On Series-7: only Russia gets LD-Grade: ‘A’
EDD: Earth Direct Democracy 11.07.2017
4th Yr of Publication of EDD.
Since: Thursday, 26 December 2013
Earth Direct Democracy: Real Democracy, Swaraaj: EDD >> People need "The Government Elected by themselves", "Janatantra", not 'Party-Tantra'; and then:
Earth Direct Democracy: Real Democracy, Swaraaj: EDD
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
EDD: Earth Direct Democracy
'Janatantra' khaatir pahile 'rrp' ke Janataa, "Naagarik log' se seedhe caahe parox roop se cunaaw jaroori holaa, jaise SRA, Fraans, Rus, ... aadi me`.
To start with, for a 'Janatantra' or LD, "Lincolnian Democracy": 'rrp': 'the really ruling person' must be elected by the people, citizens of the country directly or indirectly as in USA, France, Russia, ...
Eh se tathaakathit 'Sansadeeya Janatantra' je me` 'rrp' ke pad pa bahaali holaa, uu 'Janatantra’ ke naav pa dhokhaa ha, 'Janatantra' naa.
Eh se Kram-7 se 'Sansadeeya Janatantra' khaatir (-) 200 Bindu del jaataa aaj 01.05.9117 se.
Thus, the so called 'Parliamentary Democracy' is a 'Fake' one. Therefore from Series-7, (-) 200 Points are awarded for such government from today 10.07.2017.
Neece Sansaar ke 10 adhikatam janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik Star") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization %") del jaataa Kram- 7:
[We reproduce below a list of 10 most populated countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or “Janatantrik Grade”) and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization %") Series- 7]:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 - 7, B: 5 - 6, C: 4 - 5, D: 3 - 4, E: 0 - 3.
Country Rank Score LD- Grade Rank-Pot Pot-Score DCU % Remarks Rank Improvt
Russia 1 6.21 A 7.21 1 86.13037448 BRICS, CIS 0
Brazil 2 5.55 B 6.55 3 84.73282443 BRICS 1
Indonesia 3 4.6 C 5.6 6 82.14285714 East 3
Nigeria 4 4.14 C 5.14 8 80.54474708 4
India 5 3.655 D 5.655 5 64.63306808 BRICS, East 0
China 6 3.645 D 6.145 4 59.31651749 Communist.BRICS, East -2
Bangladesh 7 3.34 D 5.34 7 62.54681648 East 0
Japan 8 1.64 E 3.64 10 45.05494505 East Monarcy 2
Pakistan 9 -9.345 aJanataantrik 4.565 9 -204.7097481 0
USA 10 -9.57 aJanatantrik 6.93 2 -138.0952381 NATO -8
No~T: Note:
1. Only Russia gets LD-Grade, “Lincolmian Democratic Grade: A” among 10 most populated countries in EDD: Series-7 starting from 10.07.2017.
2. The LD Potential of USA is 2nd, but its Rank is 10th and aJanatantrik, un-LD. 3. DCU of -204 of Pakistan depicts: It carries on un-LD work double of its capabilities with aids from USA. 4. Look how BRICS are at the Top and NATO at the bottom with negative LD scores. 5. DCU, Democratic Capacity Utilization: depicts how much the country uses its capabilities for the Good of Mankind. 6. Rank Degradation of a Country is due to ita aJanataantrik deeds.
Max. for USA ruining countries, after countries
Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
[An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be LD, ‘Lincolnian Democratic’, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' or 'views' on others called Jihad.]
Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' Deeds of the Wests:
>>> By ruining Iraq, Libya, Syria, ... the Wests not only ruined Saddam's Socialist Iraq, Libyans and Libya, Syrians and Syria but they sabotaged:
“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan, in self-dscipline as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.
“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. For more: EDD at www.earthdirectdemocracy.blogspot.com posts.
Suruaat: 26.12.2013.
www.earthdirectdemocracy.blogspot.in :
11.07.2017 EDD:
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