik 100 0.36 -177.778 NATO 7
Canada 94 -1.85 aJanatantrik 82 4.2 -44.0476 NATO -12
Saudi Arabia 95 -5.975 aJanatantrik 27 6.025 -99.1701 Monarchy -68
Germany 96 -6.465 aJanatantrik 27 6.025 -107.303 NATO Degraded Rnk -69
USA 97 -7.07 aJanatantrik 2 6.93 -102.02 NATO Degraded Rnk -95
Pakistan 98 -9.435 aJanatantrik 77 4.565 -206.681 -21
France 99 -9.605 aJanatantrik 67 4.895 -196.221 NATO Degraded Rnk -32
UK 100 -11.765 aJanatantrik 93 3.235 -363.679 NATO, Monarchy -7
1. Pakistan with 2nd highest (-) DCU, is training, sheltering and exporting terrorists to various countries. 2. Most Wests predominated by NATO are seen as opposed to LDG (Lincolnian Democracy) and the Easts. 3. Maximum Rank Degradation compared to the "Lincolnian democratic Potential": USA -95 Rank,
Germany -89 Rank => Doing least good for Humanity. 4. Maximum "Lincolnian Democratic Rank" Upgradation" : North Korea + 27, Cuba + 19, => doing max. good for Humanity.
5. LD-Grade: No. of Countries %
A 3 3 3 %
B 20 20 20 %
C 35 35 35 %
D 15 15 15 %
E 20 20 20 %
Anti-LDG 7 7 7 %
Total 100 100 100 %
Only 7% of Anti-LDG countries keep on disturbing many countries for their vested interest against Humanity.
Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
[An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' or 'views' on others called Jihad.]
Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' Deeds of the Wests:
>>> By ruining Iraq, Libya, the Wests not only ruined Saddam's Socialist Iraq, Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged:
“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.
“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. For more: EDD at posts.
Suruaat: 26.12.2013. :
30.11.2016 EDD:
Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
[An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' or 'views' on others called Jihad.]
Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' deeds of the Wests:
>>> By ruining Iraq, Libya, the Wests not only ruined Saddam's Socialist Iraq, Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged:
“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.
“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. For more: EDD at posts.
Suruaat: 26.12.2013. :
03.12.2016 EDD:
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