09.04.2016 EDD: Series-2: Argentina Tops, Vietnam 2nd, Russia at 3rd Rank at
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 17.01.9116
among 40 most populated countries of the Earth
where about 82% people WW live:
by EDD.
[Earth eDirect Democracy]
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
AQ Iraq 34 Rank -0.437 Ajanatantrik 3.062 37 3 -14.272
W Turkey 35 Rank -1.55 Ajanatantrik 4.45 33 -2 -34.831
H USA 36 Rank -3.625 Ajanatantrik 8 3 -33 -45.313
U Germany 37 Rank -5.775 Ajanatantrik 6.025 19 -18 -95.851
Y France 38 Rank -7.605 Ajanatantrik 5.895 22 -16 -129.01
K Pakistan 39 Rank -9.535 Ajanatantrik 4.465 32 -7 -213.55
AB UK 40 Rank -10.55 Ajanatantrik 2.45 38 -2 -430.61
Why has UK gone to 1st from Bottom? (-) ive DCU => Anti Lincolnian-democratic deeds
1. Acraj: Top 24 me` se 5co BRICS desh aail baa: Rus, daxin Afrikaa. Bhaarat, Braazil aa Cin aail baa.
2. Auru Acraj: Uupar ke 25 Raenk pa ITali aa KanaaDaa choR ke kawano Pachimi desh naikhe deekhaat.
4. Caalis me` se 7 desh Ajanataantrik laagataa, (-) DCU se. Ego ta Atankiyan ke Ashtra-Shastra becelaa, dusar Atankiyan ke deexaa delaa aa Sharan delaa jekaraa ke ego kaado unnat desh Arabo $ har saal det rahelaa.
5. UK neece se 1m Raenk pa baa, kaahe? Ee ta uhe jaanas; baakir kuch mukhya bindu neece del jaataa: [UK is at 1st Rank from bottom, why? They themselves know. However, some points are shown below.]
> - 400 raajatantra khaatir, [-400 points for Monarcy,]
> 0 Janatantra khaatir, [0 point for the absence of 'Lincolnian Democracy' = Janatantra.]
> - 200 “Divide & Rule” khaatir, [-200 for "Divide & Rule"]
> - 2400 anek deshan me` jaa jaa ke Yuddha kare khaatir.
[-2400 for waging wars in various countries.]
1. Surprising: At Top 20 Ranks are all the 5 BRICS countries.
2. More surprises: Top 20 Ranks out of 30 are occupied by the countries of the East except Italy.
3. Six out of 30 countries are Anti-Lincolnian Democratic, with
(-) ive DCU. Of these one sells Arms & Ammunitions to terrorists, the other trains and shelters terrorists who is supported by a so to say a developed country providing G $ per year, for UK Russia is a threat.
> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
[An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]
09.04.2016 EDD:
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