Tuesday, 3 July 2018

'10 Topmost and 10 Bottom-most Ranks' on EDD > 05.07.2018 EDD: [Earth eDirect Democracy]

'10 Topmost and 10 Bottom-most Ranks' on EDD > 
05.07.2018 EDD: [Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi pa Seedhaa Janatantra.

के पढ़ेला Ke PaD*elaa EDD: Who reads EDD:
स.रा.अ SRA, रूस Rus, भारत Bhaarat, फ्रांस Fraansa, इंडोनेसिया InDonesiyaa, जर्मनी Jarmani, केनिया Keniyaa, यूक्रेन Yukren, बोशनिया आ हर्षगोबिना Boshniyaa & Harshgobinaa, नदरलैण्ड Nadarlaend, ...aadi.
USA, Russia, India, France, Indonesia, Germany, Kenya, Ukraine, Boshnia & Harshgovina, Netherland, ... etc.

'10 Topmost and 10 Bottom-most Ranks' on EDD > 
Which indicates their deeds are 
"Janataantrik i.e LD: Lincolnian Democratic" 
and 10 "aJanatantrik or Anti-LD Countries"  

Country Rank Score DC-Grade Rank Pot. Pot. Score DCU % Rnk Upgradation Remarks
Vietnam 1 6.825 A 8 6.825 100 7 East Communist 
Cuba 2 6.27 A 40 6.27 100 38 Communist
India 3 6.105 A 66 5.605 108.9206 63 BRICS. East Max. Rnk.Impvmt
Russia 4 6.045 A 1 7.045 85.80554 -3 BRICS, CIS
China 5 5.955 B 49 5.955 100 44  BRICS Communist.
Austria 6 5.92 B 2 6.905 85.73497 -4
S.Afrika 7 5.905 B 2 6.905 85.51774 -5 BRICS
N. Korea 8 5.865 B 56 5.865 100 48 East, Communist 2nd.Max. Rnk.Impvmt
Los DPR 9 5.82 B 26 5.82 100 17 East, Communist
Colombia 10 5.675 B 9 6.675 85.01873 -1

*      *      *       *      *      

Italy 130 0.385 E 6 6.885 5.591866 -124 NATO
Turkey 131 0.2 E 135 4.2 4.761905 4 NATO
Morocco 132 -0.08 aJanatantrik 138 1.92 -4.16667 6
Kuwait 133 -0.295 aJanatantrik 139 0.705 -41.844 6 NATO
UAE 134 -0.64 aJanatantrik 137 3.15 -20.3175 3
Canada 135 -2.85 aJanatantrik 137 3.15 -90.4762 2 NATO
Saudi Arabia 136 -5.95 aJanatantrik 140 -0.95 -626.316 4
France 137 -7.605 aJanatantrik 5 6.895 -110.297 -132 NATO Max. Rnk Degradation
Pakistan 138 -9.885 aJanatantrik 134 4.315 -229.085 -4 Training terrorists
USA 139 -12.65 aJanatantrik 7 6.85 -184.672 -132 NATO Max. Rnk Degradation
UK 140 -12.765 aJanatantrik 132 3.235 -394.59 -8 NATO
1.  Top 4 Rankers on EDD are Communists or BRICS countries. 
2.  Only 5 % countries are aJanataantrik i.e. "Anti Lincolniam Democratic" who keep on destabilizing other countries.."
3. Vietnam, Cuba, N. Korea, Los Dpr, China have DCU of 100 % showing: They are 'Janatantra'
4. Only Vietnam, Cuba, India  and Russia have LDG 'A'. Grade. LDG = "Lincolnian Democratic Grade"
5. Bottom most positions are occupied by NATO countries and Pakistan.

Country DCU % Rank Upgradation % Remarks 
1. India 108 % > 63 India performs beyond her set “Constitutional capabilities" under PM Narendra Modi, resulting into over 108% DCU. ‘Democratic Capacity Utilisation’.
>> EDD congratulates PM Modi's Team for the extra-ordinary performance.
2. China 100 % > 44 China performs well in accordance with her "set Constitutional capabilities" under PM Xi Jingping.
>> EDD congratulates President Jingping's Team for the excellent performance.
3. Cuba 100% > 38% Cuba's performance is excellent even being near one of the most Anti-LD: Anti-Linolnian Democratic countries.
4. N. Korea 100% > 48% N. Korea's performance is excellent even after challenges of an Anti-LD country.
5. Sudan 73% > 19% Good EDD Grade improvement towards 'Janatantra', LD under President Omar Al-Bashir.
6. Afaghanistan 84% > 18% Lot of Janatantrik improvement is seen in this country after setting of the Democratic Government of President Asraf Ghani. 
7. Laos DPR 100% > 17% silently lot of Janatantrik improvement in Laos DPR.
8. S. Sudan 66% > 17% Good Rank improvement.
9. Poland 79% > 16% The First European nearest to 'Janatantra' or 'LD: Lincolnian Democracy'. Congratulation President Andrzej Duda, EDD team.
10. Uganda 77.4% >16% The Country moving towards 'Janatantra'. Congratulation President Museveni.
11. Cambodia 77.3% > 16% This is the 4th Asian country with Rank Improvement, under PM Hun Sen.  
12. Algeria 64% > 16% Sandwiched between Egypt and Libya, Algeria's Democratic development is appreciable.
13. Myanmar 62% > 16% New President Win Myint is shows his performance, however under the leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi Myanmar's Janatantric improvement is nice.
>>> Uupar 13 deshan ke lisT baa jekar 'Janataantrik Raenk' sab se jaadaa baD*al baa. 
The above are 13 countries with maximum 
"LD: Rank Improvement". 
... ... ... 
>>> Ab neece uu lisT del jaataa jekar 
'Janataantri Raenk Utthaan' sab se kam baa.

** Janataantrik desh: 02.7.9115 ke: Ego So`~c. EDD ke.
[Democratic Countries: 30.9.2015: A Study by  EDD.]
*** Why did USA slid down from 5th Rank Potential to 69th Rank, just after Pakistan in 10 Point-Ranking, among 70 Most Populated Countries World Population with -184% DCU!!! 
SRA 5m Raenk Xamataa se 79m pa kaahe khiskal, Sansaar ke 80 sab se jaadaa aabaadi waalaa deshan me`-184% DCU ke saath!!!

>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 2000 me` se 500 Ank kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke sahaayataa kailaa pa 200 Ank kam.

[For 10 most Populated Countries of the World, the Ranking ‘Scores of Democracy out of 10 Points’ are as follows, considering the fact that: 
>>> Principle-1:
“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”, 
Losing 500 Index Points each attack, and 200 Index Points for directly helping an attacker.]

>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara" naa le jaay Janatantra ke o~r. 

>>> Principle-2:
"Divide and Rule Policy" do not lead to 'Democracy', LD.
loosing 1.333 Points / attach out of 10. 
Uttar Milal! [Got the Answer!]:

>>>> Ab dekhee` Sansaar ke 100 adhiktam Janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke Kram-10 pa: 
"Janataantrik Raenk"
["Democratic Ranking"
of 100 most Populated countries of the World, Series-10 ]: 
>>>> Among Bottom 10 countries showing:
 Countries going +ive to -ive Scores and DCU

***  ***   ***

*** Ab dekhee` rauaa log: [Have a look please, now]:

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]: 
"Dusar desha pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa ego Aakaraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. [An "Attacker Country for imposing their own Views on others": can't be Democratic.]

Aaj: Janatantra ke 4 Mukhya Prakaar: 
[Today: Four Main Types of Democracy]:
1. Adhyaxeeya Janatantra: [Presidential Democracy]: 
> Adhyax ke Manguptaa roop se Cunaaw holaa Seedhaa, caahe Apratyax pranaali se. je desh ke 'rrp' 'Asal Saasak' banele pahile se Tay Kaal khaatir..
> [President is elected by the Citizen Directly or Indirectly by Secret Voting System who becomes the 'rrp' "really ruling person' for a specific time Period.]
>>>  "Baa`Ta aa raaj kar" ke Siddhaant pa aadhaarit. 
[Based on the Principle of "Divide and Rule".]
> Udaaharan: SRA, Rus (Soviet Sangh naa)….. eg. USA, Russia (not USSR), ...

2. Sansadeeya Janatantra: [Parliamentary Democracy]
     Ee asal me` Janatantre naa ha, kaahe ki 'rrp' ke ta Cunaawe naa hokhe, uu PM ke Pad pa tikRam ka ke baiTh jaalan. [In fact this is not at all 'Democracy', since the 'rrp' PM or Chancellor acquires the post by Hook and by Crook, unelected by any Citizen or any MP.]
> Udaaharan: Bhaarat, Jarmani, UK….e.g. India, Germany, UK….

3. Asal Janatantra: Real LD: 'Lincolnian Democracy':
  Kehoo ke Baa`Ta-uTa naa > Sab ke joRat jaa. 
Gaa`van se Blok 
> Blokan se Jillaa, 
>> Jillan se Praant 
>>> Praantan se desh tak JoRat jaai Manguptaa Cunaaw se.   
No 'Dividing', go on adding people from 
Villages to Block, 
> Blocks to District, 
>> Districts to Province,  
>>> From  Provinces to Country. 

> Udaharan: Cin, Kyubaa, Vietnaam … e.g. China, Cuba, Vietnam, ….

4. Seedhaa Janatantra:  EDD [Earth Direct Democracy] >>
> Ee ha DD: "Seedhaa Janatantra" je me` sab baRhan baat pa 'Janmat Sangrah' kail jaalaa. Cunal Padaadhikaarian ke samay se pahile 'LawaTaawal' ego khaas baat ha eehaa`. 
This is DD: "Direct Democracy" in which 'All Major Issues' are settled by Referendum. Moreover, 'Power of Recall' of an elected Person, even before expiry of the term is a basic need here.
> Udaharan: SwiTjarlaend, e.g. Switzerland has about 50% EDD.

EDD: 05.07.2018

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