20.12.2017 EDD:
[Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi pa Seedhaa Janatantra.
Janataantrik desh: 02.7.9115 ke: Ego So`~c. EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: As on 30.9.2015: A Study by EDD.]
*** [Why did USA slid down from 2nd Rank
Potential to 159th, just before Pakistan in 10 Point-Ranking, among 160 Most
Populated Countries with over 99.65% World Population!!!]
2sar Raenk Xamataa se 159-vaa` pa kaahe khiskal, Sansaar ke 160 sab se jaadaa aabaadi
waalaa deshan me`, khaali Paakistaan se uupar!!!
>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 2000 me` se 400
Ank kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke sahaayataa kailaa pa 200 Ank kam.
[For 160 most Populated Countries of the World, the
Ranking ‘Scores of Democracy out of 10 Points’ are as follows, considering the
fact that:
>>> Principle-1:
on a country can’t be Democratic”,
400 Jndex Points each attack, and 200 Index Points for directly helping an
>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara" naa le jaay
Janatantra ke o~r.
>>> Principle-2:
and Rule Policy" do
not lead to Democracy, LD.
1.333 Points / attach out of 10.
Milal! [Got the Answer!]:
>>>> Ab dekhee`
Sansaar ke 170
adhiktam Janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke Kram-8 pa:
"Janataantrik Raenk"
["Democratic Ranking"
of 170 most Populated countries of the World, Series-8 ]:
*** Ab dekhee` rauaa
log: [Have a look please,
Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar desha pa aapan Vicaar
thope waalaa ego Aakaraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. [An "Attacker
Country for
imposing their own Views on others": can't be Democratic.]
Aaj: Janatantra ke 4 Mukhya Prakaar:
[Today: Four Main Types
of Democracy]:
1. Adhyaxeey Janatantra: [Presidencial Democracy]:
> Adhyax ke Manguptaa roop se
Cunaaw holaa Seedhaa, caahe Apratyax
pranaali se. je desh ke 'rrp' 'Asal Saasak' banihe` pahile se Tay Kaal
> [President is elected by the
Citizen Directly or Indirectly by Secret Voting System who becomes the 'rrp'
"really ruling person for a specific time Period.]
"Baa`Ta aa raaj kar" ke Siddhaant pa aadhaarit.
[Based on the Principle of
"Divide and Rule".]
> Ud: SRA, Rus….. [eg. USA, Russia...]
2. Sansadeey Janatantra: [Parliamentary Democracy]
Ee asal me` Janatantre naa ha, kaahe ki
'rrp' ke ta Cunaawe naa hokhe, uu PM ke Pad pa tikRam ka ke baiTh jaalan. [In
fact this is not at all 'Democracy', since the 'rrp' PM or Chancellor acquires
the post by Hook and by Crook, unelected by any Citizen or any MP.]
> Ud: Bhaarat, Jarmani, UK….e.g. India, Germany, UK….
3. Asal Janatantra: [Real Democracy]:
Kehoo ke
Baa`Ta-uTa Naa > Sab ke joRat jaa
>> Gaa`v se Blok >> Blok se Jilaa,
>>> Jillaa se Praant >>>> Praant se Desh tak JoRat jaa
Manguptaa Cunaaw se..
[No 'Dividing', go on adding people
from > Villages >> to Blocks >>> to Districts
>>>> Province >>>>> Country.
> Ud: Cin, Kyubaa,
Vietnaam … e.g. China, Cuba, Vietnam….
Seedhaa Janatantra: EDD [Earth, eDirect Democracy] >>
> Ee ha DD: "Seedhaa Janatantra" je ne` sab baRhan
baat pa 'Janmat Sangrah' kail jaalaa. Cunal Padaadhikaarian ke
samay se pahile 'LawaTaawal ego khaas baat ha eehaa`.
is DD: "Direct Democracy" in which on 'All Major Issues' are settled
by Referendum. Moreover, 'Power of Recall' of an elected Person even before
expiry of the term is a basic need here.]
> Ud: SwiTjarlaend, Turki? e.g.
Switzerland, Turkey?
EDD: 20.12.2017
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