Thursday, 25 February 2016

25.02.2016 EDD: S. Africa at 1st Rank, Vietnam and Russia at 2nd and 3rd Ranks on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking"

25.02.2016 EDD: S. Africa at 1st Rank,
Vietnam and Russia at 2nd and 3rd Ranks on
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking"  
among 30 most populated countries of the Earth
where about 77% people live: by EDD.

Spe~n             Spain              21        [1.125] 24       [4.625]                        24.32              
Cin      ...         China ...         22        [0.94]  19        [5.06]                          18.52
Iraan  ...         Iran ....           23        [0.875] 17       [5.375]                        16.28
ITali   ...         Italy ...            23        [0.875] 8         [6.19]                          14.14
Turki  ...         Turkey           25        [- 0.56] 14       [5.94]  Anti-Demcr  -11
SRA                USA                26        [-6.625] 3        [6.875]Anti-Demcr -140
Jarmani         Germany       27        [- 7.375] 9       [6.125] Anti-Demcr -120
Fraans            France           28        [-11.06] 10      [5.94]  Anti-Demcr – 186
Bartaaniaa    UK ......           29        [-11.5] 26        [4]       Anti-Demcr – 285
Paakisaa   Pakistan   30   [-12]  20  [3] Anti-Democrtic -400
                                                                                     training terrorists.
1.     South Africa at 1st Rank & DCU 95%, Vietnam at 2nd Rank DCU 100%, Russia 3rd Rank with DCU 93% with Excellent Performance on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking".
3.      Indonesia, India, Tanzania, Brazil and Nigeria have Good performance the Scoring between 5 – 6 out of 10.
4.      Surprisingly, ‘Democratic Capacity Utilization’ of 6 countries is negative, indicating their anti-democratic work, most of them are said highly developed.
5.      'Democratic capacity Utilization' of Pakistan is -400% indicating : Pakistan works 4 times its capacities for  Anti-Democratik work like training and sheltering terrorists, waging wars etc.
> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
          "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
          [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.]

25.02.2016 EDD:

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