Tuesday, 8 May 2018

08.05.2018 EDD: [Earth eDirect Democracy] Prithvi pa Seedhaa Janatantra.

08.05.2018 EDD: 
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi pa Seedhaa Janatantra.

Ke PaD*elaa EDD: Who reads EDD:
SRA, Rus, Bhaarat, Fraansa, InDonesiyaa, Jarmani, Keniyaa, Yukren, Boshniyaa & Harshgobinaa, Nadarlaend, ...aadi.
SRA, Russia, India, France, Indinesia, Germany, Kenya, Ukraine, Boshnia & Harshgovina, Netherland, ... etc.

Janataantrik desh: 02.7.9115 ke: Ego So`~c. EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: As on 30.9.2015: A Study by EDD.]

*** Why did USA slid down from 2nd Rank Potential to 40th, just after Pakistan in 10 Point-Ranking, among 30 Most Populated Countries with over    % World Population!!! 
SRA 2sar Raenk Xamataa se 40m pa kaahe khiskal, Sansaar ke 40 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa deshan me`!!!

>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 2000 me` se 500 Ank kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke sahaayataa kailaa pa 200 Ank kam.

[For 10 most Populated Countries of the World, the Ranking ‘Scores of Democracy out of 10 Points’ are as follows, considering the fact that: 
>>> Principle-1:
“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”, 
Losing 500 Jndex Points each attack, and 200 Index Points for directly helping an attacker.]

>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara" naa le jaay Janatantra ke o~r. 

>>> Principle-2:
"Divide and Rule Policy" do not lead to Democracy, LD.
loosing 1.333 Points / attach out of 10. 
Uttar Milal! [Got the Answer!]:

>>>> Ab dekhee` Sansaar ke 60 adhiktam Janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke Kram-10 pa: 
"Janataantrik Raenk"
["Democratic Ranking"
of 60 most Populated countries of the World, Series-10 ]: 
>>>> Top 10 and Bottom 10 countries:

Country Rank Score DC-Grade Rank Pot. Pot. Score DCU % Remarks Rnk Upgradation
Vietnam 1 6.825 A 6 6.825 100 East Communist  5
India 2 6.105 A 25 5.605 108.9206 BRICS. East 23 DCU Extra Ordinary
Russia 3 6.045 A 1 7.045 85.80554 BRICS, CIS -2
China 4 5.955 B 17 5.955 100  BRICS Communist. 13 Max. Rank Impvt
S.Afrika 5 5.905 B 2 6.905 85.51774 BRICS -3
N.Korea 6 5.865 B 18 5.865 100 East, Communist 12
Colombia 7 5.675 B 7 6.675 85.01873 0
S. Korea 8 5.575 B 8 6.575 84.79087 East 0
Brazil 9 5.525 B 9 6.525 84.67433 BRICS 0
Mexico 10 5.495 B 10 6.495 84.60354 0
Venezuela 11 5.485 B 11 6.485 84.5798 Socialist 0
Romania 12 5.45 B 12 6.45 84.49612 0
Sri Lanka 13 5.405 B 13 6.405 84.3872 East 0
Filippines 14 5.4 B 14 6.4 84.375 East 0
Uzbekistan 15 5.08 B 15 6.08 83.55263 CIS 0
Taiwan 16 4.835 C 19 5.835 82.86204 East 3
Tanzania 17 4.82 C 20 5.82 82.81787 3
Angola 18 4.715 C 21 5.715 82.50219 3
Kenya 19 4.675 C 22 5.675 82.37885 3
Peru 20 4.65 C 23 5.65 82.30088 3
Cameroon 21 4.645 C 24 5.645 82.28521 3
Cote d'iVore 22 5.4 C 14 6.4 84.375 -8
Indonesia 23 4.6 C 26 5.6 82.14286 East 3
Argentina 24 4.48 C 27 5.48 81.75182 3
Madagaskar 25 4.36 C 30 5.36 81.34328 5
Berkina Faso 26 4.345 C 31 5.345 81.29093 5
Nigeria 27 4.125 C 28 5.4 76.38889 1
Mozambik 28 3.955 D 35 4.955 79.81837 7
Iran 29 3.9 D 29 5.4 72.22222 0
Myanmar 30 3.855 D 36 4.855 79.40268 EAST 6
Poland 31 3.82 D 37 4.82 79.25311 6
Afghanistan 32 3.82 D 40 4.505 84.79467 8
Dr Congo 33 3.675 D 39 4.675 78.60963 6
Syria 34 3.65 D 40 4.56 80.04386 6
Uganda 35 3.43 D 41 4.43 77.42664 6
Bangladesh 36 3.315 D 32 5.315 62.37065 East -4
Nepal 37 3.28 D 33 5.28 62.12121 East -4
Sudan 38 2.825 E 46 3.825 73.85621 8
Ghana 39 2.69 E 38 4.69 57.35608 -1
Egypt 40 2.455 E 49 3.455 71.05644 9
Ukraine 41 2.375 E 41 4.325 54.91329 0
Yemen 42 2.075 E 34 5.315 39.04045 -8
Ethiopia 43 2 E 45 4 50 2
Algeria 44 1.825 E 56 2.825 64.60177 12
Thailand 45 1.65 E 57 2.65 62.26415 East Monarcy 12
Japan 46 1.64 E 48 3.64 45.05495 East Monarchy 2
Malysia 47 1.235 E 50 3.235 38.1762 East Monarchy 3
Australia 48 0.825 E 46 3.825 21.56863 -2
Spain 49 0.585 E 42 4.595 12.73123 NATO -7
Iraq 50 0.45 E 58 2.45 18.36735 under NATO 8
Italy 51 0.385 E 4 6.885 5.591866 NATO -47
Turkey 52 0.2 E 43 4.2 4.761905 NATO -9
Morocco 53 -0.08 aJanatantrik 59 1.92 -4.16667 6
Canada 54 -2.85 aJanatantrik 52 3.15 -90.4762 NATO -2
Saudi Arabia 55 -5.95 aJanatantrik 60 -0.95 -626.316 5
Germany 56 -7.475 aJanatantrik 16 6.025 -124.066 NATO -40
France 57 -7.605 aJanatantrik 3 6.895 -110.297 NATO -54 Max. Rank degrdsn
Pakistan 58 -9.885 aJanatantrik 44 4.315 -229.085 Training terrorists -14
USA 60 -12.65 aJanatantrik 5 6.85 -184.672 NATO -55 Max. Rank degradation
UK 60 -12.765 aJanatantrik 51 3.235 -394.59 NATO -9
1.  Top 4 Rankers on EDD are BRICS countries. 
2.  Only 16 % countries are aJanataantrik.
3. Vietnam and China has DCU of 100 % showing: They are 'Janatantra'
4. Only Vietnam, India  and Russia have LDG 'A'. Grade
5. Bottom most positions are occupied by NATO countries and Pakistan.
4. USA, France and Italy  have max. Rank Degradation, with their "Anti-Lincolnian Democratic", 'aJanatantrik' activities.
5. It is high time USA, France and Italy should avoid interfaring in other countries to lift their DCU. People favoured Trump due to his commitment on such activities.
*** Ab dekhee` rauaa log: [Have a look please, now]:

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]: 
"Dusar desha pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa ego Aakaraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. [An "Attacker Country for imposing their own Views on others": can't be Democratic.]

Aaj: Janatantra ke 4 Mukhya Prakaar: 
[Today: Four Main Types of Democracy]:
1. Adhyaxeey Janatantra: [Presidential Democracy]: 
> Adhyax ke Manguptaa roop se Cunaaw holaa  Seedhaa, caahe Apratyax pranaali se. je desh ke 'rrp' 'Asal Saasak' banihe` pahile se Tay Kaal khaatir..
> [President is elected by the Citizen Directly or Indirectly by Secret Voting System who becomes the 'rrp' "really ruling person for a specific time Period.]
>>>  "Baa`Ta aa raaj kar" ke Siddhaant pa aadhaarit. 
[Based on the Principle of "Divide and Rule".]
> Udaaharan: SRA, Rus (Soviet Sangh naa)….. eg. USA, Russia (not USSR), ...

2. Sansadeey Janatantra: [Parliamentary Democracy]
     Ee asal me` Janatantre naa ha, kaahe ki 'rrp' ke ta Cunaawe naa hokhe, uu PM ke Pad pa tikRam ka ke baiTh jaalan. [In fact this is not at all 'Democracy', since the 'rrp' PM or Chancellor acquires the post by Hook and by Crook, unelected by any Citizen or any MP.]
> Udaaharan: Bhaarat, Jarmani, UK….e.g. India, Germany, UK….

3.  'Asal' Janatantra: 'Real' LD: 'Lincolnian Democracy':
  Kehoo ke Baa`Ta-uTa naa > Sab ke joRat jaa. 
>> Gaa`v se Blok >> Blok se Jilaa, >>> Jillaa se Praant >>>> Praant se Desh tak JoRat jaa Manguptaa Cunaaw se.   
No 'Dividing', go on adding people from > Villages >> to Blocks >>> to Districts >>>> Province >>>>> Country. 
> Udaharan: Cin, Kyubaa, Vietnaam … e.g. China, Cuba, Vietnam, ….

4. Seedhaa Janatantra:  EDD [Earth, Direct Democracy] >>
> Ee ha DD: "Seedhaa Janatantra" je ne` sab baRhan baat pa 'Janmat Sangrah' kail jaalaa. Cunal Padaadhikaarian ke samay se pahile 'LawaTaawal ego khaas baat ha eehaa`. 
This is DD: "Direct Democracy" in which on 'All Major Issues' are settled by Referendum. Moreover, 'Power of Recall' of an elected Person even before expiry of the term is a basic need here.
> Udaharan: SwiTjarlaend, e.g. Switzerland, 

EDD: 08.05.2018

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