Saturday, 30 April 2016

30.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd and South Africa at 3rd Rank on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 08.02.9116

30.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd and  South Africa at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 08.02.9116
among 90 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 94% people WW live: 
by EDD: 
Independently Unbiased.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 90 deshan me` 62 deshan ke 'rrp' janataa se Cunaalaa: Cin, SRA, Rus, Maxico, Filipaains, Vietnaam, Misra, Iraan, DR Kongo, Fraans, ITali, d.Afrikaa, Barmaa, S.Koriaa, Kolombiaa, Tanjaaniaa, Spe~n, Keniyaa, ArjenTinaa, Yukren, Aljeriaa, SuDaan, UgaanDaa, Uzbekistaan, Venezuelaa, Angolaa, Ghanaa, Afghaanistaan, Yemon, Mozaambik, N.Koriaa. Taiwaan, Siriyaa, Ivori CosT, MaDaagaaskar, Sri Lankaa, Rumaaniaa, Kaemeroon, Cili, Kazaakastaan, Naaijar, NetharlaenD, EkwiDor Malaawi, KamboDiaa, Maali, Zaambia, Senegal, Bolivia, CaaD, 
Kyubaa, RwaanDaa, Tyunisiaa, Guine, Portugal, Burundi, Haiti, Domin. Rep., Somalia, Belarus 
Eh deshan me` Janatantra baa.
Baaki 31 deshan me` Janatantra naikhe, kaahe ki unkar 'rrp' 
PM /Canselar ke eko Naagarik naa cune oh pad pa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan, Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh, Jaapaan, Ethiopiaa, Jarmani. Turki, ThaailaenD. UK, PolaenD, Iraak, KanaDaa, Morokko, Peru, Nepaal, Saudi Arabia, Malayesiaa, AsTreliaa, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe, Blegium, Grees, Szek Rep, Hangari,  SwiDen.
[List of most populated 28 countries out of 90, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’ i.e not ‘Lincolnian Democratic’, since the 'rrp', the 'really ruling person' PM or Chancellor, CMs are not at all elected for the post even by a single citizen: 
India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany, Turkey, Thailand, UK, Poland, Iraq, Canada, Morocco, Peru, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Malysia, Austrelia, Gautemaalaa, Zimbaabwe. Belgium, Greece, Czeck Rep., Hungary.  Sweden

[Out of 90 countries, 'rrp' of 62 are elected by the Citizens: 
China, USA, Russia,  Maxico, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, 
DR Congo, France, Italy, South Africa, Myanmar, S. Korea, Colombia, Tanjania, Spain, Kenya,  Argentina, Ukraine, Algeria, Sudan, Uganda, Uzbekistan,  Venezuela, Angola, Ghana, Afaghanistan, Yemon, Mozambique, N. Korea. Taiwan, Syria, Cote de'Ivoire, Madagaskar, Sri Lanka, Rumania, Cameroon. Chile, Kazakstan, Nigar, Netharlands, Ecuador, Malawi, Cambodia, Mali, Zambia, Senegal, Bolivia, Chad, Cube, Rwanda, Tunisia, Guina, Portugal, Burundi, Haiti, Benin, Dom. Rep., Somalia, Belarus.
(their Population is 3731 M 
out of total 6890 M me` 54%).  Better.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from 23.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 27.04.2016]: 05.02.9116 ke: 

Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 90 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 94% log rahelan.
Series:  S-2:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 90 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 94% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 90 Most Populated Countries WW:

Score Grade: A+ 7-10.0 A: 6-7 B: 5-6 C: 4-5 D: 3-4 E: 0 - 3

1. Top 2 Countries: Vetnam and Russia have: A+ Democratic Grade with "Democratic Capacity Utilisation", DCU of 100% sand 88% respectively.
2. Countries with Democratic Grade: A are South Africa DCU 86.8%, Mexico 86.7%, Philippines 86.5%, Cuba 100%, S. Korea 86%, Argentina 93.8%, Colombia 86.3%.
3. Venezuela, Bolivia, Uzbekistan, Tanzania, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Chile, Tanzania, Tunisia, Greece and Uganda have: B Grade Democracy..
4. Guina, Rumania, Nepal, Rwanda, Angola, Peru, India, DR Congo, Taiwan, Berkina Faso, Indonesia, N. Korea, Chad, Brazil, Senegal, Cameroon, Sudan, Belgium, Poland, Ecuador, Myanmar, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Malawi, Italy, Guatemala, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique have Grade: C Democracy.
5. Democratic Grade: D includes Bangladesh, China, Niger, Nigeria, Ukraine, Ghana, Syria, Netherlands, Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria, Cambodia and Ethiopia.
6. Malaysia, Iran, Spain, Thailand, Canada, Yemon, Morocco, Japan aa Austrelia each have Grade: E
'Lincolnian Democracy' or Janatanta. Except Iran these are mostly Kingdoms or Monarchy.
7. In 20th / 21 st Century among 80 most populated Countries: The following have negative DCU showing their Anti- Democratic activities. These countries include:
Iraq DCU (-)11%, Turkey DCU (-) 35%, USA DCU (-) 45%, Saudi Arabia DCU (-) 469 %
Germany DCU (-) 96%, France DCU (-) 129%, Pakistan DCU (-) 214%, UK DCU (-) 431%.

1. Acraj: 5co BRICS desh Top 40 me` aail baa: Rus, daxin Afrikaa. Bhaarat, Braazil aa Cin.
2. Nabbe me` se 8 desh Ajanataantrik laagataa, (-) DCU se. Ego ta Atankiyan ke Ashtra-Shastra becelaa, dusar Atankiyan ke deexaa delaa aa Sharan delaa jekaraa ke ego kaado unnat desh Arabo $ har saal det rahelaa.
3. Eke go desh JaRe se Ajanataantrik baa. [Only one country is basically Anti=Democratic.]

1. Surprising: At Top 55 Ranks are all the 5 BRICS countries.
2. Eight out of 90 countries are Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, with (-) ive DCU. Of these, one sells Arms & Ammunitions to terrorists, the other trains and shelters terrorists who is supported by a so to say, a developed country providing G $ per year.
For UK Russia is a threat, being at opposite poles.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
30.04.2016 EDD:


Wednesday, 27 April 2016

27.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd and South Africa at 3rd Rank on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 05.02.9116

27.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd and  South Africa at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 05.02.9116
among 90 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 94% people WW live: 
by EDD: 
Independently Unbiased.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 90 deshan me` 62 deshan ke 'rrp' janataa se Cunaalaa: Cin, SRA, Rus, Maxico, Filipaains, Vietnaam, Misra, Iraan, DR Kongo, Fraans, ITali, d.Afrikaa, Barmaa, S.Koriaa, Kolombiaa, Tanjaaniaa, Spe~n, Keniyaa, ArjenTinaa, Yukren, Aljeriaa, SuDaan, UgaanDaa, Uzbekistaan, Venezuelaa, Angolaa, Ghanaa, Afghaanistaan, Yemon, Mozaambik, N.Koriaa. Taiwaan, Siriyaa, Ivori CosT, MaDaagaaskar, Sri Lankaa, Rumaaniaa, Kaemeroon, Cili, Kazaakastaan, Naaijar, NetharlaenD, EkwiDor Malaawi, KamboDiaa, Maali, Zaambia, Senegal, Bolivia, CaaD, 
Kyubaa, RwaanDaa, Tyunisiaa, Guine, Portugal, Burundi, Haiti, Domin. Rep., Somalia, Belarus 
Eh deshan me` Janatantra baa.
Baaki 31 deshan me` Janatantra naikhe, kaahe ki unkar 'rrp' 
PM /Canselar ke eko Naagarik naa cune oh pad pa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan, Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh, Jaapaan, Ethiopiaa, Jarmani. Turki, ThaailaenD. UK, PolaenD, Iraak, KanaDaa, Morokko, Peru, Nepaal, Saudi Arabia, Malayesiaa, AsTreliaa, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe, Blegium, Grees, Szek Rep, Hangari,  SwiDen.
[List of most populated 28 countries out of 90, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’ i.e not ‘Lincolnian Democratic’, since the 'rrp', the 'really ruling person' PM or Chancellor, CMs are not at all elected for the post even by a single citizen: 
India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany, Turkey, Thailand, UK, Poland, Iraq, Canada, Morocco, Peru, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Malysia, Austrelia, Gautemaalaa, Zimbaabwe. Belgium, Greece, Czeck Rep., Hungary.  Sweden

[Out of 90 countries, 'rrp' of 62 are elected by the Citizens: 
China, USA, Russia,  Maxico, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, 
DR Congo, France, Italy, South Africa, Myanmar, S. Korea, Colombia, Tanjania, Spain, Kenya,  Argentina, Ukraine, Algeria, Sudan, Uganda, Uzbekistan,  Venezuela, Angola, Ghana, Afaghanistan, Yemon, Mozambique, N. Korea. Taiwan, Syria, Cote de'Ivoire, Madagaskar, Sri Lanka, Rumania, Cameroon. Chile, Kazakstan, Nigar, Netharlands, Ecuador, Malawi, Cambodia, Mali, Zambia, Senegal, Bolivia, Chad, Cube, Rwanda, Tunisia, Guina, Portugal, Burundi, Haiti, Benin, Dom. Rep., Somalia, Belarus.
(their Population is 3731 M 
out of total 6890 M me` 54%).  Better.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from 23.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 27.04.2016]: 05.02.9116 ke: 

Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 90 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 94% log rahelan.
Series:  S-2:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 90 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 94% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 90 Most Populated Countries WW:

Score Grade: A+ 7-10.0 A: 6-7 B: 5-6 C: 4-5 D: 3-4 E: 0 - 3  

1. Top 2 Countries: Vetnam and Russia have: A+ Democratic Grade with "Democratic Capacity Utilisation", DCU of 100% sand 88% respectively.
2. Countries with Democratic Grade: A are South Africa DCU 86.8%, Mexico 86.7%, Philippines 86.5%, Cuba 100%, S. Korea 86%, Argentina 93.8%, Colombia 86.3%. 
3. Venezuela, Bolivia, Uzbekistan, Tanzania, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Chile, Tanzania, Tunisia, Greece and Uganda have: B Grade Democracy..
4. Guina, Rumania, Nepal, Rwanda, Angola, Peru, India, DR Congo, Taiwan, Berkina Faso, Indonesia, N. Korea, Chad, Brazil, Senegal, Cameroon, Sudan, Belgium, Poland, Ecuador, Myanmar, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Malawi, Italy, Guatemala, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique have Grade: C Democracy.
5. Democratic Grade: D includes Bangladesh, China, Niger, Nigeria, Ukraine, Ghana, Syria, Netherlands, Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria, Cambodia and Ethiopia.
6. Malaysia, Iran, Spain, Thailand, Canada, Yemon, Morocco, Japan aa Austrelia each have Grade: E 
'Lincolnian Democracy' or Janatanta. Except Iran these are mostly Kingdoms or Monarchy.
7. In 20th / 21 st Century among 80 most populated Countries: The following have negative DCU showing their Anti- Democratic activities. These countries include: 
Iraq DCU (-)11%, Turkey DCU (-) 35%, USA DCU (-) 45%, Saudi Arabia DCU (-) 469 %
Germany DCU (-) 96%, France DCU (-) 129%, Pakistan DCU (-) 214%, UK DCU (-) 431%.

1. Acraj: 5co BRICS desh Top 40 me` aail baa: Rus, daxin Afrikaa. Bhaarat, Braazil aa Cin. 
2. Nabbe me` se 8 desh Ajanataantrik laagataa, (-) DCU se. Ego ta Atankiyan ke Ashtra-Shastra becelaa, dusar Atankiyan ke deexaa delaa aa Sharan delaa jekaraa ke ego kaado unnat desh Arabo $ har saal det rahelaa. 
3. Eke go desh JaRe se Ajanataantrik baa. [Only one country is basically Anti=Democratic.]
1. Surprising: At Top 55 Ranks are all the 5 BRICS countries.
2. Eight out of 90 countries are Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, with (-) ive DCU. Of these, one sells Arms & Ammunitions to terrorists, the other trains and shelters terrorists who is supported by a so to say, a developed country providing G $ per year. 
For UK Russia is a threat, being at opposite poles.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
27.04.2016 EDD:


Tuesday, 26 April 2016

24.04.2016 EDD: UK is going down and down on DDR of countries

26.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd and  South Africa at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 04.02.9116
among 90 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 94% people WW live: 
by EDD: 
Independently Unbiased.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 90 deshan me` 62 deshan ke 'rrp' janataa se Cunaalaa: Cin, SRA, Rus, Maxico, Filipaains, Vietnaam, Misra, Iraan, DR Kongo, Fraans, ITali, d.Afrikaa, Barmaa, S.Koriaa, Kolombiaa, Tanjaaniaa, Spe~n, Keniyaa, ArjenTinaa, Yukren, Aljeriaa, SuDaan, UgaanDaa, Uzbekistaan, Venezuelaa, Angolaa, Ghanaa, Afghaanistaan, Yemon, Mozaambik, N.Koriaa. Taiwaan, Siriyaa, Ivori CosT, MaDaagaaskar, Sri Lankaa, Rumaaniaa, Kaemeroon, Cili, Kazaakastaan, Naaijar, NetharlaenD, EkwiDor Malaawi, KamboDiaa, Maali, Zaambia, Senegal, Bolivia, CaaD, 
Kyubaa, RwaanDaa, Tyunisiaa, Guine, Portugal, Burundi, Haiti, Domin. Rep., Somalia, Belarus 
Eh deshan me` Janatantra baa.
Baaki 28 deshan me` Janatantra naikhe, kaahe ki unkar 'rrp' 
PM /Canselar ke eko Naagarik naa cune oh pad pa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan, Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh, Jaapaan, Ethiopiaa, Jarmani. Turki, ThaailaenD. UK, PolaenD, Iraak, KanaDaa, Morokko, Peru, Nepaal, Saudi Arabia, Malayesiaa, AsTreliaa, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe, Blegium, Grees, Czeck Rep, Hungary,  Sweden.
[List of most populated 28 countries out of 90, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’ i.e not ‘Lincolnian Democratic’, since the 'rrp', the 'really ruling person' PM or Chancellor, CMs are not at all elected for the post even by a single citizen: 
India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany, Turkey, Thailand, UK, Poland, Iraq, Canada, Morocco, Peru, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Malysia, Austrelia, Gautemaalaa, Zimbaabwe. Belgium, Greece, Czeck Rep., Hungary.  Sweden

[Out of 90 countries, 'rrp' of 62 are elected by the Citizens: 
China, USA, Russia,  Maxico, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, 
DR Congo, France, Italy, South Africa, Myanmar, S. Korea, Colombia, Tanjania, Spain, Kenya,  Argentina, Ukraine, Algeria, Sudan, Uganda, Uzbekistan,  Venezuela, Angola, Ghana, Afaghanistan, Yemon, Mozambique, N. Korea. Taiwan, Syria, Cote de'Ivoire, Madagaskar, Sri Lanka, Rumania, Cameroon. Chile, Kazakstan, Nigar, Netharlands, Ecuador, Malawi, Cambodia, Mali, Zambia, Senegal, Bolivia, Chad, Cube, Rwanda, Tunisia, Guina, Portugal, Burundi, Haiti, Benin, Dom. Rep., Somalia, Belarus.
(their Population is 3731 M 
out of total 6890 M me` 54%).  Better.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from 23.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 27.04.2016]: 05.02.9116 ke: 

Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 90 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 94% log rahelan.
Series:  S-2:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 90 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 94% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 70 Most Populated Countries WW:

Score Grade: A+ 7-10.0 A: 6-7 B: 5-6 C: 4-5 D: 3-4 E: 0 - 3  

1. Top 2 Countries: Vetnam and Russia have: A+ Democratic Grade with "Democratic Capacity Utilisation", DCU of 100% sand 88% respectively.
2. Countries with Democratic Grade: A are South Africa DCU 86.8%, Mexico 86.7%, Philippines 86.5%, Cuba 100%, S. Korea 86%, Argentina 93.8%, Colombia 86.3%. 
3. Venezuela, Bolivia, Uzbekistan, Tanzania, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Chile, Tanzania, Tunisia, Greece and Uganda have: B Grade Democracy..
4. Guina, Rumania, Nepal, Rwanda, Angola, Peru, India, DR Congo, Taiwan, Berkina Faso, Indonesia, N. Korea, Chad, Brazil, Senegal, Cameroon, Sudan, Belgium, Poland, Ecuador, Myanmar, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Malawi, Italy, Guatemala, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique have Grade: C Democracy.
5. Democratic Grade: D includes Bangladesh, China, Niger, Nigeria, Ukraine, Ghana, Syria, Netherlands, Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria, Cambodia and Ethiopia.
6. Malaysia, Iran, Spain, Thailand, Canada, Yemon, Morocco, Japan aa Austrelia each have Grade: E 
'Lincolnian Democracy' or Janatanta. Except Iran these are mostly Kingdoms or Monarchy.
7. In 20th / 21 st Century among 80 most populated Countries: The following have negative DCU showing their Anti- Democratic activities. These countries include: 
Iraq DCU (-)11%, Turkey DCU (-) 35%, USA DCU (-) 45%, Saudi Arabia DCU (-) 469 %
Germany DCU (-) 96%, France DCU (-) 129%, Pakistan DCU (-) 214%, UK DCU (-) 431%.

1. Acraj: 5co BRICS desh Top 40 me` aail baa: Rus, daxin Afrikaa. Bhaarat, Braazil aa Cin. 
2. Nabbe me` se 8 desh Ajanataantrik laagataa, (-) DCU se. Ego ta Atankiyan ke Ashtra-Shastra becelaa, dusar Atankiyan ke deexaa delaa aa Sharan delaa jekaraa ke ego kaado unnat desh Arabo $ har saal det rahelaa. 
3. Eke go desh JaRe se Ajanataantrik baa. [Only one country is basically Anti=Democratic.]
1. Surprising: At Top 55 Ranks are all the 5 BRICS countries.
2. Eight out of 90 countries are Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, with (-) ive DCU. Of these, one sells Arms & Ammunitions to terrorists, the other trains and shelters terrorists who is supported by a so to say, a developed country providing G $ per year. 
For UK Russia is a threat, being at opposite poles.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
26.04.2016 EDD:


Monday, 25 April 2016

25.04.2016 EDD: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 80 Most Populated Countries >> Vietnam & Russia scored A+ Ranking

25.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd and  South Africa at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 03.02.9116
among 80 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 92% people WW live: 
by EDD: 
Independently Unbiased.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 80 deshan me` 55 deshan ke 'rrp' janataa se Cunaalaa: Cin, SRA, Rus, Maxico, Filipaains, Vietnaam, Misra, Iraan, DR Kongo, Fraans, ITali, d.Afrikaa, Barmaa, S.Koriaa, Kolombiaa, Tanjaaniaa, Spe~n, Keniyaa, ArjenTinaa, Yukren, Aljeriaa, SuDaan, UgaanDaa, Uzbekistaan, Venezuelaa, Angolaa, Ghanaa, Afghaanistaan, Yemon, Mozaambik, N.Koriaa. Taiwaan, Siriyaa, Ivori CosT, MaDaagaaskar, Sri Lankaa, Rumaaniaa, Kaemeroon, Cili, Kazaakastaan, Naaijar, NetharlaenD, EkwiDor Malaawi, KamboDiaa, Maali, Zaambia, Senegal, Bolivia, CaaD, 
Kyubaa, RwaanDaa, Tyunisiaa, Guine
Eh deshan me` Janatantra baa.

Baaki 25 deshan me` Janatantra naikhe, kaahe ki unkar 'rrp' 
PM /Canselar ke eko Naagarik naa cune oh pad pa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan, Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh, Jaapaan, Ethiopiaa, Jarmani. Turki, ThaailaenD. UK, PolaenD, Iraak, KanaDaa, Morokko, Peru, Nepaal, Saudi Arabia, Malayesiaa, AsTreliaa, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe, Blegium aa Grees.
[List of most populated 25 countries out of 80, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’ i.e not ‘Lincolnian Democratic’, since the 'rrp', the 'really ruling person' PM or Chancellor, CMs are not at all elected for the post even by a single citizen: 
India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany, Turkey, Thailand, UK, Poland, Iraq, Canada, Morocco, Peru, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Malysia, Austrelia, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe. Belgium, Greece.

[Out of 80 countries, 'rrp' of 55 are elected by the Citizens: 
China, USA, Russia,  Maxico, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, 
DR Congo, France, Italy, South Africa, Myanmar, S. Korea, Colombia, Tanjania, Spain, Kenya,  Argentina, Ukraine, Algeria, Sudan, Uganda, Uzbekistan,  Venezuela, Angola, Ghana, Afaghanistan, Yemon, Mozambique, N. Korea. Taiwan, Syria, Cote de'Ivoire, Madagaskar, Sri Lanka, Rumania, Cameroon. Chile, Kazakstan, Nigar, Netharlands, Ecuador, Malawi, Cambodia, Mali, Zambia, Senegal, Bolivia, Chad, Cube, Rwanda, Tunisia, Guina.
(their Population is 3667 M 
out of total 6790 M me` 54%).  Better.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from 23.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 23.04.2016]: 01.02.9116 ke: 

Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 80 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 92% log rahelan.
Series:  S-2:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 80 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 92% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 70 Most Populated Countries WW:

Score Grade: A+ 7-10.0 A: 6-7 B: 5-6 C: 4-5 D: 3-4 E: 0 - 3  

1. Top 2 Countries: Vetnam and Russia have: A+ Democratic Grade with "Democratic Capacity Utilisation", DCU of 100% sand 88% respectively.
2. Countries with Democratic Grade: A are South Africa DCU 86.8%, Mexico 86.7%, Philippines 86.5%, Cuba 100%, S. Korea 86%, Argentina 93.8%, Colombia 86.3%. 
3. Venezuela, Bolivia, Uzbekistan, Tanzania, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Chile, Tanzania, Tunisia, Greece and Uganda have: B Grade Democracy..
4. Guina, Rumania, Nepal, Rwanda, Angola, Peru, India, DR Congo, Taiwan, Berkina Faso, Indonesia, N. Korea, Chad, Brazil, Senegal, Cameroon, Sudan, Belgium, Poland, Ecuador, Myanmar, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Malawi, Italy, Guatemala, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique have Grade: C Democracy.
5. Democratic Grade: D includes Bangladesh, China, Niger, Nigeria, Ukraine, Ghana, Syria, Netherlands, Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria, Cambodia and Ethiopia.
6. Malaysia, Iran, Spain, Thailand, Canada, Yemon, Morocco, Japan aa Austrelia each have Grade: E 
'Lincolnian Democracy' or Janatanta. Except Iran these are mostly Kingdoms or Monarchy.
7. In 20th / 21 st Century among 80 most populated Countries: The following have negative DCU showing their Anti- Democratic activities. These countries include: 
Iraq DCU (-)11%, Turkey DCU (-) 35%, USA DCU (-) 45%, Saudi Arabia DCU (-) 469 %
Germany DCU (-) 96%, France DCU (-) 129%, Pakistan DCU (-) 214%, UK DCU (-) 431%.

1. Acraj: 5co BRICS desh Top 40 me` aail baa: Rus, daxin Afrikaa. Bhaarat, Braazil aa Cin. 
2. Auru Acraj: Uupar ke 55 Raenk pa ITali choR ke kawano Pachimi desh naikhe deekhaat.
3. Assi me` se 8 desh Ajanataantrik laagataa, (-) DCU se. Ego ta Atankiyan ke Ashtra-Shastra becelaa, dusar Atankiyan ke deexaa delaa aa Sharan delaa jekaraa ke ego kaado unnat desh Arabo $ har saal det rahelaa. 
4 Eke go desh JaRe se Ajanataantrik baa. [Only one country is basically Anti=Democratic.]
5. UK neece se 1m Raenk pa baa, kaahe? 
Ee ta uhe jaanas; baakir kuch mukhya bindu neece del jaataa: 
[UK is at the 1st Rank from bottom, why? They themselves know. However, some points are shown below.]  
> - 400, raajatantra khaatir,   [- 400 points for Monarcy,]
> 0 bindu 'aJanatantra' khaatir, [0 point for the absence of 'Lincolnian Democracy' = Janatantra.]
> - 200 “Divide & Rule” khaatir, [-200 for "Divide & Rule"]
> - 2400 anek deshan me` jaa jaa ke nahak Yuddha kare khaatir. [-2400 for waging wars in various countries Like in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria and in other countrie. USA (the only country which dropped Atom Bombs in WW2) has destabilized countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria etc on flismy grounds like possessing WMD, or so called "Social Unrest" created by themselves as in Libya, lately in Ukraine and so on... The other countries with negative DCU are also dancing in the same tune.

1. Surprising: At Top 40 Ranks are all the 5 BRICS countries.
2. More surprises: Top 55 Ranks out of 80 are occupied by the countries of the East except Italy.
3. Eight out of 80 countries are Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, with (-) ive DCU. Of these, one sells Arms & Ammunitions to terrorists, the other trains and shelters terrorists who is supported by a so to say, a developed country providing G $ per year. 
For UK Russia is a threat, being at opposite poles.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
25.04.2016 EDD:

Sunday, 24 April 2016

24.04.2016 EDD: DCU of 8 / 80 Countries are Negative <> DCU of 3 Countries are 100 %

24.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd and  South Africa at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 02.02.9116
among 80 most populated countries of the Earth
where about 92% people WW live:
by EDD.
[Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 80 deshan me` 55 deshan ke 'rrp' janataa se Cunaalaa: Cin, SRA, Rus, Maxico, Filipaains, Vietnaam, Misra, Iraan, DR Kongo, Fraans, ITali, d.Afrikaa, Barmaa, S.Koriaa, Kolombiaa, Tanjaaniaa, Spe~n, Keniyaa, ArjenTinaa, Yukren, Aljeriaa, SuDaan, UgaanDaa, Uzbekistaan, Venezuelaa, Angolaa, Ghanaa, Afghaanistaan, Yemon, Mozaambik, N.Koriaa. Taiwaan, Siriyaa, Ivori CosT, MaDaagaaskar, Sri Lankaa, Rumaaniaa, Kaemeroon, Cili, Kazaakastaan, Naaijar, NetharlaenD, EkwiDor Malaawi, KamboDiaa, Maali, Zaambia, Senegal, Bolivia, CaaD,
Kyubaa, RwaanDaa, Tyunisiaa, Guine
Eh deshan me` Janatantra baa.

Baaki 25 deshan me` Janatantra naikhe, kaahe ki unkar 'rrp'
PM /Canselar ke eko Naagarik naa cune oh pad pa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan, Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh, Jaapaan, Ethiopiaa, Jarmani. Turki, ThaailaenD. UK, PolaenD, Iraak, KanaDaa, Morokko, Peru, Nepaal, Saudi Arabia, Malayesiaa, AsTreliaa, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe, Blegium aa Grees.
[List of most populated 25 countries out of 80, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’ i.e not ‘Lincolnian Democratic’, since the 'rrp', the 'really ruling person' PM or Chancellor, CMs are not at all elected for the post even by a single citizen:
India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany, Turkey, Thailand, UK, Poland, Iraq, Canada, Morocco, Peru, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Malysia, Austrelia, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe. Belgium, Greece.

[Out of 80 countries, 'rrp' of 55 are elected by the Citizens:
China, USA, RussiaMaxico, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran,
DR Congo, France, Italy, South Africa, Myanmar, S. Korea, Colombia, Tanjania, Spain, Kenya,  Argentina, Ukraine, Algeria, Sudan, Uganda, Uzbekistan,  Venezuela, Angola, Ghana, Afaghanistan, Yemon, Mozambique, N. Korea. Taiwan, Syria, Cote de'Ivoire, Madagaskar, Sri Lanka, Rumania, Cameroon. Chile, Kazakstan, Nigar, Netharlands, Ecuador, Malawi, Cambodia, Mali, Zambia, Senegal, Bolivia, Chad, Cube, Rwanda, Tunisia, Guina.
(their Population is 3667 M
out of total 6790 M me` 54%).  Better.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015: 
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from 23.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 23.04.2016]: 01.02.9116 ke:

Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 80 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 92% log rahelan.
Series:  S-2:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 80 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 92% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 70 Most Populated Countries WW:
A: 6-7
B: 5-6
C: 4-5
D: 3-4
E: 0 - 3

1.      Top 2 Countries: Vetnam and Russia have: A+ Democratic Grade with "Democratic Capacity Utilisation", DCU of 100% sand 88% respectively.
2.      Countries with Democratic Grade: A are South Africa DCU 86.8%, Mexico 86.7%, Philippines 86.5%, Cuba 100%, S. Korea 86%, Argentina 93.8%, Colombia 86.3%.
3.      Venezuela, Bolivia, Uzbekistan, Tanzania, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Chile, Tanzania, Tunisia, Greece and Uganda have: B Grade Democracy..
4.      Guina, Rumania, Nepal, Rwanda, Angola, Peru, India, DR Congo, Taiwan, Berkina Faso, Indonesia, N. Korea, Chad, Brazil, Senegal, Cameroon, Sudan, Belgium, Poland, Ecuador, Myanmar, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Malawi, Italy, Guatemala, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique have Grade: C Democracy.
5.      Democratic Grade: D includes Bangladesh, China, Niger,           Nigeria, Ukraine, Ghana, Syria, Netherlands, Afghanistan,         Egypt, Algeria, Cambodia and Ethiopia.
6.      Malaysia, Iran, Spain, Thailand, Canada, Yemon, Morocco,       Japan aa Austrelia each have Grade: E
'Lincolnian Democracy' or Janatanta. Except Iran these are mostly Kingdoms or Monarchy.
7.      In 20th / 21 st Century among 80 most populated Countries: The following have negative DCU showing their Anti- Democratic activities. These countries include:
          Iraq DCU (-)11%,                    Turkey DCU (-) 35%,                                 USA DCU (-) 45%,                    Saudi Arabia DCU (-) 469 %
          Germany DCU (-) 96%,          France DCU (-) 129%,            Pakistan DCU (-) 214%,           UK DCU (-) 431%.

1. Acraj: 5co BRICS desh Top 40 me` aail baa: Rus, daxin Afrikaa. Bhaarat, Braazil aa Cin.
2. Auru Acraj: Uupar ke 55 Raenk pa ITali choR ke kawano Pachimi desh naikhe deekhaat.
3. Assi me` se 8 desh Ajanataantrik laagataa, (-) DCU se. Ego ta Atankiyan ke Ashtra-Shastra becelaa, dusar Atankiyan ke deexaa delaa aa Sharan delaa jekaraa ke ego kaado unnat desh Arabo $ har saal det rahelaa.
4 Eke go desh JaRe se Ajanataantrik baa. [Only one country is basically Anti=Democratic.]
5. UK neece se 1m Raenk pa baa, kaahe?
Ee ta uhe jaanas; baakir kuch mukhya bindu neece del jaataa:
[UK is at the 1st Rank from bottom, why? They themselves know. However, some points are shown below.] 
          > - 400, raajatantra khaatir,   [- 400 points for Monarcy,]
          > 0 bindu 'aJanatantra' khaatir, [0 point for the absence of                                    'Lincolnian Democracy' = Janatantra.]
          > - 200 “Divide & Rule” khaatir, [-200 for "Divide & Rule"]
          > - 2400 anek deshan me` jaa jaa ke nahak Yuddha kare khaatir. [-2400 for waging wars in various countries Like in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria and in other countrie. USA (the only country which dropped Atom Bombs in WW2) has destabilized countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria etc on flismy grounds like possessing WMD, or so called "Social Unrest" created by themselves as in Libya, lately in Ukraine and so on... The other countries with negative DCU are also dancing in the same tune.

1. Surprising: At Top 40 Ranks are all the 5 BRICS countries.
2. More surprises: Top 55 Ranks out of 80 are occupied by the countries of the East except Italy.
3. Eight out of 80 countries are Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, with (-) ive DCU. Of these, one sells Arms & Ammunitions to terrorists, the other trains and shelters terrorists who is supported by a so to say, a developed country providing G $ per year.
For UK Russia is a threat, being at opposite poles.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
24.04.2016 EDD:



24.04.2016 Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam सृ. 02.02.9116

24.04.2016 Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam सृ. 02.02.9116
मित्रम् Mitram
संस्कृत दैनिकम् Sanskrit dainikam
'Anglo-Sanskrit International daily eNews Paper'.
आंग्ल-संस्कृतअंतर्राष्ट्रीय दैनिक समाचार पत्रम् .  
Ravivaara:  रविवार: [Sunday] 
'Mitram' Prakaashanam: 9019 Varzaat, Gat 97 Varzaat. 
[Since: 3.11.1919 CE, ‘Mitram’, the oldest Sanskrit daily news paper Published since Last 97 years.]
अंक: [Edition]:  020.02.9116.
*** विशेष वार्ता: Visheza Vaartaa: [Special News]:
** Rusi Adhyaxa: Sanaatanaarya Vladimir Putin swa Senaa` aadishat yat:- te Siriyaa Turki Seemaa` avaruddham kooryeya`. Tena ISILsya 100 M $ Maasik tail vyaapaara` gamizyati. [Russian President Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin ordered his troops in Syria to seal the boarder between Syria and Turkey. This will finish the 100 million $ business of Turkey.]

** Ke paThanti 'मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम् ': [Who reads 'Mitram Sanskrit dainikam']:
Bhaarata:, SRA, Jarmani, Yukrena:, Keniyaa, Nepaala:, Rumaaniyaa, Turki, Mexiko, KanaDaa, Bangaladesha:, Bartaaniyaa, AusTriyaa, Braazila:, Norwe, FinlaenDa, NetharlaenDa Prabhriti deshaJanaa:. [People of India, USA, Germany, Ukraine, Kenyea, Nepal, Romania, Turkey, Mexico, Canada, Bangaladesh, UK. Austria, Brazil, Norwe. Finland and Netherlands etc.] 

1. युरेशिआ Yuresiaa [Euresia]:
1.2 भारत: Bhaarata: [India]:  
*** Vishwasya 70 AdhikatamJansankhyadeshezu 53% deshezu janaa: swa 'rrp'sya cayana` karizyanti. Tatra Janatantram. Bhaarate Janatantra` tadaa aagamizyati, yadaa 'rrp', 'VaastavikShaasakam' janai: cayanitam bhavizyati. 
Ki` Bhaarate Janatantram aanayitum 9119 Varze 'Janamatsangraham' bhavizyati!!!
[Among 70 largest populated countries, in about 53% countries, there is Janatantra i.e. 'Lincolnian Democracy'. The Real Democracy will  come to India, when the  'rrp', the 'really ruling person' will be elected by the people!! Will there be a Referendum to Elect the 'rrp', the 'really ruling person', PM and CMs]

**   दिल्लीशासन: DilliSaasana: [Delhi Government]: 16.12.2015  
AAP Dilli Saasana: Upalabdhi: 48%% per yr pr Varzam प्रति वर्षम्.
    >> [Good Performance rating.] सुन्दरम् Upalabdhi darshakam.
[The Performance of AAP Delhi Govt. 48 % / year. >> Not bad Performance]

** DilliSaasanasya Ayugal / Yugal vyavasthaa maatra "Adhiktam Pracaaram/ Nyoontam Falam", BJP Netaa Vijay Goyala: kathita:. [Delhi Government's Odd / Even Scheme is 'Maximum bublicity, Minimum Effect': BJP Leader Vijay Goel.]

2. अफ्रेशिया Afresiaa, अमेरिका Amerikaa. [Afroasia, America.]
2.1 Libiyaa [Libya]:
** Ucca Libiyaa Netaa M. Gaddafi` hnantwaa SRA+NATO janit Libiyaa deshasya durgati >>>  Adya ca calati tatra. SRSasya sahaayena EUropit Tripoli NavaPotaSthalaSaasanam, oarantu te saasankartum na shaknoti adya TripoliMahaaNagare. [The caos created by USA+ NATO using UNO in Libya due to killing of the Libyan Tall Leader  M Gaddafi 6-6 yrs ago >>> still Persists. The EU's planted UNO supported govt at Tripoli Naval  Base couldn't succeed in taking over even Tripoli.
Wests must stop destabilizing countries after countries and the Planting their Chamcha using even UNO.]

** Sambhavata: Libiyaa deshe Pascim deshaa: puna: Yuddha` karizyanti SRSsya sahaayena, poorvavat.  Bartaaniyaa, Fraans, Spe~na deshaanaa` raajdootaan Tripoli aagatvanta:.  
Prathamam RSsya sahaayena 2011 Varze SRA+NATO Libiyaayaa: Netaa` hata:, puna: tatsamam kaarya` kartum EU deshaa: LibiYaa deshe swa janai: SaasanaKartum presitavanta:, iti sambhavam.
SRSe Rusadeshasya doota: Pascimi dehaan puna: Libiyaa deshe Vimaan / Dro~n prahaaraKartum varjita.
[Possibly US, France and other Wests may wage a war in Libya again, like last time under the shadow of UNO. Why can't UNO themselves do. Yesterday the Ambassadors of UK, France and Spain came to Tripoli. 
Firstly, with UNO support USA + NATO countries killed Libyan Leader in2011, now EU is able to place their people as Ruler of Libya with UNO support again: 2011 Process is being Repeated in 2016.
No govt. plantented from outside may succeed in Libya.
Rusa SaasanaDoota: SRSe Pascimadeshaan  'DroneVimaanen Daesh sah Libiyaayaa` YuddhaKartum vargita:.]

2.2 Daxin Amerikaa [South America]:
** Venezuelaa Vidyut Samasyaa: [Venezuela Electricity Crisis}:
Venezuelaayaa: 10 Praante VidyutVitarane nyoonikara0Iam bhavizyati. [In 10 States of Venezuela electric rationing will be started.]

*** "Aadhunikam Sanskritam” gyaatum: gamyataam etadnaamni  sthaane
 [For more on Sanskrit…  go to the above link]

Apara` ca. [more...]
अत्र Atra ‘Roman’ athavaa ‘Devanaagari’ lipi-prayoga` sambhavam. 
[One may use either Roman or Devanaagari Script here.]
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipyam lekhitu` poorva-Prakaashanaan paThaneeyam, tathaa   pashyataa` ‘SaralikritSanskritam’ 
[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script and again reading back the same correctly, one may go to the above link.]

>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa: sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaa` satyata` vidheyam.
[Whatever is written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves consider the authenticity of the same.]
'Mitram': Bhaarate Prathama` Sanskrit dainikam Prakaashanam: Gata 97 वर्षात् .
Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, आचार्य पण्डित अम्बिकादत्त शर्मा, Muzaffarpur, BhaaraSrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, nyoone Sri: 9019 वर्षात् . Prakaashaka:
Aacaarya t.
['Mitram': The oldest Sanskrit Daily Newspaper since: 1919 CE, originally Edited & Published by Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma from Muzaffarpur, India.]

इति Iti [The end]

24.04.2016 Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam सृ. 02.02.9116

मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्: 

Sanskritadivasaa: names of 7 days in Sanskrit and English:
>> Pronunciation in English > संस्कृते उच्चारणम्   > [English] >>
 Vaara: वार: [day], Ravi रवि [Sunday],   Soma सोम [Monday],
Mangala मंगल [Tuesday], Budha बुध [Wednesday]      
Brihaspati, Guru  बृहस्पति,  गुरू [Thursday ] Shukra शुक्र [Friday],
Shani शनि [Saturday]

अधुना Vaizakh मासं, सृष्ट्याब्द: 1 972 949 116, न्यूने सृ. 02.9116.
Adhunaa Vaizakha Maasa` SrizTyaabda: 1 972 949 116, nyoone Sri: 02.9116.
[Now it is Vaishakh Month of Sristyabda 1 972 949 116, in short Sri: 02.9116.]





Saturday, 23 April 2016

23.04.2016 EDD: Why most Western countries are at Bottom on the "Dynamic Democratic Countries" :

23.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd and  South Africa at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 01.02.9116
among 70 most populated countries of the Earth
where about 91% people WW live:
by EDD.
[Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 70 deshan me` 47 deshan ke 'rrp' janataa se Cunaalaa: Cin, SRA, Rus, Maxico, Filipaains, Vietnaam, Misra, Iraan, DR Kongo, Fraans, ITali, d.Afrikaa, Barmaa, S.Koriaa, Kolombiaa, Tanjaaniaa, Spe~n, Keniyaa, ArjenTinaa, Yukren, Aljeriaa, SuDaan, UgaanDaa, Uzbekistaan, Venezuelaa, Angolaa, Ghanaa, Afghaanistaan, Yemon, Mozaambik, N.Koriaa. Taiwaan, Siriyaa, Ivori CosT, MaDaagaaskar, Sri Lankaa, Rumaaniaa, Kaemeroon, Cili, Kazaakastaan, Naaijar, NetharlaenD,
EkwiDor Malaawi, KamboDiaa, Maali:
Eh deshan me` Janatantra baa.

Baaki 23 deshan me` Janatantra naikhe, kaahe ki unkar 'rrp'
PM /Canselar ke eko Naagarik naa cune oh pad pa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan, Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh, Jaapaan, Ethiopiaa, Jarmani. Turki, ThaailaenD. UK, PolaenD, Iraak, KanaDaa, Morokko, Peru, Nepaal, Saudi Arabia, Malayesiaa, AsTreliaa, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe..
[List of most populated 23 countries out of 70, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’ i.e not ‘Lincolnian Democratic’, since the 'rrp', the 'really ruling person' PM or Chancelor, CMs are not at all elected for the post even by a single citizen:
India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany, Turkey, Thailand, UK, Poland, Iraq, Canada, Morocco, Peru, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Malysia, Austrelia, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe.

[Out of 70 countries, 'rrp' of 47 are elected by the Citizens:
China, USA, RussiaMaxico, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran,
DR Congo, France, Italy, South Africa, Myanmar, S. Korea, Colombia, Tanjania, Spain, Kenya,  Argentina, Ukraine, Algeria, Sudan, Uganda, Uzbekistan,  Venezuela, Angola, Ghana, Afaghanistan, Yemon, Mozambique, N. Korea. Taiwan, Syria, Cote de'Ivoire, Madagaskar, Sri Lanka, Rumania, Cameroon. Chile, Kazakstan, Nigar, Netharlands, Equiidor Malawi, Cambodia, Mali:
(their Population is 3573 M
out of total 6873 M me` 53.6%).  Better.

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015: 
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from 23.03.2016]

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
 [As on: 23.04.2016]: 01.02.9116 ke:

Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 70 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 91% log rahelan.
Series:  S-2:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 70 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 91% people live.

Democratic Ranking Among 70 Most Populated Countries WW:
A: 6-7
B: 5-6
C: 4-5
D: 3-4
E: 0 - 3

1.      Top 2 Countries: Vetnam and Russia have: A+ Democratic       Grade with "Democratic Capacity Utilisation", DCU of 100%     and 88% repectively.
2.      Countries with Democratic Grade: A are South Africa DCU       86.8%, Mexico 86.7%,  Philippines 86.5%, S.         Korea 86%,          Argentina 93.8%, Colombia 86.3%.
3.      Venezuela, Uzbekistan, Tanzania, kazakstan, Kenya, Sri Lanka,          Chile and Uganda have: B Grade Democracy..
4.      Rumania, Nepal, Angola, Peru, India, DR Congo, Taiwan,           Berkina Faso, Indonesia, N. Korea, Brazil, Cameroon, Sudan,         Poland, Equador, Mayanmar, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Malawi, Italy, Gautemala, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique have Grade: C           Democracy.
5.      Democratic Grade: D includes Bangladesh, China, Niger,           Nigeria, Ukraine, Ghana, Syria, Netherlands, Afghanistan,         Egypt, Algeria, Cambodia and        Ethiopia.
6.      Malaysia, Iran, Spain, Thailand, Canada, Yemon, Morocco,       Japan aa Austrelia each have Grade: E  'Lincolnian    Democracy' or Janatanta except Iran. These are mostly        Kingdoms or Monarcy.
7.      In 20th / 21 st Century among 70 most populated Countries    The following have negative DCU showing their Anti- Democratic activities. These countries include:
          Iraq DCU (-)11%,                    Turkey DCU (-) 35%,                                 USA DCU (-) 45%,                    Saudi Arabia DCU (-) 469 %
          Germony DCU (-) 96%,          France DCU (-) 129%,            Pakistan DCU (-) 214%,           UK DCU (-) 431%.

1. Acraj: 5co BRICS desh Top 30 me` aail baa: Rus, daxin Afrikaa. Bhaarat, Braazil aa Cin.
2. Auru Acraj: Uupar ke 35 Raenk pa ITali choR ke kawano Pachimi desh naikhe deekhaat.
3. Paccas me` se 8 desh Ajanataantrik laagataa, (-) DCU se. Ego ta Atankiyan ke Ashtra-Shastra becelaa, dusar Atankiyan ke deexaa delaa aa Sharan delaa jekaraa ke ego kaado unnat desh Arabo $ har saal det rahelaa.
4 Eke go desh JaRe se Ajanataantrik baa. [Only one country is basically Anti=Democratic.]]
5. UK neece se 1m Raenk pa baa, kaahe? Ee ta uhe jaanas; baakir kuch mukhya bindu neece del jaataa: [UK is at the 1st Rank from bottom, why? They themselves know. However, some points are shown below.] 
          > - 400, raajatantra khaatir,   [- 400 points for Monarcy,]
          > 0 bindu 'aJanatantra' khaatir, [0 point for the absence of                                    'Lincolnian Democracy' = Janatantra.]
          > - 200 “Divide & Rule” khaatir, [-200 for "Divide & Rule"]
          > - 2400 anek deshan me` jaa jaa ke nahak Yuddha kare khaatir. [-2400 for waging wars in various countries Like in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria and in other countrie. USA (the only country which dropped Atom Bombs in WW2) has destabilized countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria etc on flismy grounds like possessing WMD, or so called "Social Unrest" created by themselves as in Libya, lately in Ukraine and so on... The other countries with negative DCU are also dancing in the same tune.

1. Surprising: At Top 30 Ranks are all the 5 BRICS countries.
2. More surprises: Top 35 Ranks out of 50 are occupied by the countries of the East except Italy.
3. Seven out of 50 countries are Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, with (-) ive DCU. Of these, one sells Arms & Ammunitions to terrorists, the other trains and shelters terrorists who is supported by a so to say a developed country providing G $ per year, for UK Russia is a threat.

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
 "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
 [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
23.04.2016 EDD:
