Monday, 14 March 2016

14.03.2016 EDD: Look for New Series of "Democratic Ranking" from 1.1.9116

14.03.2016 EDD: S. Africa at 1st Rank, 
Vietnam and Russia at 2nd and 3rd Ranks on 
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking"   
among 60 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 89% people live: by EDD.
[Earth eDirect Democracy] 
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.

[Who reads EDD: USA, India, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Ireland, UAE, France, Indonesia, Romania,  France, Spain, Vietnam, Singapore, Colombia, China, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago, Mexico, Ireland, etc. ]

"Calat Janataantrik Raenk": Suru 02.7.9115 se: 
Ego So`~c: EDD ke.
[Dynamic Democratic Ranking": Since 30.9.2015:  
A Study: By EDD.]
EDD = 'Prithvi Seedhaa Janatantra' [EDD = 'Earth Direct Democracy']
["Democratic Ranking" 
of 60 most Populated countries of the World where 89% people live.]: 

*** Ab dekhee`: [Please look at ]:
[As on: 14.03.2016]: 21.12.9115 ke: 
[Among 60 most populated countries 
where about 89% people of the World live: the
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" follows]: 
"Calat Janataantrik Raenk" 60 sab se jaadaa  Janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahawaa` Sansaar ke karib 89% log rahelan 

DCU, “Democratic Capacity Utilization” shows % utilization of a country's capabilities used for good of people or Humanity'.
** DCU ke taagat se Vietnaam sab se Uupar, d.Afrikaa 2sar aa Rus 3sar Sthaan pa baa. [DCU strength wise among 60 countries: Vietnam is at the Top, South Africa 2nd, Russia 3rd.] 

desh ke naav  Raenk Ank  Xamataank Raenk Xamataa Tippani 
Country  Rank [Score] Rank-Potntial  [Score]  Remarks    DCU%  
d.Afrikaa S. Africa 1 [6.88] 1 [7.26] Very good 94.83
Vietnaam Vietnam 2 [6.59] 8 [6.59] very good 100
Rus   .... Russia ... 3 [6.47] 2 [6.97] Very good 92.85
ArjenTinaa Argentina 4 [6.37] 3 [6.87] Very good 92.73
Kolambiaa Colombia 5 [6.31] 5 [6.81] Very good 92.66
d.Koriaa S. Korea 6 [6.25] 6 [6.75] Very good 92.59
Mexxiko Mexico 6 [6.25] 6 [6.75] Very good 92.59
Filippaains Philippines 8 [6.12] 8 [6.62] Very good 92.45
Indonesiaa Indonesia 9 [5.97] 9 [6.41] Niman 92.27
Venezuelaa Venezuela 10 [5.53] 12 [6.03] Niman
Sri Lankaa Sri Lanha 11 [5.49] 14 [5.99] Good
Bhaarat  India .... 12 [5.31] 17 [5.81] Niman 91.39
UgaanDaa Uganda 13 [5.28] 18 [5.78] Good 91.35
Ujbekistaan Ujbekistan 14 [5.22] 19 [5.72] Good 91.26
Peru ....... Peru  ...... 15 [5.19] 20 [5.69] niman 91.21
Tanzaaniaa Tanzania 16 [5.16] 21 [5.66] good 91.16
Braazil  Brazil 17 [5.06] 22 [5.56] Good  90.92
Berkinaa Faaso Faso 18 [5.0] 25 {5.5} Niman 90.91
Naaijeriaa  Nigeria... 18 [5.0] 25 [5.5] Good  90.91
Romaaniaa Romania 20 [4.93] 28 [5.44] 90.84
PolaenD Poland 21 [4.9] 10 [6.34]
Keniyaa Keniya 22 [4.84] 40 [5.34] 90.64
Nepaal Nepal 23 [4.23] 37 [4.72]
Taiwaan Taiwan 24 [4.62] 32 [4.81]
Kaemeroon Kameroon 25 [4.53] 22 [5.56]
MaDaagaaskar Madagas 25 [4.53] 34 [5.03] 90
DR Kongo DR Congo 27 [4.5] 35 [5] 90,
ThaailaenD Thailand 28 [4.37] 34 [4.87] 89.74
Banglaadesh  Bangladesh 29 [4.31]  35 [4.81]  89.60
Nepaal Nepal ... 30 [4.23] 36 [4.72] 89.40
Mozaambik Mozambique 31 [4] 37 [4.5] 88.89
Afgaanistaan Afghanistan 31 [4] 37 [4.5] 88.89
Ivori CoasT Cote de Ivoir 33 [3.84] 37 [4.5]
Siriyaa Syria ..... 34 [3.84] 35 [4,81]
Ethiopiaa Ethiopia 35 [3.81] 30 [5.25] 87
U. Koriaa N. Korea 36 [3.78] 14 [3.78] 100
Ghaanaa Ghana 37 [3.56] 31 [4.06] 87.69
SuDaan Sudan 38 [3.34] 31 [3.84] 86.99
Misra ... Egypt ... 39 {3} 46 [3.5] 85.71
Malayesiaa Malaysia 40 [2.87] 47 [3.37] 85.27
KanaDaa Canada 41 [2.69] 25 [4.69] 57.35
Morokko Morocco 42 [2.62] 42 [4.06] 84
Yukren Ukraine 43 [2.59] 37 [4.59] 56.46
Aljeriyaa Algeria ... 44 [2.41] 55 [2,91] 82.80
Barmaa Maynmar 45 [2.22] 52 [2.72] 81.61
Jaapaan Japan ... 46 [1.34] 41 [4.34] 27.74
Spe~n Spain 47 [1.125] 36 [4.625] 24.32
Cin ... China ... 48 [0.94] 35 [5.06] 18.52
Iraan ... Iran .... 49 [0.875] 29 [5.375] 16.28
ITali ... Italy ... 50 [0.875] 17 [6.19] 14.14
Yaman Yemon 50 [0.812] 38 [1.31] 35.13
AsTreliaa Austrelia 52 [0.281] 45 [3.78]  
Turki ... Turkey 53 [- 0.56] 22 [5.94] Anti-Demcr -9.47
Iraak ... Iraq ..... 54 [-1.125] 51 [2.37] Anti-Demcr -47.37
Saudi Arabiyaa Arabia 55 [-4.46]  60 [-0.44] Basiclly Anti-Demcr 
SRA USA 56 [-6.625] 3 [6.875]Anti-Demcr -140
Jarmani Germany 57 [- 7.375] 12 [6.125] Anti-Demcr -120
Fraans France 58 [-11.06] 15 [5.94] Anti-Demcr – 186
Bartaaniaa UK ...... 59 [-11.5] 18 [4] Anti-Demcr -287
Paakisaa   Pakistan .. .     60    [-12]  48   [3] Anti-Democrtic  -400
 training &sheltering terrorists.

Tippani: [Remarks]:
1. South Africa at 1st Rank & DCU 95%, Vietnam at 2nd Rank DCU 100%, Russia 3rd Rank with DCU 93% with Excellent Performance on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking".
2.  Argentina, Colombia, S. Korea, Maxico and Filippines also have Excellent Performances.
3. Indonesia, Venezuela, India, Uganda, Ujbekistan, Peru, Tanzania, Brazil and Nigeria have Good Performance with Scoring between 5 – 6 out of 10.
4. Surprisingly, ‘Democratic Capacity Utilization’ of 6 countries is negative, indicating their anti-democratic work, most of them are said to be highly developed.
5.  'Democratic capacity Utilization' of Pakistan is -400% indicating : Pakistan works 4 times its capacities for  Anti-Democratik work like training and sheltering terrorists, waging wars etc.
> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]: 
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
[An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like 'IS / ISIL' etc.] 
14.03.2016 EDD: 

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