Monday, 21 August 2017

Series-8: Vietnam at 1st Rank, Russia at 2nd Ranks on EDDR EDD: Earth Direct Democracy 16.08.2017

Series-8: Vietnam at 1st Rank, Russia at 2nd Ranks on EDDR 
EDD: Earth Direct Democracy 16.08.2017
4th Yr of Publication of EDD. 

Since: Thursday, 26 December 2013
Earth Direct Democracy: Real Democracy, Swaraaj: EDD >> People need "The Government Elected by themselves", "Janatantra", not 'Party-Tantra'; and then:
Earth Direct Democracy: Real Democracy, Swaraaj: EDD

 Wednesday, 25 December 2013
EDD: ‘Dynamic democratic Ranking’ by:
EDD: Earth Direct Democracy
EDD > EDDR: Dynamic "Direct Democratic Ranking"

'Janatantra' or LD, "Lincolnian Democracy": ke pahilaa Kadam > 'rrp', ‘really ruling person’ ke Janataa, "Naagarik log' se seedhe caahe parox roop se cunaaw jaroori, jaise SRA, Fraans, Rus, ... aadi me`.

Eh se tathaakathit 'Sansadeeya Janatantra', je me` 'rrp' ke pad pa bahaali holaa naa ki cunaaw, uu 'Janatantra’ ke naav pa dhokhaa ha, 'Janatantra' naa. 

Eh se Kram-8 se 'Sansadeeya Janatantra' khaatir (-) 200 Bindu del jaataa aaj 01.05.9117 se.

Thus, the so called 'Parliamentary Democracy' is a 'Fake' one. Therefore from Series-8, (-) 200 Points are awarded for such government from today 10.07.2017.

Neece Sansaar ke 20 adhikatam janasankhyaa [30.06.2017 CE] waalaa deshan ke LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik Star") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization %") del jaataa Kram- 8: 
[We reproduce below a list of 30 most populated countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or “Janatantrik Grade”) and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization %") Series- 8]:

Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 - 7, B: 5 - 6, C: 4 - 5, D: 3 - 4, E: 0 - 3.

Country Rank Score DC-Grade Rank Pot. Pot. Score DCU % Remarks Rnk Upgradation   
Vietnam 1 6.825 A 6 6.825 100 East, Communist 5   
Russia 2 6.21 A 1 7.21 86.1304 BRICS, CIS -1   
S. Africa 3 5.905 B 3 6.905 85.5177 BRICS 0   
Colombia 4 5.675 B 7 6.675 85.0187 3   
S.Korea 5 5.575 B 8 6.575 84.7909 East 3   
Brazil 6 5.55 B 9 6.55 84.7328 BRICS 3   
Mexico 7 5.495 B 10 6.495 84.6035 3   
Philippines 8 5.4 B 11 6.4 84.375 East 3   
Tanzania 9 4.82 C 14 5.82 82.8179 5   
Kenya 10 4.645 C 15 5.645 82.2852 5   
Indonesia 11 4.6 C 17 5.6 82.1429 East 6   
Nigeria 12 4.14 C 20 5.14 80.5447 8   
Iran 13 3.9 D 18 5.4 72.2222 5   
Myanmar 14 3.855 D 21 4.855 79.4027 East 7   
DR Congo 15 3.675 D 22 4.675 78.6096 7   
India 16 3.655 D 16 5.655 64.6331 BRICS. East 0   
China 17 3.645 D 12 6.145 59.3165 Communist. BRICS -5   
Bangladesh 18 3.34 D 19 5.34 62.5468 East 1   
Egypt 19 2.455 E 28 3.455 71.0564 9   
Ethyopia 20 2 E 26 4 50 6   
Thailand 21 1.65 E 30 2.65 62.2642 East, Monarcy 9   
Japan 22 1.64 E 27 3.64 45.0549 East, Monarcy 5   
Spain 23 0.595 E 23 4.595 12.9489 NATO, Monarchy 0   
Italy 24 0.385 E 5 6.885 5.59187 NATO -19   
Turkey 25 0.2 E 25 4.2 4.7619 NATO 0   
Germany 26 -7.475 aJanatantrik 13 6.025 -124.066 NATO -13   
France 27 -7.605 aJanatantrik 4 6.895 -110.297 NATO -23   
Pakistan 28 -9.435 aJanatantrik 24 4.565 -206.681 Training terrorists -4   
USA 29 -9.57 aJanatantrik 2 6.93 -138.095 NATO -27   
UK 30 -12.765 aJanatantrik 29 3.235 -394.59 NATO -1   
Rank Upgradation +9 > Egypt, Thailand Rank Upgradation +8 > Nigeria  

1. NATO  countries and monarchy are generally at the bottom of EDD "DDR: Dynamic Democratic Ranking.
2. Only Vietnam has DCU of 100 % showing: Vietnam is a 'Janatantra'.
3. Only Vietnam and Russia have LDG 'A'.
4. USA, France and Italy have max. Rank Degradation, with their 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic'
5. Although DCU of UK is the Minimum, Rank degradations of USA,  France and Italy are  maximum. USA new President Trump should avoid interfarance in various country, particularly this being his declarations in his election compaigns.

One may like to know: what is similarities and dissimilarities between: 
‘Democracy’ and  ‘Janatantra’?   

EDD respects the opinion of all, but likes to list the main similarities and dissimilarities: 
Sl. Janatantra or LD Democracy
1. 'rrp' elected by citizens. 1. 'rrp' need not be elected.
2. Power of recall with Citizens 2. Question does not arise.
3. Demonstration against Govt. discoraged 3. People can go on demonstrating
4. People can withdraw thei representative. 4. Question does not arise
5. Monarchy not allowed, but Dictator possible. 5. Monarchy prevailent.
6. 'Janamata Sangrah' for main issues. 6. May be  for main issues.
7. 'DD' can be the next step. 6. 'DD'  > No question.

NATO member countries: 
Why NATO Countries are normally at the bottom on ‘EDD Democratic Dynamic Ranking’?
NATO Secretary General: Jens Stoltenberg at NATO Head Qtrs at Brussels > Over 2% of GDP to pay each country for defense: 
USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Estonia, Poland, Norway, Lithuania, Romania, Latvia, Portugal, Bulgaria, Croasia, Albania, Denmark, Netherlands, Slovakia, Czech Rep, 
Hungary, Slovenia, Spain, Belgeum, Brussels, Luxembourg,  

 Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
  "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
  [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be LD, ‘Lincolnian Democratic’, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' or 'views' on others called Jihad.]

Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' Deeds of the Wests: 
>>> By ruining Iraq, Libya, Syria, ... the Wests not only ruined Saddam's Socialist Iraq, Libyans and Libya,  Syrians and Syria but they sabotaged: 

“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan, in self-discipline as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.  
“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. 

For more: EDD at posts.
Suruaat: 26.12.2013. :  
21.08.2017 EDD:


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