Series-5: ‘Dynamic Democratic Ranking’ WW
EDD: Earth Direct Democracy 11.02.2017
4th Yr of Publication of EDD.
“Earth Direct Democracy”
is not far off.
What is Direct Democracy? DD or EDD?
Simplistically: Direct Democracy means
“Government by the people, for the people and of the people” in which:
(a) The rrp ‘really ruling persons’ including the members and office bearers of Legislative, Executive, Judiciary, the members and the Chief of the Election Commission, Investigating Agencies etc are directly elected by the people or citizen of the concerned Area by casting their Votes electronically through Internet or web, or as already decided.
(b) With the Power of Call-back of the elected persons by the people, when required.
(c) All major issues like revision and approval of the Constitution, are decided by the referendum involving all the citizen of the Area concerned; irrespective of their sex, cast, creed, religion, tribe, language spoken etc.
Here 'Area' means The Earth for ‘Earth Direct Democracy’, Asia for ‘Asia Direct Democracy’, a country, a corporation area and so on.
Who can be the Voters in a Direct Democracy?
All the citizens of a particular Area shall Vote for referendum or Election on any issue irrespective of distinguishing between them on any account whatsoever, except those who are minor, mad, judged culprit, etc.
This is quite Simplex or simplistic, not with the innumerable types and complexities of ‘Initiatives, referendum etc’ described in Western type DD, Direct democracy.
< The whole idea is >
"In a Janatantra (LD, Lincolnian Democracy), and Suraaj
the people or the citizens should be
‘The Rulers’ themselves, not anybody else:
as Mahatma Gandhi thought;
instead of any king, queen, Monarch, Ameer, Governor, President, Rashtrapati or any such person(s) and any other terms which smells ‘Daasataa’ i.e. ‘slavery’;
neither for name shake nor in deeds.
Posted by Deodutta Sharma at 21:13 No comments:
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Wednesday, 25 December 2013
EDD: Earth Direct Democracy
DDD: Delhi Direct Democracy
DDDS: Dr Deo Dutta Sharma
25.12.2013: Merry Christmas to all.
Kram-5: me` नारि शक्ति Naari-Shakti ke saath > Sansaar ke 10 adhikatam janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik Star") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization %") del jaataa:
[In Seies-5: with Women Power "EDD Democratic Ranking": We reproduce below a list of 10 most populated countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik Star") and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization %")]
Kram: S-5: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk": 10 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan ke jahaa` Sansaar ke 58% log rahelan:
Series: S-5: "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 10 most Populated Countries WW in which about 58% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
Country Rank Score DC-Grade Rank Pot. Pot. Score DCU % Remarks Rank Imprmt
Bangladesh 1 10.34 A 11.34 1 91.18165785 East 0
india 2 7.655 A 8.655 2 88.44598498 BRCS 0
Brazil 3 6.55 A 7.55 3 86.75496689 BRICS 0
Russia 4 6.21 A 7.21 4 86.13037448 BRICS, CIS 0
Indonesia 5 5.6 B 6.6 5 84.84848485 East 0
Nigeria 6 4.14 C 5.14 9 80.54474708 3
China 7 3.945 D 6.145 8 64.19853539 BRICS 1
Japan 8 2.64 E 3.64 10 72.52747253 East. Monarchy 2
USA 9 -7.07 aJanatantric 6.93 6 -102.020202 NATO -3
Pakistan 10 -7.435 aJanatantric 6.565 7 -113.252094 Training Terrorists -3
Series-5: Includes the effect of Governance of Ladies, since: *** Yatra naaryastu poojyante, ramantre tatra Devataa:" "Wherever ladies are repected, Devata live there." For each lady President / Premier after1900 CE: 200 basic points are gained by the country
Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
[An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' or 'views' on others called Jihad.]
Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' deeds of the Wests:
>>> By ruining Iraq, Libya, the Wests not only ruined Saddam's Socialist Iraq, Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged:
“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.
“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. For more: EDD at posts.
Suruaat: 25.12.2013. :
11.02.2017 EDD:
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