Wednesday, 10 February 2016

10.02.2016 EDD: Cuba at 12th Rank at "Dynamic Democratic Ranking"

10.02.2016 EDD: Cuba at 12th Rank at
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking"   
among 100 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 95.6% people live: by EDD.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
[Who reads EDD:
USA, India, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Ireland, UAE, France, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Colombia, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago,  etc. ]

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se: 
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Started from 30.9.2015:  A Study: By EDD.]
EDD = 'Prithvi Seedhaa Janatantra' [EDD = 'Earth Direct Democracy']

>>> Siddhaant-1:
"Kawano Hamalaawar desh, 
naa ho sake Janataantrik"
Har hamalaa se 3.333 Bindu kam, aa har hamalaawar desh ke sahaayataa kailaa pa 0.667 Bindu kam.

>>> Principle-1:
“Attacker on a country can’t be Democratic”, 
losing 3.333 Points each unauthorised attack, and 0.667 Points for directly helping an attacker.]

>>> Siddhaant-2:
"Baa`Ta~ aa raaj kara~" naa le jaay 
Janatantra ke o~r: 
>>> Principle-2:
"Divide and Rule Policy" do not lead to Democracy, 
Losing 1.333 Points / attack out of 10. ]

>>>> Ab dekhee` Sansaar ke 100 adhiktam Janasankhyaa waalaa deshan ke: 
"Janataantrik Raenk"

[ "Democratic Ranking" 
of 100 most Populated countries of the World where 95.6 % people live.]: 

*** Ab dekhee`: [Look at ]:
[As on: 8.02.2016]: 15.11.9115 ke: 
[Among 100 most populated countries where over 95.6% people of the World live: the
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" follows]: 
"Calat Janataantrik Raenk" 100 sab se jaadaa Janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahawaa` Sansaar ke karib 95.6% log rahelan 

>>> [Where does your "Country" stand on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking"as thought by the great son of Mother Earth: Abraham Lincoln]:

desh ke naav Raenk Ank Xamataank Raenk Xamataa Tippani 
Country Rank [Score] Rank-Potntial [Score] Remarks 
d.Afrikaa S. Africa 1 [6.88] 1 [7.26] Khoob niman 
Vietnaam Vietnam 2 [6.59] 8 [6.59] Very good, Fast Improve
Rus     .... Russia ... 3 [6.47] 2 [6.97] Very good
ArjenTinaa Argentina 4 [6.37] 3 [6.87] Koob niman
d.Koriaa S. Korea 5 [6.31] 5 [6.81] Very Good
Kolambiaa Colombia 5 [6.31] 5 [6.81] khoob niman
Mexiko Mexico 7 [6.25] 6 [6.75] Very good
Filippaains Philippines 8 [6.12] 7 [6.62] Khoob niman
SwiTzerlnD Switzerland 9 [6.08] 8 [6.58] Very good
Indonesiaa Indonesia 10 [5.97] 9 [6.47] Niman
PolaenD Poland 11 [5.84] 10 [6.34] Good
Kyubaa Cuba ... 12 [5.69] 20 [5.69] Good. No Divide &Rule
Venezuelaa Venezuela 13 [5.53] 13 [6.03] Niman
Sri lankaa Sri Lanka 14 [5.49] 14 [5.99] Niman
Bhaarat India .... 15 [5.31] 16 [5.81] Niman
UgaanDaa Uganda 15 [5.31] 16 [5.81] Good
Bulgaariaa Bulgaria 15 [5.31] 16 [5.81] Good
Taajkistaan Tajkistan 18 [5.22] 19 [5.72] Niman
Uzbekistaan Uzbekistan 19 [5.18] 21 [5.68] Good
Peru .... Peru .... 19 [5.18] 21 [5.68] Good
Kajaakstaan Kajakhstan 21 [5.16] 23 [5.66] Niman
Tanjaaniyaa Tanzania 21 [5.16] 23 [5.66] Niman
Tyunisiyaa Tunitia 23 [5.09] 29 [5.59] Niman Improving
Velaarus Belarus 24 [5.07] 33 [5.53] Good Improving
Braazil Brazil 25 [5.06] 30 [5.56] Good Improving
Bolibhiyaa Bolivia 26 [5.03] 33 [5.53] Niman
Cili ... Chile ... 26 [5.03] 30 [5.56] Niman
Barkinaa Berkina Faso 28 [5.0] 35 [5.5] Good Improving
Naaijeriaa Nigeria... 28 [5.0] 35 [5.5] Good Improving
Ivori taT Cote d'Ivoire 30 [4.96] 37 [5.47] Improving
Romaaniaa Romania 31 [4.94] 38 [5.44] Improving
Keniyaa Keniya 32 [4.81] 39 [5.31] Improving
Portugaal Portugal 33 [4.77]   40 [5.25] Improving
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia 34 [4.75] 40 [5.25] BaD*ataa
Ajarbaijaan Ajarbaijan 35 [4.72] 41 [5.22] Improving
Kaemeroon Cameroon 35 [4.72] 41 [5.22] Improving
EkweDor Equedor 37 [4.69] 23 [5.66]
Nepaal Nepal .... 37 [4.69] 23 [5.66]
Angolaa Angola ........ 39 [4.66] 23 [5.66]
Taiwaan Taiwan .... 40 [4.62] 43 [5.12]
Haung Kaung Hong Kong 40 [4.62] 43 [5.12]
HonDuraas Honduras 42 [4.59] 45 [5.09]
Gautemaalaa Gautemala 43 [4.56] 71 [4.56] Improving
Malaawi Malawi 43 [4.56] 46 [5.06] 
Maali .... Mali .... 43 [4.56] 46 [5.06]
Haiti .... Haiti .... 46 [4.52] 48 [5.02]
RwaanDaa Rwanda 46 [4.52] 48 [5.02]
DR Kongo DR Comgo 48 [4.5] 50 [5]    
Mozaambik Mozambique 48 [4.5] 52 [4.5]
CaaD .... Chad ... 50 [4.49] 51 [4.99]
Somaaliaa Somalia 50 [4.49] 52 [4.88]
Guinaa Guina 52 [4.46] 52 [4.96]
ThailaenD Thailand 53 [4.37] 53 [4.87]
Senegal Senegal 53 [4.37] 53 [4.87]
Siriyaa Syria 55 [4.34] 54 [4.81] Ruined by Divide & Rule
Banglaadesh Bangladesh 56 [4.31] 54 [4.81]
NadarlaenD Netherland 56 [4.31] 54 [4.81]
Grees Greece 58 [4.28] 57 [4.78]
U. Koriaa N. Korea 58 [4.28] 79 [4.28] Improving, No Divide & Rule
Zaambiaa Zambia 60 [4.26] 61 [4.76]
MaDaagaaskar Madagask  61 [4.22] 60 [4.72] 
BurunDi Burundi 61 [4.22] 67 [4.67] Improving
Senegal Senegal 63 [4.19] 65 [4.69]
KamboDiyaa Cambodia 64 [4.16] 67 [4.67]
Szek Jantant Czec Rep 65 [4.12] 30 [4.62]
Naaijar..... Naiger ...... 66 [4.09] 69 [4.59]
Zimbaabwe Zimbabwe 66 [4.09] 69 [4.59] 
Ghanaa Ghana 66 [4.06] 73 [4.5] BaD*ataa
Afgaanistaan Afghanistan 69 [4] 73 [4.5] Improving
d. SuDaan S. Sudan 70 [3.97] 74 [4.47] Improving
Dominikan Ja Dominican R 71 [3.75] 71 [4.25]
Benin Benin 72 [3.71] 76 [4.06] Improving
Israael Israel 73 [3.58] 77 [4.08] Improving
Beljiam Belgeum 74 [3.47] 83 [3.97] Improving
Malysiaa Malysia 75 [3.37] 92 [3.37] BaD*ataa
Sweden Sweden 76 [3.28] 88 [3.82] Improving
Hangari Hungary 77 [3.25]   91 [3.5] BaD*ataa
Misra Egypt 78 [3] 91 [3.5] Improving
AusTria Autria 79 [2.69] 97 [3.19] BaD*ataa
KanaaDaa Canada 80 [2.69] 66 [4.69]
Morokko Morocco 81 [2.62] 77 [3.11]
Yukren Ukraine 82 [2.59]  69 [4.59] Part Ruind by divide-Rule
Sudaan Sudan 83 [2.41] 95 [2.91]
Aljeriyaa Algeria 84 [2.41] 97 [2.91] Improving
Barmaa Maynmar 85 [2.22] 96 [2.72] BaD*ataa
UAE ....... UAE ...... 86 [1.39] 97 [1.89]
Jaapaan Japan 87 [1.34] 80 [4.34]
Yeman Yemon 88 [1.31] 99 [1.31] BaD*ataa
Sp~n Spen 89 [1.12] 67 [4.62] 
Cin China 90 [0.94] 46 [5.06] No Divide & Rule
Iraan Iran 91 [0.87] 35 [5.37] Neece
Itali Italy 91 [0.87] 11 [6.18] Neece gail
AsTreliyaa Austrelia 92 [0.28] 86 [3.78] 
Turki Turkey 93 [-0.56] 30 [5.56] AJanataantrik
Iraak Iraq 94 [-1.12] 96 [2.37] Ruined by Imperialists
Saudi Arab Arabiaa 95 [-4.44] 100 [-0.44] Aadhaare aJantantrik
SRA USA 96 [-6.62] 3 [6.87] Anti-Democratic as war
Jarmani Germany 97 [-7.39] 12 [6.12] Anti-Democratic as war
Fraans France 98 [-11.06] 15 [5.94] Anti-Democratic as war
Bartaaniaa UK 99 [-11.5] 82 [4] Anti-Democratic as war
Paakisaan Pakistan 100 [-12] 94 [3] Anti-Democratic as war, 
and training terrorists.

1. South Africa at 1st Rank with Score of 6.88 on 10 Points, has Excallent Performance on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" by EDD as on 03.02.2016.
Along with South Africa: Vietnam, Russia, Argentina, d.Korea, Colombia, Mexico, Philippines and Switzerland have also ‘Excallent Performance’ with 6+ Scores.
2. Twenty One countries have good performance Scoring between 5  and 6 out of 10.
3. Out of 100 Countries: The performance of  
> Only Seven countries' Score is negative: showing their Anti-democratic deeds, due to indulging in frequent wars created due to 'Divide & Rule' etc. 
The Democratic Perfomance of the remaining counties was Ordinary scoring below 5.00 on 10 points.
4. Only one country's has basically negative Democratic Score.
5. Democratic Potential of USA is of 3rd Rank, however it occupies 96th Rank due to frequently indulging in avoidable wars, althugh US past President Abraham Lincoln never said: "Democracy means 'Divide & Rule' or 'Capitalism'. 

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]: 
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
[An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic. This means some thing like imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.] 
10.02.2016 EDD:


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