Friday, 17 September 2021

Bangladesh Tops at Democratic Ranking Among 10 & 20 Most Populated Countries.

 Bangladesh Tops at Democratic Ranking Among 10 & 20 Most Populated Countries.  

EDD: [Earth eDirect Democracy] 

Arth DaairekT Demokraesi 17.09.2021 

Prithvi pa Seedhaa Janatantra: Sri: 26.06.9121.

 Kram - 18:  `Sereez-18: (in 21st. Century English.Inglish).

*** Aenadar Veri Spesal Issu aof 

"EDD DaairekT Demokraesi" aafTar ebaauT 5 Months, dis Spesal issu iz prezenteD in Sereez 18: PaarTikularli DivoTeD Tu 

'KaruNaa Vyaadhi" [Covid] Effect.

EDD Democratic Ranking in Series 18 with revised bases with 2000 Basic Index Points:

And lot of surprises after a number of negative scorers like effect of Corona-19 and Atankistan, Napakistan's deeds:

Democratic Grade, DG: A+ over 10, A: 7-10,  B: 5-7, C: 4-5, D: 3-4, E: 0 -3. Un-LD: Lincolnian Democratic or Ajanataantric.

Democratic Ranking Among 20 Most Populated Countries WW: 

Series- 18


LDG: A+ : 7 -10 A: 6-7 B: 5-6 C: 4-5 D: 3-4 E: 0 - 3 Populatin: 58% of W.    

Country Rank Score DC-Grade Rank Pot. Pot. Score DCU % Rank Impr/Digradation    

Bangladesh 1 6.295 B 4 8.105 77.66811 3    

Nigeria 2 5.965 B 6 7.025 84.91103 4    

Indonesia 3 5.555 B 5 8.075 68.79257 2    

India 4 4.36 C 9 5.95 73.27731 5 max.    

Russia 5 3.74 D 1 10.42 35.89251 -4    

Mexico 6 -5.115 Un-LD 8 6.22 -82.2347 2    

Brazil 7 -5.605 Un-LD 3 9.125 -61.4247 -4    

China 8 -5.835 Un-LD 7 6.68 -87.3503 -1    

USA 9 -19.205 Un-LD 2 9.75 -196.974 -7 Min.    

Pakistan 10 -44.28 Un-LD 10 2.315 -1912.74 0    



1. India has max. Rank improvement of 5 under PM Modi's "Development of all, with all, with efforts of all".    

2. With Aatankistaan-1 & 2 sapporTeD baai Cin aend por parfaormens aof USA, da Un-LD: UnTi-Linkonian Demokraesi has bikam 50%.  


Country Rank Score DC-Grade Rank Pot. Pot. Score DCU % Rank Impr/Digradation    

Bangladesh 1 6.295 A 4 8.105 77.66811 3    

Nigeria 2 5.965 B 8 7.025 84.91103 6    

Philippines 3 5.735 B 7 7.35 78.02721 4    

Indonesia 4 5.555 B 5 8.075 68.79257 1    

Vietnam 5 5.48 B 11 6.325 86.64032 6    

DR Congo 6 5.165 B 15 5.225 98.85167 9 Max.    

India 7 4.36 C 14 5.95 73.27731 7    

Egypt 8 4.065 C 16 4.875 83.38462 8    

Russia 9 3.74 D 1 10.42 35.89251 -8    

Japan 10 2.855 E 18 4.525 63.09392 8    

Ethiopia 11 2.035 E 20 3.25 62.61538 9 Max.    

Thailand 12 1.745 E 19 2.825 61.76991 7    

Iran 13 -0.855 Un-LD 13 5.975 -14.3096 0    

Turkey 14 -2.19 Un-LD 16 4.875 -44.9231 2    

Mexico 15 -5.115 Un-LD 12 6.22 -82.2347 -3    

Brazil 16 -5.605 Un-LD 3 9.125 -61.4247 -13    

China 17 -5.835 Un-LD 9 6.68 -87.3503 -8    

Germany 18 -10.155 Un-LD 10 6.4 -158.672 -8    

USA 19 -19.205 Un-LD 2 9.75 -196.974 -17 Min.    

Pakistan 20 -44.28 Un-LD 20 2.315 -1912.74 0  


1. DR Congo & Ethiopia have max. Rank improvement of 9.

2. 40% of countries are Anti-LD: Anti-Lincolnian Democracy.

3. USA have to introspect: Why they are close tu Pakistan.

4. Among 10 and 20 most populated countries, only Bangladesh is at DC-Grade:A: Democratic Grade/

** Janataantrik desh: 02.7.9115 ke: Ego So`~c. EDD ke.

[Democratic Countries: 30.9.2015: A Study by EDD.]

DemokraeTik KanTriz: 30.09.2015: A STaDi baai EDD.

>>> Siddhaant-1:

"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, naa ho sake Janataantrik"

Har hamalaa se 2000 me` se 500 Ank kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke sahaayataa kailaa pa 200 Ank kam.

 “Atom-Bomb TerrorisT” ke 2000 Ank kam.

[For 10 most Populated Countries of the World, the Ranking ‘Scores of Democracy out of 10 Points’ are as follows, considering the fact that]: 

Faor 10 mosT PopuleTeD KanTriz aof da WorlD, da Raenking ‘Sko~rs aof Demokraesi’ aauT aof 10 PoaanTs aar aez faolloz, kansiDaring da faekT daeT:

>>> Prinsipl Principle-1:

AeTTaekkar aon a kanTri kaen naoT bi DemokraeTik.

Loozing 500 InDex PoaaenTs eec aeTTaek, aenD 200 InDex PoaaenTs faor DaairekTli helping aen aeTTaekkar.

[“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”, 

Losing 500 Index Points each attack, and 200 Index Points for directly helping an attacker.]

>>> Siddhaant-2:

"Baa`Ta~, aa raaj kara" naa le jaay Janatantra ke o~r jaisan ki adhikaans DemokraeTik desh karelan. 

>>> Principle-2:

"DivaaiD aend Rul Paolisi" Daz nauT leeD Tu 

LD: 'Linkonian Demokraesi' aor Janatantra,

loozing 200 PoaanTs / aeTTaek aauT. 

Uttar Milal! [GaoT da Aenswar!]:

>>>> Ab dekhee` Sansaar ke 30 adhiktam Janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke Kram-16 pa  MoDifaaeD roop: 

"Janataantrik Raenk" 

["LD: Democratic Ranking"of 40 most Populated countries of the World, Series - 16 after coreection for cheeting and Grabbing contries "Poorvi Turkistaan / Uyghar SSR", "Daxin Mangol SSR", Manchuriya, Tibet and  Aksay Bharat [Aksai Cin] of India, Makaao i.e. 6 Countries grabbed by  China: 

*** Ab dekhee` rauaa log: Naau haev a look pleez: [Have a look please, now]:

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: FanDaamenTal Prinsipls: [Fundamental Principle]: 

"Dusar desha pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa ego Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. 

“Aen aeTTaekkar kanTri faur impozing dear o~n Viuz aon adars” kaen naoT bi LD: DemokraeTik. 

[An "Attacker Country for imposing their own Views on others": can't be Democratic.]

Aaj: Janatantra ke 4 Mukhya Prakaar baa:

TuDe: deyar aar fo~r me~n Taaips aof Demokraesi: 

1. Adhyaxeeya Janatantra: PresiDensial Demokraesi:

> Adhyax ke Manguptaa Cunaaw holaa Seedhaa caahe Apratyax pranaali se, je desh ke 'rrp' ('rialli ruling parson', 'Asal Saasak') banele pahile se tay kaal khaatir...

> PresiDenT iz elekTeD baai da SiTizen DaairekTli aor InDaairekTli baai SekreT VoTing SisTem, hu bikams da ‘rrp’, 'rialli rooling parsan' faor a spesifik Taaim perioD. 

[President is elected by the Citizens Directly or Indirectly by Secret Voting System who becomes the 'rrp', 'really ruling person' for a specific time period.]

>> "Baa`Ta, aa raaj kar" ke Siddhaant pa aadhaarit Democraesi. 

Demokraesi besD aon da Prinsipl aof “DivaaiD aenD Rool”

[Democracy based on the Principle of "Divide and Rule".]

* Udaaharan: SRA, Rus (Soviet Sangh naa), ….. eg. USA, Rassiaa [Russia (not USSR], ...

2. Sansadeeya Ganatatra PaaliaamenTari Demokraesi [Parliamentary Democracy]: 

      Ee asal me` LD: "Linkonian Demokraesi", Janatantre naa ha, kaahe ki 'rrp' ke ta Cunaawe naa hokhe, uu PM ke Pad pa tikRam ka ke baiTh jaalan, "ham Raajaa hu`aa" kah ke. 

In faekT dis iz nauT aeT aoll LD: ‘Linkonian Demokraesi’, sins da ‘rrp’, PM aor Caansellar akkwaayars da post baai hook aend baai krook, ... nauT elekTed baai eni SiTizen aor eni MP.

[In fact, this is a Democracy but not at all 'LD: Lincolnian Democracy',  since the 'rrp', PM or Chancellor acquires the post by Hook and Crook, by ... unelected by any Citizen or any MP.]

> Udaaharan: Bhaarat, Jarmani, UK….e.g. Indiaa, Jarmani, YK, … [India, Germany, UK….]

3. Asal Janatantra: Rial LD: ‘Linkonian Demokraesi’ 

Rial LD: 'Lincolnian Democracy':

  Kehoo ke Baa`Te-uTe naa > Sab ke joRat jaalaa. 

Gaa`van se Blok tak,

> Blokan se Jillaa tak, 

>> Jillan se Praant tak

>>> Praantan se desh tak JoRat jaai Manguptaa Cunaaw se.   

Hiyar no ‘DivaaiDing’ da pipul, go aon aeDDing pipul fraom 

> Villajez Tu Blaok,

> Blaoks Tu DistikT, 

>> DisTrikTs Tu Provinses ,    

>>> Fraom Provinses Tu da KanTri. 

>>> [From Provinces to the Country.] 

> Udaharan: Kyubaa, Cin, Vietnaam … e.g. Kyubaa, CaainaaVietnaam, … [China, Cuba, Vietnam, ….]

4. Seedhaa Janatantra: EDD [Earth Direct Democracy] 

Arth DaairekT Demokraesi >>

> Ee ha DD: "Seedhaa Janatantra" je me` sab baRhan baat pa 'Janmat Sangrah' kail jaalaa. Cunal Padaadhikaarian ke samay se pahile pad se 'LawaTaawal' ego khaas baat ha eehaa`. 

Dis iz DD: “DaairekT Demokraesi” in whic ‘’Aoll Mejar Issuz’ aar seTTlD baai RefarrenDam. Mo~rovar, ‘Paawar aof rikaul’ aof aen elekTeD parsan, even bifo~r expaaeri aof da Tarm iz a besik neeD hiar.

[This is DD: "Direct Democracy" in which 'All Major Issues' are settled by Referendum. Moreover, 'Power of Recall' of an elected Person, even before expiry of the term is a basic need here.]

> Udaaharan: SwiTjarlaend jaha`waa 40 - 50% EDD baa, 

e.g. SwiTzarlaenD, whic haez abaauT 40 - 50% EDD. [Switzerland has about 40 - 50% EDD.]


EDD: 17.09.2021




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