27.03.2016 EDD: Series-2: Russia Tops
"Dynamic Democratic Ranking" 05.01.9116 today
among 20 most populated countries of the Earth
where about 69% people live: by EDD.
[Earth eDirect
Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra.
Sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke 10 me` khaali 3 desh ke 'rrp' janataa se coonaalaa: Cin, SRA aa Rus (jinkar
sankhyaa 1834 M baa kul 4233 M me` 43.32%)
Baaki 7 deshan me`Janatantra naikhe kaahe ki unkar 'rrp' PM ke eko aadmi
naa cune PM ke pad pa:
Bhaarat, InDonesia, Braazil, Paakistaan,
Naaijeriaa, Banglaadesh aa Jaapaan.
Janatantra khaatir 9119 ke MP ke Aam Cunaaw me` BJP Sarkaar ke
Janamatsangrah kare ke caaee`:
"Bhaarat me` Cunal PM chaahee: ha` / naa".
[List of most
populated 10 countries, the government of which is not ‘Janatantrik’ i.e
‘Lincolnian Democratic’, since the 'rrp', the 'really ruling person' PM or
Chancelor is not elected for the post presently even by a single citizen:
India, Indonesia,
Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Japan.
Only 3 countries' 'rrp' are indirectly elected by the Citizens :
China. USA, Russia
having about 1834 M
population out of 4233 M => 43.32 %.
43.32 % Janatanta: Not bad.
For Ianatantra: Make 1-Party Rule in India:
for which let BJP GOI have Referendum with General Election for MPs in 2019
"Want elected Prime Minister of
India: Yes / No".]
1. Acraj: Top 10 me` se 4 pa BRICS desh aail baa:
Rus, Bhaarat, Braazil aa Cin.
2. Auru Acraj: Uupar ke 20 me` se 15 Raenk pa
kawano Pachimi desh naikhe deekhaat.
3. Cin uupar uth ke 6Tha Raenk pa aa gail.
4. BaRaa dukh ke baat baa: Sansaar ke 10 sab se
jaadaa aabaadi ke deshan me` eko Pachimee desh Janataantrik naikhe dikhaat.
5. Bees me` se 5 desh Ajanataantrik laagataa
having (-) DCU.
1. Surprising: At Top 10 Ranks 4 are occupied by
BRICS countries.
2. More surprises: Top 8 Ranks out of 10 are
occupied by the countries of the East.
3. China has come up at 10th Rank.
4. Pitiable: Not a single Westrn country of the
World is seen among Top 15 most
populated counties.
5. Five out of 20 countries are Anti-Lincolnian
Democratic, with
(-) ive DCU.
> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
"Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope
waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL'
aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail.
"Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic,
amounting to some thing like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' on others like
'IS / ISIL' etc.]
26.03.2016 EDD:
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