23.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Vietnam Tops, Russia 2nd
and South Africa at 3rd Rank on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 01.02.9116
among 70 most populated countries of the Earth
where about 91% people WW live:
by EDD.
[Earth eDirect
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 70 deshan me` 47 deshan ke 'rrp' janataa se
Cunaalaa: Cin, SRA, Rus, Maxico, Filipaains, Vietnaam, Misra, Iraan, DR Kongo,
Fraans, ITali, d.Afrikaa, Barmaa, S.Koriaa, Kolombiaa, Tanjaaniaa, Spe~n,
Keniyaa, ArjenTinaa, Yukren, Aljeriaa, SuDaan, UgaanDaa, Uzbekistaan,
Venezuelaa, Angolaa, Ghanaa, Afghaanistaan, Yemon, Mozaambik, N.Koriaa.
Taiwaan, Siriyaa, Ivori CosT, MaDaagaaskar, Sri Lankaa, Rumaaniaa,
Kaemeroon, Cili, Kazaakastaan, Naaijar, NetharlaenD,
EkwiDor Malaawi, KamboDiaa, Maali:
Eh deshan me` Janatantra baa.
Baaki 23 deshan me` Janatantra naikhe, kaahe ki unkar 'rrp'
PM /Canselar ke eko Naagarik naa cune oh pad pa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan, Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh, Jaapaan,
Ethiopiaa, Jarmani. Turki, ThaailaenD. UK, PolaenD, Iraak, KanaDaa, Morokko,
Peru, Nepaal, Saudi Arabia, Malayesiaa, AsTreliaa, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe..
[List of most
populated 23 countries out of 70, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’
i.e not ‘Lincolnian Democratic’, since the 'rrp', the 'really ruling
person' PM or Chancelor, CMs are not at all elected for the post even by a
single citizen:
India, Indonesia,
Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany, Turkey,
Thailand, UK, Poland, Iraq, Canada, Morocco, Peru, Nepal, Saudi Arabia,
Malysia, Austrelia, Gautemaalaa, Jimbaabwe.
[Out of 70
countries, 'rrp' of 47 are elected by the Citizens:
China, USA, Russia, Maxico, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt,
DR Congo, France, Italy,
South Africa, Myanmar, S. Korea, Colombia, Tanjania, Spain, Kenya, Argentina, Ukraine, Algeria, Sudan, Uganda,
Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Angola, Ghana,
Afaghanistan, Yemon, Mozambique, N. Korea. Taiwan, Syria, Cote
de'Ivoire, Madagaskar, Sri Lanka, Rumania, Cameroon. Chile,
Kazakstan, Nigar, Netharlands, Equiidor Malawi, Cambodia, Mali:
(their Population is
3573 M
out of total 6873 M
me` 53.6%). Better.
"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se:
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
Ab Kram-2: 07.01.9116 se.
[Dynamic Democratic
Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:
A Study: By EDD.
Now Series-2: from
*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
[As on: 23.04.2016]: 01.02.9116 ke:
Kram: S-2: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 70 sab
se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 91% log rahelan.
S-2: "Dynamic Democratic
Ranking" of 70 Most Populated Countries WW in which about 91% people live.
Democratic Ranking Among 70 Most
Populated Countries WW:
A: 6-7
B: 5-6
C: 4-5
D: 3-4
E: 0 - 3
1. Top
2 Countries: Vetnam and Russia have: A+ Democratic Grade with "Democratic Capacity
Utilisation", DCU of 100% and
88% repectively.
2. Countries
with Democratic Grade: A are South Africa DCU 86.8%, Mexico 86.7%,
Philippines 86.5%, S. Korea
86%, Argentina 93.8%, Colombia
3. Venezuela,
Uzbekistan, Tanzania, kazakstan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Chile and Uganda have: B Grade Democracy..
4. Rumania,
Nepal, Angola, Peru, India, DR Congo, Taiwan, Berkina
Faso, Indonesia, N. Korea, Brazil, Cameroon, Sudan, Poland, Equador, Mayanmar, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Malawi, Italy, Gautemala, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique have Grade:
C Democracy.
5. Democratic
Grade: D includes Bangladesh, China, Niger, Nigeria, Ukraine, Ghana, Syria, Netherlands, Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria, Cambodia and Ethiopia.
6. Malaysia,
Iran, Spain, Thailand, Canada, Yemon, Morocco, Japan
aa Austrelia each have Grade: E
'Lincolnian Democracy' or
Janatanta except Iran. These are mostly Kingdoms
or Monarcy.
7. In
20th / 21 st Century among 70 most populated Countries The following have negative DCU showing their Anti- Democratic activities. These countries
DCU (-)11%, Turkey DCU
(-) 35%, USA
DCU (-) 45%, Saudi
Arabia DCU (-) 469 %
DCU (-) 96%, France DCU (-) 129%,
Pakistan DCU (-) 214%, UK DCU (-) 431%.
1. Acraj: 5co BRICS desh Top 30 me` aail baa:
Rus, daxin Afrikaa. Bhaarat, Braazil aa Cin.
2. Auru Acraj: Uupar ke 35 Raenk pa ITali choR ke
kawano Pachimi desh naikhe deekhaat.
3. Paccas me` se 8 desh Ajanataantrik laagataa,
(-) DCU se. Ego ta Atankiyan ke Ashtra-Shastra becelaa, dusar Atankiyan ke
deexaa delaa aa Sharan delaa jekaraa ke ego kaado unnat desh Arabo $ har saal
det rahelaa.
4 Eke go desh JaRe se Ajanataantrik baa. [Only one country is basically Anti=Democratic.]]
5. UK neece se 1m Raenk pa baa, kaahe? Ee ta uhe
jaanas; baakir kuch mukhya bindu neece del jaataa: [UK is at the 1st Rank from bottom, why? They themselves know. However,
some points are shown below.]
- 400, raajatantra khaatir, [- 400 points for Monarcy,]
0 bindu 'aJanatantra' khaatir, [0 point for the absence of 'Lincolnian Democracy' = Janatantra.]
- 200 “Divide & Rule” khaatir, [-200 for
"Divide & Rule"]
> - 2400 anek deshan me`
jaa jaa ke nahak Yuddha kare khaatir. [-2400 for waging wars in various countries Like in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya,
Syria and in other countrie. USA (the only country which dropped Atom Bombs in
WW2) has destabilized countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria etc on flismy grounds
like possessing WMD, or so called "Social Unrest" created by
themselves as in Libya, lately in Ukraine and so on... The other countries with
negative DCU are also dancing in the same tune.
1. Surprising: At Top 30 Ranks are all the 5
BRICS countries.
2. More surprises: Top 35 Ranks out of 50 are
occupied by the countries of the East except Italy.
3. Seven out of 50 countries are Anti-Lincolnian
Democratic, with (-) ive DCU. Of these, one sells Arms & Ammunitions to
terrorists, the other trains and shelters terrorists who is supported by a so
to say a developed country providing G $ per year, for UK Russia is a threat.
> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa
kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi
jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
"Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic,
amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like
'IS / ISIL' etc.]
23.04.2016 EDD:
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