'Topmost and Bottom-most Ranks' on EDD >
03.06.2018 EDD: [Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi pa Seedhaa Janatantra.
के पढ़ेला Ke PaD*elaa EDD: Who reads EDD:
स.रा.अ. SRA, रूस Rus, भारत Bhaarat, फ्रांस Fraansa, इंडोनेसिया InDonesiyaa, जर्मनी Jarmani, केनिया Keniyaa, यूक्रेन Yukren, बोशनिया आ हर्षगोबिना Boshniyaa & Harshgobinaa, नदरलैण्ड Nadarlaend, ...aadi.
USA, Russia, India, France, Indonesia, Germany, Kenya, Ukraine, Boshnia & Harshgovina, Netherland, ... etc.
'Topmost and Bottom-most Ranks' on EDD >
Which indicates their deeds are
"Janataantrik or LD: Lincolnian Democratic"
<> "aJanatantrik <> Anti-LD Countries"
Janatantrik LD Rank <> aJanatantrik Anti-LD Rank Remarks
1. Vietnam <> 100. UK. UK is Monarchy and 'rrp' not elected.
2. Cuba <> 99. USA. USA attacked Vietnam, other countries.
3. India <> 98. Pakistan. Pakistan attacked India thrice.
4. Russia <> 97. France. France with NATO, warrior group.
5. China <> 96. Germany. Germany with NATO, warrior group.
6. Austria. <> 95. Saudi Arabia. Monarchy.
7. South Africa <> 94. Canada. An active NATO member.
8. North Korea <> 93. UAE. An Emerate.
9. Colombia LDG: B <> 92. Morocco.
10. S.Korea LDG: B <> 91. Turkey. LDG: 'Lincolnian Grade-E', not Anti-LD even being in NATO. coordintes with Russia at LDG-A.
11. Brazil LDG: B <> 90. Italy. LDG: 'Lincolnian Grade-E', not Anti-LD even being in NATO.
List: Developing <> Degrading Countries:
According to Series-10 of "EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking" among the 100 most populated countries are listed below:
Country DCU % Rank Upgradation % Remarks
1. India 108 > 49 India performs beyond her "set Constitutional capabilities" under PM Modi, resulting into over 108% DCU.
>> EDD congratulates PM Modi's Team for the extra-ordinary performance.
2. China 100 > 35 China performs well inaccordance with her "set Constitutional capabilities" under PM Xi Jingping.
>> EDD congratulates President Jingping's Team for the excellant performance.
3. Cuba 100 > 34 Cuba's performance is excellant even being near one of the most Anti-LD country.
4. N. Korea 100 > 34 N. Korea's performance is excellant even after challanges of an Anti-LD country.
5. Afaghanistan 84 > 18 Lot of Janatantrik improvement is seen in this country after setting of the Democratic Government of President Asraf Ghani.
6. Poland 79 > 16 The first European nearest to 'Janatantra' or 'LD: Lincolnian Democracy'. Congratulation President Andrzej Duda from EDD.
7. Uganda 77.4 > 16 The first African Country moving towards 'Janatantra'. Congratulation President Museveni.
8. Cambodia 77.3 > 16 This is the 4th Asian country with Rank Improvement under PM Hun Sen.
9. Sudan 73.8 > 16 The 2nd African country improving towards 'Janatantra', LD under President Omar Al-Bashir.
10. S. Sudan, 66 > 16 Surprising: Although DCU of S. Sudan is lesser than Sudan, however both have the same Rank Upgradation of 16 Ranks. Nice President Salva Kiir.
11. Algeria 64 > 16 Sandwitched between Egypt and Libya, Algeria's Democratic development is appreciable.
12. Mozambique 79 > 15 The DCU: 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation' value of the country if fairly good, and Rank improvement is good. The country is progressing well, but for the civil war till 1992, but progressing under President F. Nyusi.
13. Myanmar 79 > 15 New President Win Myint is show his performance, however under the leadership of Aung San SuuKyi Myanmar's Janatantric improvement is nice.
14. DR Congo 78 > 15. No Comment from EDD.
15. Syria 80 > 15. With tactful support of Russia for the legitimate goverment of President Assad, and President Trump, some Democratic progress is seen in Syria, which was highly effected due to the past USA President Obama.
16. Egypt 71 > 15. Under President AF Sisi, Egypt is progressing well.
17. Thailand 62 > 15. Raama 10 ke raaaj me` 'Janatantra' ta~ hoibe kari. Under 'Longkarna Ram 10', the country has to be 'Janatantrik'. Nice.
18. Uzbekistan 84 > 14. Under President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirzitoyev, an LD: Janatantra with 84% DCU as shown by EDD.
19. Netherland 79 > 14. Netherland is the 2nd European country having such LD: Rank upgradation, a Kingdom; still a good Janatantra. Congratulation PM Mark Rutte. PM Rutte's efforts of going with India is natural choice.
20. *Switzerland 85 > 13. *Switzerland is the 3rd European country with improving LD Rank. Why not!! where DD: 'Direct Democracy' is flaurishing on the Earth!!!
Even with 85% DCU, the country's Janataantrik Rank is improving. Congrats President Alain Berset.
>>> Uupar 20 deshan ke lisT baa jekar 'Janataantrik Raenk' sab se jaadaa baa.
The above are 20 countries with maximum "LD: Rank Improvement".
... ... ...
Ab neece uu lisT del jaataa jekar 'Janataantri Raenk' sab se kam baa.
Now, we list countries with 'Negative LD Rank' with Minimum value:
Country DCU % Rank Upgradation % Remarks
20. USA -184 > -92 The minimum LD: 'Lincolnian Democratic' or ;Janatantrik' 'Rank Degradation' is found to be of USA, although President Trump is trying his level best to improve the situation, what can he do for 'what he has inherited' from the Past Presidens like Obama who used say and physically tried for the legitimate Syrian Govt. as "Assad must go". EDD and the peaceful people of the world has lot of expectation from President Trump.
19. France -110 > -92 The minimum LD:
Both France and USA are NATO members which is a 'waarier organisation' going for waging wars in the name of so called Democracy confusing people with LD: 'Lincolnian Democracy' or Janatantra serving their pretty interests. "Let noble thoughts prevail in such politicians".
18. Italy 5 > -84. The 'LD Rank Improvement' of Italy. basically Italy is a 'Janataantrik' country with positive DCU of 5% and LDG-Grade E. Hope, with positive DCU, Italy will be more and more Janatantrik, although Italy is also a NATO member.
17. Germany -124 > -58. Germany like USA and France with negative DCU of -124% is an aJanatantrik or Anti-LD: 'Anti-Lincolnian Democracy' and NATO member.
16. Belgium 24 > -44. Belgium is a Janatantrik country with DCU of over 24% similar to italy, although it is the Chaiman of NATO. These countries have to go far to improve their Ranks.
15. Israel 25 > -43. Israel with just 25% DCU, must inprove a lot.
14. Malaysia 22 > -26. Malaysia has to improve more, as her DCU of 22% is very low.
13. Portugal 73 > -24. Portugal has very good DCU of 73%, however it must improve Janatantrically.
12. Somalia 72 > -18. Somalia has very good DCU of 72%, however it must improve Janatantrically.
11. Hong Kong 75 > -18. Hong Kong has good DCU of 75%. But being a Chinese country has to go a lot.
10. Tunisia 67 > -16. Tunisia is being utilisedby many anti-LD countries against Libya, which reduces her Rank and DCU%.
9. Saudi Arabia -15 > -626. No comment for the time being.
8. Yemen 39 > -13. Yemen is very critically located due to which, Yemen is suffering.
7. Pakistan -229 > -9. With Pakistan's many naapaak activities including training and taming terrorists, how can Pakistan be an LD country. Pakistan should try to be Paak.
6. Benin 75 > -9. Good DCU of 75%.
5. Bolivia 77 > -8. The major Democratic countries of America keeps on destabilising the country, even then its DCU is 77%.
4. Bangladesh 62 > -7. The Rohingya inflow and high population dencity are main problems.
3. Nepal 62 > -7. No comment.
2. Sweden 53 > -7. with NATO.
1. Hungary 53 > -7. Refugees inflow main problem.
0. UK -394 > -6. UK's Rank degradation is not high, being just -6. However, its DCU is highly low, showing that there may be Democracy in UK i.e. one may demonstrate even against the government, but it is far from LD: "Lincolnian Democracy" or 'Janatantra'. This is due to her being a member of NATO and particularly due to "the Rule of persons unelected by the citizens". Similar is the case of many European and Asian countries.
** Janataantrik desh: 02.7.9115 ke: Ego So`~c. EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: 30.9.2015: A Study by EDD.]
*** Why did USA slid down from 5th Rank Potential to 69th Rank, just after Pakistan in 10 Point-Ranking, among 70 Most Populated Countries World Population with -184% DCU!!!
SRA 5m Raenk Xamataa se 79m pa kaahe khiskal, Sansaar ke 80 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa deshan me`-184% DCU ke saath!!!
>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 2000 me` se 500 Ank kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke sahaayataa kailaa pa 200 Ank kam.
[For 10 most Populated Countries of the World, the Ranking ‘Scores of Democracy out of 10 Points’ are as follows, considering the fact that:
>>> Principle-1:
“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”,
Losing 500 Index Points each attack, and 200 Index Points for directly helping an attacker.]
>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara" naa le jaay Janatantra ke o~r.
>>> Principle-2:
"Divide and Rule Policy" do not lead to 'Democracy', LD.
loosing 1.333 Points / attach out of 10.
Uttar Milal! [Got the Answer!]:
>>>> Ab dekhee` Sansaar ke 100 adhiktam Janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke Kram-10 pa:
"Janataantrik Raenk"
["Democratic Ranking"
of 100 most Populated countries of the World, Series-10 ]:
>>>> Among Bottom 10 countries showing:
Countries going +ive to -ive Scores and DCU
*** *** ***
*** Ab dekhee` rauaa log: [Have a look please, now]:
> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar desha pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa ego Aakaraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. [An "Attacker Country for imposing their own Views on others": can't be Democratic.]
Aaj: Janatantra ke 4 Mukhya Prakaar:
[Today: Four Main Types of Democracy]:
1. Adhyaxeeya Janatantra: [Presidential Democracy]:
> Adhyax ke Manguptaa roop se Cunaaw holaa Seedhaa, caahe Apratyax pranaali se. je desh ke 'rrp' 'Asal Saasak' banele pahile se Tay Kaal khaatir..
> [President is elected by the Citizen Directly or Indirectly by Secret Voting System who becomes the 'rrp' "really ruling person' for a specific time Period.]
>>> "Baa`Ta aa raaj kar" ke Siddhaant pa aadhaarit.
[Based on the Principle of "Divide and Rule".]
> Udaaharan: SRA, Rus (Soviet Sangh naa)….. eg. USA, Russia (not USSR), ...
2. Sansadeeya Janatantra: [Parliamentary Democracy]
Ee asal me` Janatantre naa ha, kaahe ki 'rrp' ke ta Cunaawe naa hokhe, uu PM ke Pad pa tikRam ka ke baiTh jaalan. [In fact this is not at all 'Democracy', since the 'rrp' PM or Chancellor acquires the post by Hook and by Crook, unelected by any Citizen or any MP.]
> Udaaharan: Bhaarat, Jarmani, UK….e.g. India, Germany, UK….
3. Asal Janatantra: Real LD: 'Lincolnian Democracy':
Kehoo ke Baa`Ta-uTa naa > Sab ke joRat jaa.
Gaa`van se Blok
> Blokan se Jillaa,
>> Jillan se Praant
>>> Praantan se desh tak JoRat jaai Manguptaa Cunaaw se.
No 'Dividing', go on adding people from
Villages to Block,
> Blocks to District,
>> Districts to Province,
>>> From Provinces to Country.
> Udaharan: Cin, Kyubaa, Vietnaam … e.g. China, Cuba, Vietnam, ….
4. Seedhaa Janatantra: EDD [Earth Direct Democracy] >>
> Ee ha DD: "Seedhaa Janatantra" je me` sab baRhan baat pa 'Janmat Sangrah' kail jaalaa. Cunal Padaadhikaarian ke samay se pahile 'LawaTaawal' ego khaas baat ha eehaa`.
This is DD: "Direct Democracy" in which 'All Major Issues' are settled by Referendum. Moreover, 'Power of Recall' of an elected Person, even before expiry of the term is a basic need here.
> Udaharan: SwiTjarlaend, e.g. Switzerland has about 50% EDD.
EDD: 03.06.2018
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